Sanatan Dharma and Indian and Western Philosophy
The literal meaning of 'Sanatan' is eternal or 'the one who remains forever', that is, which has neither beginning nor end.
Achchhedyoayamadahyoayamkledyoashoshya Aeva Cha l
Nityah Sarvagatah Sthanurachaloayam Sanatanah ll
(Gita Chapter 2 Verse 24)
That is, O Arjun! Which is not pierced. Is not burnt. Which does not dry. Which is not wet. That which does not change its place is eternal. Such mysterious and virtuous qualities are present only in God, the entity which is full of these divine qualities is worthy of being called eternal. That means God himself has been called eternal. Sanatan culture is not a process which tells you that you should believe in it, otherwise you will die, or there will be benefit, loss, salvation, forgiveness from sin, some God will decide in the time of doomsday, it is not necessary to believe the Prophet. The one who is a believer, the one who doesn't believe will be an infidel, etc. This culture inspires you to continuously question and be engaged in the intense curiosity to know your Creator through the awakening of conscience with happiness, peace, satisfaction of all as the solution.
Sarve Bhavantu Sukhina Sarve Santu Niramaya Sarve Bhadrani Pachantu ma Kashid Dukh Bhagbhavet l Om Shanti Shanti
This means may all be happy may all the healthy may all be well and nobody should be in grief.
Religion is the element by which a person can live his life. It is the effect of the development of human qualities in man, the good resolution of universal consciousness. 'Dharayati : iti dharmah' means that which is worthy of being worn is dharma. Because the perfection of prosperity and nobleness is Dharma. Vaisheshika Sutra 1.1.2, that is, that which leads to true advancement (self-strength) and supreme welfare (salvation) is Dharma. Dhriti Kshama Damoasteyam Shauchamindriyanigrahah l Dheervidya Satyamkrodho Dashakam Dharmalakshnam ll - Manusmriti 6.52, namely Dhriti (patience), Kshama, Dam (always engaged in Dharma with restraint), Asteya, Shaucha, Indriya Nigraha, Dhi (increasing intelligence by good deeds), Vidya (taking real knowledge), Satya and Akrodha, There are characteristics of religion. To practice Dharma means that we should follow the characteristics of Dharma which are enumerated in the scriptures. Religion is the element by which a person can live his life. It is the effect of the development of human qualities in man, the good resolution of universal consciousness. said in the Rigveda is, Trini. p_da. V Chakra Me_. Vishnu:. Go_pa!. Ada_bhya!. Atah. Dharma_Ni. Dha_Ray_n. Rigveda (1/ 22/18) Conclusion with the breaking of the conjunction Because this is the Lord of the cows, Vishnu, who holds the whole universe, he moved in three stages, therefore all things arise from the cause and hold their own dharmas. The meaning of the term, for which reason, this, cannot harm anyone by its indestructibility, is the protector and the protector of all the worlds, (Bhagwan Vishnu) The innermost of the universal world, (Ishwarah) God, (Dharyan) holding, (Sana) doing, (Trini) Trividhan-three kinds, (Pada) steps altars to be attained or known and attainable things and practices of, (vi) in various senses, (chakrame) prescribed - has created, (therefore) arising from cause- for this reason, (sarve) all, (padarthas) in things, (svani) = his, (svani) his, (dharmani) hold the dharmas caused by their own nature, (dharanti) hold. nature . Nature, eternal law. For example,the righteousness of the eye is to see, the righteousness of the body is to be tired, the righteousness of the snake is to bite, the righteousness of the wicked is to cause suffering. Without the possession of God, it cannot be possible for a matter to exist. Without His protection, one's behavior cannot be accomplished.
