There is a risk of diseases due to working continuously  in the office for long hours

Yogic lifestyle is the permanent solution to diseases

There is a risk of diseases due to working continuously  in the office for long hours

Dr. Sachin Kumar Sharma  
Scientist-D, Yoga Research Division
Patanjali Research Foundation

   Working in offices all over the world for 25 years has been a sharp increase in the trend of moving. Employees who work sitting in the office have to work sitting for many hours continuously. Sitting continuously for a long time increases the risk of many health related problems, such as musculoskeletal problems, obesity, diabetes etc. Apart from this, sitting and working continuously for a long time also reduces the blood flow to our brain. A recent study found that sitting for 2 hours continuously reduced blood flow in the middle cerebral artery by an average of 3.2 ± 1.2 cm/sec. The thing to note is that the Middle Cerebral Artery is the largest and main artery for blood flow in our brain. If there is a reduction in blood flow to the brain for a long period of time, it can have a very adverse effect on our cognitive functions (such as concentration, memory, ability to learn, ability to communicate.
Risk of dementia is high also due to continuous blood flow in the brain also happens. as well as dementia in the futur increases due to decrease in. So we need a solution that can help us overcome the ill effects of sitting continuously. 
A recent study has shown that after every half hour of sitting work, if you walk on a treadmill at a moderate speed for 2 minutes, then the reduction in blood flow to the brain due to continuous sitting can be avoided. But this experiment is not practically possible because treadmills cannot be made available in all offices. 
The real solution to this problem can be done through yogasanas. We found in the research that if after every hour, if some asanas suggested by the most revered Yogarishi Swami Ramdev Ji Maharaj are practiced for 2 minutes, then the reduction in blood flow to the brain due to continuous sitting can be avoided. Along with this, this asana is also useful in prevention of musculoskeletal problems, obesity and type-2 diabetes. 
For example, some asanas are given below – Tadasana, Triryaka Tadasana, Konasana, Pada Hastasana, Trikonasana etc. are important asanas. After working continuously for an hour, if you practice any one of these asanas for 2 minutes, then the blood circulation in the brain will improve smoothly. 


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