Eternal Wisdom
Eternal Truth emanating from the eternal wisdom of the most revered Yogarishi Swami Ji Maharaj
Eternal Wisdom
My 50 years of experience
1) Choiceless resolution and unwavering effort along with charity and bravery is the truth of life. According to nature and God's law, all the souls of the world are equally blessed with infinite knowledge, infinite devotion and unlimited power, strength, knowledge, wisdom and opulence. If we know ourselves, awaken ourselves and invest our time, energy and talent in the right direction, then each person can be capable of creating something great.
2) Soul is God, do not lose your temper and keep living. We heard these three things from our elders in our childhood. The essence and expansion of life lies in all three things. All the power of God is embodied in the soul. Without any discrimination on the basis of caste, class or any particular group, we all are the representative images of God and our ancestors, the embodiment of life and the real idol. The part and parcel of God and the sages are descendants of Rishikas. This fact should never be forgotten. One day we will become sages ourselves.
One should never go down from one's own privacy. Whatever may be the situation, mental state, the flow of life is very dynamic and changeable as per the sanskars of previous births, karmas, results of God's actions and justice system. Therefore, we should remain committed that we have to always live in Sattvik consciousness. A foolish and deranged mind and consciousness immersed in Rajoguna and Vatmogun is not our basic nature and fundamental nature. Keep living, it is not just about living or being Ayushman. We have to adopt Yogadharma, Veddharma, Rishidharma, Sanatandharma as truth or eternal universal values, ideals and principles in our conduct and live them. Even if people in the outside world do not live the religion and truth completely, we have to live 100% Satyamev Jayate in our lives.
3)Totality - Totality, comprehensiveness in every subject from education, health, religion-spirituality, politics to home-family, relations, business and global context, all work and services from the root to the top with complete discretion, complete devotion and complete power. To edit. No truth is ever fully expressed in bits and pieces.
Sanatan - He is more powerful than all the materialistic forces of the entire world and even the religious fanatic powers and authorities. The power of the eternal culture of our ancestors and this will be our greatest heritage strength and supreme achievement and our biggest contribution to the world.
Call - I call upon all divine, virtuous souls to join this movement of cultural, ideological, economic freedom, freedom of education and medicine, freedom from disease, intoxication and luxury and connect everyone. One day we will overpower the whole world and will be victorious.
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15 Jan 2025 12:10:16
कुंभ मेला दुनिया का सबसे बड़ा धार्मिक और आध्यात्मिक आयोजनों में से एक है, इसे दुनिया का सबसे बड़ा