In the Vana Parva (313/128) of the Mahabharata it is said: Dharma eva hato hanti Dharma rakshati rakshitah. Tasmadharmo Na Hantavyo Ma No Dharmo Hatoavadhit ll Therefore Dharma should not be killed Let not the killed Dharma kill us That is, dead religion destroys the killer, and protected religion protects the protector. Therefore, never violate religion, for fear that the killed religion may kill us. Similarly, the Bhagavad Gita says: Yada yada hi dharmasya glanirbhavati bharata. Abhyutthanamadharmasya tadatmanaam srijamyaham!!, that is, (Sri Krishna says to Arjuna that) whenever there is a decline (fall) of righteousness and a rise of iniquity, then-then I create (take incarnation) Myself. One should not treat others in a way that is not in one's own favour. Shruyatam Dharma Sarvasvam Shrutva Chaiva Anuvartayatam l Atmanah pratikulani, paresham na samacharet !!, That is, Manu says what is the whole of religion, listen to it and hear it and follow it! One should not treat others in a way that is not pleasing to oneself.
Synonyms of religion Eusebeia (ε!σέβεια 'Eusebeia'), Thraskeia (θρησκεία 'thriskeía') and Religion
In the oriental system the real religion is Sanatan, Hindu is only Sanatan is only a subtle part and the real meaning of religion is true conduct i.e. such conduct by adopting which human welfare work can be done, it is a refined definition of religion. The religion which has been prevalent since the origin of the universe is called Sanatan Dharma. In the Indian context, the rules of following religious duties have been considered. Sanatan Dharma, also known as Hinduism or Vedic Religion, is accepted as the oldest religion in the world. The bilingual inscription of Kandahar (258 BC), written by Emperor Ashoka, has the word 'dharma' in Sanskrit and 'Eusebeia' in Greek, meaning sacred, awe and reverence especially in actions and is found in the New Testament Christian Bible. Meaning is to do the right thing for the gods. In ancient Greek religion and myth the concept of Eusebia is personified as a symbol of piety, loyalty, duty, and filial honor. The word ε!σέβεια 'Eusebeia' as used in the Greek New Testament means 'godliness'. Eusebeia (Greek: ε!σέβεια εύσεβής 'sacred' from ! euse meaning 'good', and σεβας sebas, meaning 'reverence', itself derived from 'sebus' (meaning sacred fear and reverence especially in actions) , is a Greek word used abundantly in Greek philosophy as well as in the New Testament, meaning actions appropriate to the gods.
The religion that has continued to exist since the time of the creation of the universe that religion is called Sanatan Dharma and in Indian context we have established rules to follow certain rituals which is called the duty towards religion. Sanatan Dharma is also known as Hindu dharma or Vaidik Dharm... |
The root apple (σέβ-) is associated with danger and flight. , and thus the sense of reverence basically describes the fear of the gods, and is distinct from !!ρκησκία (śreskia), ‘religion’, which Eusebia refers to as a real, true, significant and spiritual relationship with God. While threskia is related to religious the external acts of rituals or ceremonies, which are performed by the body may go. Use of the English word 'Religion' is true devotion to God the religion which has been prevalent since the origin of the universe is called Sanatan Dharma. In the Indian context, the rules of following religious duties have been considered. Sanatan Dharma which is also known as Hinduism or Vedic never done in the sense of. It always means worship was from external forms.
Religion – Modern Concept
The modern concept of religion was formed in the 16th and 17th centuries due to the division of Christendom during the Protestant Reformation and globalization of the Age of Exploration, contact of many foreign cultures with non-European languages, etc., and the use of such a term began in the 18th century. Started with the texts of. Whereas the original languages of the Bible, the Quran and other ancient holy texts did not contain a single word of today's reference or the concept of religion. For example, there is no exact equivalent of religion in Hebrew, and Judaism does not clearly distinguish between religious, national, racial, or ethnic identity. One of its central concepts is halakha, meaning walking or path sometimes translated as law, which guides religious practice and belief and many aspects of daily life. Even though the beliefs and traditions of Judaism are found throughout the ancient world, ancient Jews viewed Jewish identity as an ethnic or national identity and did not require a mandated belief system or regulated rituals. Josephus in the 1st century CE used the Greek word iodēsmos (Judaism) as an ethnic term and not associated with modern abstract concepts of religion as a set of beliefs. The concept of 'Judaism' was invented by the Christian Church. And in the 19th century Jews began to see their ancestral culture as similar to Christian. The Greek word threskia, which was used by Greek writers such as Herodotus and Josephus, is found in the New Testament. Threskeia is sometimes translated as 'religion' in today's translations, however, in the medieval period the term was understood as general 'worship'. In the Quran, the Arabic word deen is often used in modern translations is translated as religion, but in the 1600s by the middle of the decade translators had translated Deen as 'law' expressed. The Sanskrit word dharma, sometimes translated as dharma, also means law. Throughout South Asia, the study of law included concepts such as piety and asceticism through formal as well as practical traditions. In medieval Japan there was at first a similar union between imperial law and universal or Buddha law, but these later became independent sources of power.
