

Swami Samagradev  
Patanjali Sanyashashram, Patanjali Yogpeeth, Haridwar

What is he petitis? How many types of hepatitis are there? What are the causes of hepatitis? What are the symptoms of hepatitis? What is the diagnosis of hepatitis? What is the treatment for hepatitis? What should be the diet in hepatitis? What are the preventions of hepatitis?
What is hepatitis?
Hepatitis is basically a liver disease, which is caused by viral infection. In this disease there is swelling in the liver. There are 5 types of viruses in hepatitis, such as A, B, C, D and E. These five viruses should be taken seriously, because due to them hepatitis is becoming like an epidemic and the number of deaths due to it is also increasing every year. Hepatitis types B and C are causing chronic disease in millions of people as they cause liver cirrhosis and cancer. By creating awareness about hepatitis and giving vaccine to the child after birth, he can be protected from hepatitis.
How many types of hepatitis are there?
Hepatitis is caused by viral infection which is divided into 5 types according to the virus. These 5 types have become a cause of concern for people around the world.
Hepatitis-A: According to WHO, 1.4 million people every year are suffering from this disease. This happens due to consumption of contaminated food and contaminated water.
Hepatitis B: It is infected due to transfusion of infected blood, semen and exposure to other fluids. 
Hepatitis C: It is caused by Hepatitis C virus (HCV). This is caused by the use of blood and infected injections.
Hepatitis-D is caused by Hepatitis-D virus (HDV). Only those people who are already infected with HBV virus get infected with this virus. Co-occurrence of both HDV and HBV makes the situation worse. 
Hepatitis-E: It is caused by Hepatitis-E virus (HEV). This is the cause of hepatitis infection in most countries of the world. This is mostly due to poisonous water and food. Apart from this, hepatitis is also recognized on the basis of severity-
Acute hepatitis - is a sudden inflammation of the liver whose symptoms last for six months and the patient gradually starts recovering. HAV infection usually causes acute hepatitis.
Chronic Hepatitis Chronic HCV infection affects 13–150 million people worldwide. More and more people die due to liver cancer and liver disease. The immune system of a chronic HIV infection patient is also severely affected.
What are the causes of hepatitis?
Hepatitis occurs due to inflammation in the liver. Due to this viral infection, life can also be in danger, meaning hepatitis is a fatal infection. There can be many reasons for this-
Viral Infection: Especially, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C are caused by viral infection.
Autoimmune conditions: Often, the body's immune cells signal that liver cells are being damaged.
Drinking alcohol: Alcohol is passed directly through our liver. It is metabolized, due to which it starts circulating in other parts of the body also. Therefore, when someone consumes too much alcohol, the risk of hepatitis increases for that person.
Side-effects of medicines - are also a cause of hepatitis is the main reason. Excessive consumption of certain medicines causes swelling in the liver cells and increases the risk of hepatitis.
What are the symptoms of hepatitis?
There are no very obvious symptoms in the beginning of acute hepatitis. But, in infectious and chronic hepatitis, these problems are seen quite clearly as symptoms-
•     Jaundice or Jaundice
•     Change in color of urine
•     Extreme fatigue
•     Vomiting or nausea
•     Stomach pain and bloating
•     Itching
•     Loss or loss of appetite
•     Sudden weight loss
What is the diagnosis of hepatitis?
• Doctors diagnose hepatitis based on the symptoms and severity of the condition. Physical examination is ordered to look for swelling in the liver, yellowing of the skin, fluid in the stomach, etc. For this it is advised to do these tests-
Abdominal ultrasound
•     Liver function test
•     Autoimmune blood marker test
•     Liver biopsy
What is the treatment for hepatitis?
Acute hepatitis starts reducing in a few weeks and the patient starts getting relief. Whereas, chronic hepatitis requires taking medicines. Liver transplantation is also an option in case of liver failure.
What should be the diet in hepatitis?
With the help of a healthy diet, it becomes easier to manage the problem of hepatitis. However, the diet is prescribed depending on the severity of the condition and inflammation of the liver. Besides, taking care of these things related to diet also helps.
• Include cauliflower, broccoli, beans, apple, avocado in your diet.
•     Include traditional spices like onion and garlic in your food
•     Drink plenty of water, drink fresh fruit juices.
• Do not consume alcohol, reduce wheat consumption.
•     Avoid consumption of junk food, foods made from refined flour, processed food and sweet things.
•     Eat food by chewing it thoroughly. With this, food will be easier to digest.
•     Instead of eating heavy meals at one go, eat small meals 4-6 times a day.
What is natural medicine for hepatitis?
•     Hot cold compress – on the liver
•     Mud paste – on liver
•     Gastrohepatic pack on the liver
What are the medicines for hepatitis?
•     Sarvakalp Kwath
•     Kayakalp Kwath
•     Tortala Kwath
•     Livogrid Vital – Before meals
•     Livamrit after meal
•     Punarnavadimandur – after meal
•     Immunogrid tablets after meals
What is Yoga for Hepatitis?
•     Posture
•     Mandukasana
•     Shashank Asan
•     Yoga Mudrasana
•     Vakrasana
•     Gomukhasana
•     Pawan Muktasana
•     Setubandhasana
•     A health Person should practice Adi Asanas.
•     Pranayama
•     Bhasrika Pranayama
•     Kapalabhati Pranayama
•     Anulom-Vilom Pranayam
A health seeker should practice these asanas and pranayam. Practicing Kapalbhati Pranayama slowly along with asanas is especially beneficial.
