The journey of the self, through the self, to the self

The journey of the self,  through the self, to the self

Yoga connects body, mind and soul. Not only is it helpful in preventing diseases but it is also a way of living a healthy life. It is believed that through yoga, a person's consciousness gets connected to the consciousness of the universe, which signifies perfect harmony between mind-body, human and nature.
Meaning of balance in life. Lord Shri Krishna says Yoga in Geeta is 'Samatvam Yoga Uchyate'. Samatvam means balance. The main goal of yoga is to maintain balance in every situation - happiness-sorrow, profit-loss, victory-defeat, honor-insult, cold-heat. Only through yoga can you progress on the path of multidimensional development by bringing balance in body, mind and soul. Yoga increases work productivity and efficiency.
•     22% men practice yoga in India (World of Statistics)
•     30 crore people practice yoga regularly in the world.
•     There are 84 types of asanas in yoga.
•     International Yoga Day celebrated for the first time in 2015
•     In 2014, UNO called for celebrating Yoga Day globally.
It is necessary to break the myths
Yoga should not be linked to any religion. It is a science and is meaningful for everyone. The body should be flexible to do yoga, this is a misconception. Stiffness goes away from the body of the person doing yoga. Feeling pain due to this is also an illusion. While it gives relief from pain. Yoga is not an exercise, it is an experiment done easily.
Know about the eight limbs of yoga...
It has eight parts - Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, Samadhi.
1)   Yama: It is related to social morality, the five types of which are non-violence, truth, asteya, celibacy, aparigraha i.e. keeping only as much as is necessary. Do not collect. If someone's speech and conduct if we hurt someone then it is a form of violence.
2)  Rules: There are five rules, toilet, satisfaction, penance, self-study, Ishwar Pranidhan i.e. complete dedication towards God. Defecation is the purification of body, mind and consciousness. Whatever work we do, there is a feeling of satisfaction towards it. Disciplining yourself is penance and studying yourself is self-study.
3)    Asanas: It is said in Asana Yoga that just as 84 lakh species are considered in the world, in the same way 84 asanas are important.
4) Pranayama: Pranayama means expanding the life force, it is the bridge between consciousness and body. Through Pranayama one attains ultimate health. It is a panacea for respiratory diseases. It should be learned from a yoga instructor.
5)   Pratyahara: This is a part of external yoga. Pratyahara means any mantra in which you feel comfortable. Keep chanting.
6) Dharana: To concentrate the mind, it has to be fixed on whatever the objective is. It is very important to practice by stabilizing the mind.
7) Meditation: Whatever we meditate on, do it accordingly. The merging of the mind in it is the state of meditation.
8) Samadhi: In Samadhi all types of instincts are restrained. Man rises above all these instincts.
Brings consciousness into harmony
The specialty of yoga is that it brings the consciousness of the body into one rhythm. Take some precautions in this also. Always do yoga on an empty stomach. The place should be flat, spread a seat and do yoga. Keep your mind calm. If you have food, do yoga after 3-4 hours. Wear comfortable clothes at this time. The place of yoga should be airy and peaceful. Practice yoga with mindfulness. Start with a relaxing posture first. Never start with a difficult posture. on breathing in yoga pay attention. 


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