Although traditions, sacred texts, and practices have existed throughout time, most cultures did not align with Western notions of religion because they did not separate everyday life from the sacred. In the 18th and 19th centuries, the terms Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, Confucianism, and world religions first entered the English language. Native Americans were also thought to have no religion and their languages had no words for religion. Before the 1800s no one identified themselves as Hindu or Buddhist or other similar terms. 'Hindu' has historically been used as a geographical, cultural and later religious identifier for the indigenous people of the Indian subcontinent. During its long history, Japan had no concept of religion as there was no corresponding Japanese word, nor anything close to its meaning, but when American warships appeared off the coast of Japan in 1853 and made other demands to the Japanese government, Japan had to grapple with this idea.
Indian perspective
In ancient India, the word 'Dharma' meant spiritual maturity, devotion, mercy, duty towards human community etc. Till a few thousand years ago there was no separate thing like Hindu religion. The region encompassing the eastern region including the Indus River and its valley region, up to the northern Pamir plateau, the Himalayan mountain range, surrounded by the Indian Ocean, was known by the names Bharatkhand, Bharatvarsha, Aryavarta etc. for thousands of years and in the present Kali period. Crossing the Indus, it was saved from the dreaded robbers and dacoits or conflict between groups like the areas of Europe and the Mediterranean Sea. Hindu was the name of this land, and Sanatan Dharma was the religion here. Sanatan Dharma teaches not to believe but to search. We had the freedom for six to eight thousand years to explore with our understanding and intellect and to create our own spiritual process. Here without any interference or attack from others, we could take our music, our mathematics, our astronomy, our scientific thinking, spiritual thinking, etc. to extreme heights. This was possible because the Himalayas and the Indian Ocean protected and protected us. We started calling ourselves Hindus because of our deep respect for both our geographical identities, because without both of them we could not have preserved our culture that has been going on for thousands of years.
Sanatan Dharma
Linking religion to sect or sect is actually limiting the understanding of religion, since the western world is concerned only with sect or 'belief', hence, being ignorant of the Indian point of view, it keeps calling 'religion' as 'religion'. Which is completely wrong, in reality there is only 'Sanatan Dharma' as pure religion, rest all are just its branches i.e. 'sect' and 'panth'. Religion is not limited only to humans, it is prevalent in the entire world/universe; In addition to living and non-living things including animals, birds and trees, the five great elements are also governed by religion, in fact religion is the driving force of nature! Religion is that sacred ritual which purifies the consciousness. Religion is that element by whose conduct a person is able to fulfill his life. This is the effect of development of human qualities in man, the good resolve of universal consciousness. The interpreters of medieval religion considered every activity of the world as the will of God, the philosophers propounded the reason for the misery of a person's present life in the formula of 'karma-principle'. The result of this in the Middle Ages was that 'fate' or the will of God was accepted as the cause of all the present troubles. The poverty of the society or country was accepted as its destiny. The society itself became fatalistic and remained satisfied with its happy and sad situations.
The era has given the consciousness that the path of development has to be created by oneself. The problems of any society or country can be solved through skill, system change, scientific and technological development, hard work and dedication. Today's man is more interested in beautifying his present life. Its focus is not on 'future-oriented' but on the present. He is trying to bring the divinities down to his own land. He is desperate to turn the earth into heaven. That is, moving towards the reality of Sanatan.
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15 Jan 2025 12:10:16
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