The solution to ideological, political, economic conflicts and challenges all over the world is a life of Yoga.
10th International Yoga Day celebrated at Patanjali Yogpeeth with the resolve of healthy India and healthy world.
The holistic and permanent solution to all life style disorders like BP, sugar, obesity, depression and diminishing vital energy arising from changing polluted environment, faulty lifestyle, eating habits and stress lies in Yoga, Ayurveda and Nature only: Swami Ramdev.
Crores of people have freed themselves from diseases through yoga and have abandoned their irregular lifestyle and adopted a yogic way of life.
Under the guidance of Rishi Swami Ramdev Ji Maharaj and Acharya Balkrishna Ji Maharaj, the 10th International Yoga Day was celebrated with the theme 'Yoga for Self and Society along with the Universe'. in Yoga Bhavan Auditorium located at Patanjali Wellness, Patanjali Yogpeeth-2.
Yoga for the ages
On this occasion, Swami Ramdev Ji Maharaj said that curable and incurable diseases can be reversed through Yoga and Yoga based integrated treatment system. Yoga is not only for self and society, it is Yoga for the Universe i.e. Yoga for the era. Modern Medical from all over the world.
What the system and the governments of the world could not do, a Sanyasi with Sanatan Dharma based Yoga has done through Patanjali. With the help of Yoga and Yogmulak Integrated Treatment System, diseases like liver, kidney, lungs, heart etc. which are considered incurable can also be reversed i.e. the diseases can be eradicated from their roots.
Make life meaningful with yoga
Swami Ji Maharaj said that make life meaningful with Yoga, Pranayam, Sahaja Yoga, Advanced Yoga, Yoga in Daily Life. Yoga is a part of our daily life, it is the solution to all the problems of our life, Yoga is self-discipline, self-discovery, self-healing and self-realization. The solution to all the problems of industry, life and the world lies in Yoga.
Yogic life is the solution to ideological, political, economic conflicts and challenges
He said that the solution to ideological, political, economic conflicts and challenges all over the world is a yogic life. Yoga brings mental and ideological changes and a person becomes part of the solution and not the problem. Today, hundreds of people are present here as real world evidence who have found relief in incurable diseases like cancer, liver cirrhosis, hepatitis, infertility, heart blockage etc. In medical terminology, these are those brothers and sisters who have created a world record and made the impossible possible. The results that have emerged today by using yoga have become proof. He said that yoga practice is not just physical exercise or methods of asana and pranayam but is a philosophy of life through which it is possible to solve all the problems of body, mind, life and world. The holistic and permanent solution to all life style disorders like BP, sugar, obesity, depression and diminishing vital energy arising from changing polluted environment, faulty lifestyle, eating habits and stress is found in Yoga, Ayurveda and Nature only. Lakhs and crores of people have become free from addiction through Yoga and they have attained Complete Essay, Complete Balance, Complete Rejuvenation, Complete Divine Transformation and Divine Life through Yoga.

Take a fast/resolution of regular yoga not just for one day but for 365 days.
Yogarishi Swami Ramdev Ji Maharaj said that Yoga is a glorious tradition of our Yogadharma, Rishidharma and Veddharma. Yoga is the best gift of the sages to the entire humanity and the world. Crores of people have freed themselves from diseases through yoga and have abandoned their irregular lifestyle and adopted a yogic way of life. Yoga has reached crores of people all over the world and has become a part of their daily routine. Various researches have proved that Yoga is the basis of healthy body, healthy mind, healthy thinking and healthy life. Swami Ji Maharaj while calling upon all Yoga practitioners said that they should take a fast/resolution of doing Yoga regularly not just for one day but for 365 days. If we start doing yoga for 1 hour every day for 10 to 20 minutes, then every problem of life will be solved.
More than 200 crore brothers and sisters from more than 200 countries of the world have started doing yoga
Swami Ji Maharaj said that in our 35 years of yoga journey 21 exercises of yogic jogging, 12 exercises of Surya Namaskar, 20-25 exercises of traditional exercise, Shatadhika Asanas, ten to more pranayama and yoga postures have been made available to the masses. Yoga has been included in the lives of crores of people. More than 200 crore brothers and sisters from across the country and from more than 200 countries of the world have started doing yoga and living the life of yoga.