What are the preventions of hepatitis?
Hepatitis B and C can be prevented by making efforts to prevent the spread of viral infection. Apart from this, vaccines can be given to children to keep them safe from hepatitis. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), adults ages 18 and older are 6-12 3 doses should be given in a month. In this way, they will get complete protection from hepatitis. Also keep these things in mind-
•     Do not share your razor, toothbrush and needle with anyone, this can reduce the risk of infection to some extent.
•     Safe sex
•     Be sure to use safe equipment when getting a tattoo.
•     While piercing the ears, make sure that the instruments are safe and infection-free. 
In modern medical science, hepatitis is kept under incurable disease but we have many examples where patients have benefited through yoga, medicine and treatment guided by Patanjali.
1.     Ajay Mehta
    Nagpur Maharashtra, Age – 48
    8 years ago I suffered from Hepatitis B due to which my bilirubin had increased, my digestion was not working properly and I also had the problem of glaucoma. After that we came to know about Patanjali Wellness. Then we got our treatment from there. There I got special benefits from various therapies and yoga. After coming back from there, as the doctor asked me to take Levamrit, I consumed it continuously and today it has been almost a year, my bilirubin is absolutely fine. No problem of indigestion and Hepatitis-B completely cured and am following yoga daily.
2.     Jagdish
    Rajasthan, Age – 5
    I was suffering from Hepatitis B for 26 years. I consulted many doctors but my problem could not be solved. Then I started my treatment with a very famous doctor of Jaipur. There also I spent thousands of rupees but there was no benefit, in the end the doctor also told me to take the medicine and have fun. Then I did not buy even a single medicine of his allopathy. After that I came to Patanjali Wellness and started my treatment from here. Here I got significant benefit from the therapy within three-four days, then while leaving from there, the doctor asked me to take medicines like Levamrit, Sarvakalp Kwath etc. I have been taking it continuously for almost a year and a half now. I have overcome Hepatitis B. I also used to have asthma, that problem has also gone away now. I was suffering from insomnia, BP problem as well as low platelets, all these problems also got eliminated. Now I am completely healthy, I am very grateful to respected Swami Ramdev.
3.    Satendra
    Kaimur (Bihar), Age – 5
    In 2013, I was suffering from Hepatitis B due to which I started feeling weak and my hemoglobin also started becoming abnormal. After that I came to Patanjali Wellness and started my treatment. I underwent many therapies there which benefited me greatly. After coming back from there, consumed Godhan Ark, Sarvakalp Kwath, Totla Kwath, Livamrit and did yoga and pranayam. Today marks almost 4 years since I overcame the problem of Hepatitis-B. I do yoga every day by watching Swamiji from Aastha channel and feel healthy.
4. Dharmaraj
    Kolkata (West Bengal), Age – 38 
    In 2018, I was suffering from Hepatitis-B due to which many problems started appearing in my body. Then I came to Patanjali Wellness, there I got my treatment and took therapies which made me feel very good. After coming back from there, the doctor asked me to take medicines like Sarvakalp Kwath, Levogrit Advanced, Levamrit Syrup etc. I continuously took those medicines which gave me the expected benefits. It has been almost a year since I have overcome hepatitis. Now I have also stopped taking hepatitis medicines.
5. Jagdish Rawat
    Palwal (Haryana), Age – 46
       He tested positive for Hepatitis B in 2006. Later I also had heart problems. 9. Hazari Prasad, Bihar, age - 60. The doctor had ordered an operation. After that I came to know about Patanjali Wellness, then I came there and got my treatment done, I got a lot of benefits from there, after that the doctor asked me to take medicines like Hipidom, Levamrit, Levogreet Chandraprabhavati etc. and follow the diet. follow them regularly now I am completely fine, neither do I have any heart problem nor am I hepatitis B positive. I am now healthy and do yoga every day.
6.    Gorakhnath
    Ahmednagar (Maharashtra), 
    I was suffering from Hepatitis B for 7 years due to which I also had problems with cholesterol, sugar and depression. Then I came to know about Patanjali Wellness. I came there and got my treatment for 7 days. All my allopathy medicines were stopped and from there. My Ayurvedic doctor told me to take two medicines - Levamrit and Giloy Ghanvati. I took them continuously and did yoga after watching Swami Ramdev ji from Aastha channel. It has been almost a year today and I am completely healthy.
7.     Dinesh Guleria
    Chandigarh, Age- 52
    I was suffering from Hepatitis B. There was no special change in my body due to Hepatitis B, but still I wanted to get my treatment done by coming to Patanjali Wellness. After that, I came to Patanjali Wellness. There, my hepatitis was cured with yoga and therapy. Went.
8.    Vishwas Vaman Bandlan
    Pune Maharashtra, Age - 38 
    I was suffering from Hepatitis-B problem. Before coming to Patanjali Wellness, I got tested for Hepatitis-B which came positive. Then after coming to Wellness, I went through therapy, diet and yoga etc. treatment due to which I started feeling better after 4 days. I got the hepatitis test done again on the fourth day, the report of which was negative.
9.    Hajari Prasad 
    Bihar, Age - 40, 
    He had become Hepatitis-B positive 22 years ago. He kept getting treatment at PGI Lucknow for 20 years but there was no benefit. Due to not going to the hospital during Covid, he took Lenogrit, Levamrit, did Yoga Pranayam. He became Hepatitis negative. He sugar Also became normal.


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