Yoga for Health, Self and Society

Yoga for Health,  Self and Society

Dr. Reena Agarwal (Hindi Scientist-B)  
Patanjali Herbal Research Department, Haridwar, Uttarakhand

     2024, not just an event on the calendar but a International Yoga Day celebrated on 21 June 2024 is a global change. The theme of Yoga Day 2024 is 'Yoga for self and society'. The aim of this year's Yoga Mahotsav was to promote Yoga as a comprehensive development, with special emphasis on enhancing the spirit of public welfare and global health and peace. Its main objective was the process of promoting yoga among different sections of the society and strengthening it at the economic, social, political and personal levels through evidence-based research. Its form was to strengthen the communication power of self-realization by providing equal opportunities and control over all aspects of life. The goal of Yoga is to develop self-reliance in every citizen, economically and socially, within family and society, from which immense power can be gained to achieve targeted results, including raising one's status through education, awareness and training. etc. are included. Therefore, through Yoga, we have to create a world where we can have the power and freedom to live life without discrimination or limitations on any basis.
Maharishi Patanjali, founder of yoga philosophy
Maharishi Patanjali, the pioneer of Yoga philosophy, had composed 'Yoga Sutra'. That is why he is called the father of yoga. From the composition of Yoga Sutra earlier it was believed that the world's first Yoga Guru was Mahadev Ji himself. That means Lord Shiva was there, he is also called 'Adiguru'. Apart from establishing balance between all dimensions of life provides a holistic approach to health and wellness. Introduction to Pranayama, Importance, Bhasrika Pranayama, Kapalabhati Pranayama, External Pranayama, Anulom-Vilom Pranayama, Bhramari, Pranayama, Udgeetha are pranayama. There are twelve asanas of Surya Namaskar, which include Ashwa Sancharanasana, Dandasana, Ashtanga Namaskar, Bhujangasana, Pranamasana, Hastottanasana, Hastapadasana, Adho Mukha Svanasana, Ashwa Sancharanasana, Hastapadasana, Hastottanasana and Tadasana. By adopting these above mentioned yoga asanas in our daily routine i.e. doing them daily, we can remain fit and healthy. For its condition and accomplishment, certain measures are necessary which are called 'organs', which are considered eight in number.
Stay healthy with yoga, research work on many diseases
Currently, research work is being done on yoga for many diseases, including headache, back pain, neck pain and knee osteoarthritis etc. Research work has been done for back pain and other conditions, the results of which are positive, however, there is a need to increase research work in this area. Findings from research work in this area show that yoga can provide stress relief and support good health habits, helpful in mental-emotional health, sleep and balance. May provide benefits from neck pain, migraines, tension headaches and pain associated with knee osteoarthritis after knowing these processes, we can try to solve various types of theoretical and experimental problems related to the field of Yoga and find their solutions. According to suggestions received from many research findings, yoga is beneficial for the physical health of cancer patients. Such global recognition of Yoga is a proof of India's growing cultural influence.
Yoga for one earth, one family and one future
The Health Ministry has actively supported research on various health conditions, such as Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) or Polycystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD) and stress so that people can prioritize their age and health regardless of the circumstances. Yoga serves as a comprehensive tool to empower citizens, fulfilling their physical, mental, social, emotional and spiritual needs. Empowered citizens have been playing an important role in society as leaders, teachers and advocates for change, promoting diversity and inclusion. The theme of last year's festival was 'Yoga for Vasudhaivakutumbakam' which means 'Yoga for one earth, one family and one future'. The theme emphasizes the importance of yoga in promoting global health and well-being, as well as enhancing a sense of unity and community.
Organization of global observance of Yoga Day on 21st June
The first five limbs under Ashtanga Yoga are; Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama and Pratyahara are 'external' and the remaining three parts are; Meditation, Dharana, Samadhi are famous by the name 'Antarang'. Now the question arises that why Yoga Day is celebrated only on 21st June? The fact behind this is that it is the longest day in the Northern Hemisphere which is called summer solstice. According to Indian tradition, on the day of summer solstice international yoga day after this the sun becomes Dakshinayan. The time of Surya Dakshinayan is suitable for achieving spiritual attainments. Therefore, June 21 was selected as International Yoga Day. In short, it can be said that today Yoga Day has become a major global ritual to create awareness about the immense benefits of Yoga. Celebrating it inspires people around the world to adopt a healthy lifestyle, develop inner harmony, and foster a sense of connection with themselves and the local world.
Achieving happiness through the universal practice of yoga