Yoga is India's best boon to the whole world
In the program, Acharya Balkrishna Ji Maharaj said that Yoga is the best boon of India for the whole world. It is our good fortune that we are celebrating Yoga Mahotsav in the presence of Pujya Swamiji, who brought Yoga to the masses and brought it into people's lives. He said that yoga is a way of living, a way of life transformation. Today, on the auspicious occasion of Yoga Day, we all have seen that change in the form of real world evidence. When these patients can become healthy, then this feeling should arise in your mind that if the rest of the world can be cured through yoga, then you too can definitely be cured. Thousands of brothers and sisters have proved in clinical trials that incurable diseases can be overcome through yoga. He said that the number of patients in the world is increasing day by day, the only solution lies in Yoga.
Yoga is a universal scientific and all-beneficial science free from caste, religion and political boundaries |
Patients share their experiences as real world evidence
In the program, many incurable diseases of the country like Blood Cancer, Ankylosing Spondylitis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Infertility, SLE, Type-1 and 2 Diabetes, Pelvic Cancer, Kidney Disease, MS, Prostate Cancer, Heart Blockage, Patients suffering from obesity, ovarian cyst, eye diseases like Ragini, Naresh Kaushik, Javendra, Rohan Gandhi, Dinesh, Mange Ram, Saeed Khan, Hansram Yadav, Krishnakant, Anupam, Sarvesh, Monica, Daksh Sharma, Dharmchand, Khyati Merchant, Jitendra, Anushka, Dr. Nirmal Jain, Geeta, Tarun Yadav, Radheshyam, Kaushik, Vaibhav etc. shared their experiences with everyone on how they derooted their disease through Yoga and Yoga based Integrated System.
Acharya ji said that we should be grateful to Revered Swami Ji Maharaj who awakened the public consciousness in the present era by spreading the knowledge tradition of the sages and yoga tradition to the masses. People show miracles but if inner consciousness has to be awakened then that too is possible only through Yoga.
Devotees took advantage of the yoga session
On this occasion, Swami Ji Maharaj practiced yogic jogging, Surya Namaskar along with Anulom-Vilom, Bhastrika, Bhramari, Kapalbhati, Bhujangasana, Vrikshasana, Tadasana, Mandukasana, Shalabhasana, Gaumukhasana, Vajrasana, meditation etc. In the program, people from about 200 nearby villages participated in the yoga session under the aegis of Patanjali Yoga Committee, Haridwar and Roorkee.
Demonstration of various therapies of Patanjali Wellness
On this occasion, therapists of Patanjali Wellness demonstrated various therapies of Panchakarma, Shatkarma and Naturopathy. Therapists gave live demonstrations of Janu Basti, Kati Basti, Greeva Basti, Hriday Basti, Singi, Shirodhara, Abhyanga etc.
Students of Patanjali Gurukulam and Acharyakulam performed excellently in various yoga postures and games.
Students of Patanjali Gurukulam and Acharyakulam demonstrated various yoga poses, Malakhamb yoga, rope yoga, boxing, taekwondo etc.
In the program, Chief Central Incharge of Patanjali Mahila Yoga Samiti Sadhvi Devpriya, Chief Central Incharge Brother Rakesh 'Bharat' and Swami Parmarthdev, Purchasing Committee Chairperson Sister Anshul, Head of Communication Department Sister Parul, Chief Scientist of PRI Dr. Anurag Varshney, Chief General Manager (Trust ) Brigadier T.C. Malhotra, Head of Human Resources Mr. Tarun Rajput, Principal of Patanjali Ayurved College, Prof. Anil Yadav, Deputy Superintendent of Patanjali Ayurved Hospital, Dr. Arun Pandey, Swami Bajrangdev, Swami Arshadev, Swami Ishdev, unit heads of all the units affiliated to Patanjali Yogpeeth, officers, employees and all the Sanyasi brothers and Sanyasi sisters of Patanjali Sanyashashram were present.
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15 Jan 2025 12:10:16
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