Events like Yoga Day provide an opportunity for people to experience the transformative power of yoga, regardless of their age, background or health. The day is synonymous with a reminder that the inclusive nature of International Yoga Day has crossed cultural-religious boundaries and united people from diverse backgrounds with a spirit of holistic well-being. Yoga practice is accessible to everyone and is tailored to individual needs and preferences. Through its universal mindfulness practice, people of all ages and abilities can connect and experience the joy that optimizes overall health. If we now talk about the origin of Yoga, its origin is thousands of years.
It happened years ago in our country India, which is still a wonderful and unbreakable part of Indian culture. The literal meaning of Yoga is 'to join'. Yoga combines physical exercise, body postures (asanas), meditation, breathing techniques and exercise. The word itself means 'yoga' or the union of the physical with the spiritual within oneself. Yoga Day is a fitting way to honor and share this tradition with the world. As such, Yoga Day celebrates its ancient tradition and its transformative impact on physical, mental and spiritual well-being. The goal of this global change was to motivate and encourage people of all backgrounds and backgrounds to become aware of the holistic benefits of yoga and to lead a balanced life.
By the United Nations, June 21 was declared Yoga Day 
By the Honorable Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi in September 2014. In his address to the United Nations, he suggested celebrating the annual Yoga Day on June 21 because it is the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere and has special significance in many parts of the world. This date represents the transition from darkness to light, symbolizing the transformative power of yoga to bring clarity, wisdom and vitality to individuals and communities. Yoga is a gift given by India to the world, after a proposal by the Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi in December 2014, the United Nations General Assembly declared 21 June as International Yoga Day, which led to the declaration of 21 June as World Yoga Day. After becoming a core organ of the United Nations, the inaugural International Day of Yoga saw the participation of people all over the world with yoga programs and demonstrations in various countries to promote the practice of yoga and its benefits. Since then, June 21 is celebrated every year as International Yoga Day.
Recognizing the prayer along with its universal appeal, on 11 December 2014, the United Nations declared 21 June as International Yoga Day by resolution 69/131. More than 36,000 people, including Prime Minister Narendra Modi and dignitaries, performed 21 different yoga postures for 35 minutes for the first International Yoga Day in New Delhi on 21 June 2015. 'Yoga Day' was celebrated all over the world. This is proof that Prime Minister Modi is using international platforms for the purpose of expanding Indian culture. The same work that Swami Vivekananda did through his speech in Chicago, Prime Minister Modi is doing through his efforts. The cultural rejuvenation under his leadership is not limited to religiosity alone but also includes a broader proclamation that echoes the truth of the eternal.
Yoga Day is a symbol of harmony and peace for humanity.
The objective of Yoga Day was to bring awareness to the diverse experiences of yoga practice in the world. The proposal to establish International Yoga Day was proposed by India, supported by 175 registered member countries. this humanity as a whole is a symbol of harmony and peace which is the essence of Yoga. Furthermore, encourages governments, educational institutions and healthcare providers to integrate yoga into their programs-policies. Recognizing the physical, mental and spiritual benefits of yoga can promote a healthy lifestyle, improve stress management and increase overall well-being. Yoga Day emphasizes the role of Yoga in sustainable development apart from physical and mental health experiences. Yoga practice encourages one to adopt a more thoughtful approach towards oneself, others and the environment. It increases the sense of responsibility towards preserving the interconnectedness of all living beings.
Today Yoga Day is synonymous with an annual global celebration that promotes the practice of physical, mental and spiritual well-being. Yoga exposes various forms of Sadhana which is the practice of body, mind and spirit which has a positive effect on physical-mental health. It is helpful in reducing stress, improving flexibility and increasing strength. Therefore, International Yoga Day is the best medium to promote yoga practice in the world. Today, various activities are being conducted by Ayurvedic doctors and experts who are very enthusiastic about Yoga all over the world. Large-scale yoga sessions, workshops, demonstrations and seminars are being organized in stadiums, gardens and community centers that bring everyone together in a shared celebration of yoga.
In conclusion, it can be said that the basic source of Yoga is the Vedas. Yoga, which is widely spread among other branches of Veda, has today established the fragrance of Indian culture and life-style at the physical, mental and spiritual level in the entire world. Wherever Yoga has reached in the world, Yoga philosophy has also reached there and Yoga philosophy has a direct relation with the Vedic codes. The revival of Indian culture is a multidimensional effort to revive the rich heritage of the country.
Undoubtedly, Indian culture is ahead of other cultures in terms of love, generosity, all-roundness, tolerance and vastness. Today, cultural renaissance has created a platform in which the countrymen are being connected to their roots again. Finally, Yoga Day, celebrated every year, is a reminder of the timeless wisdom and universality of the ancient tradition. 


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