Yog and Ayurveda Culture and patient care

Patanjali is an effort

Yog and Ayurveda Culture and patient care

Today is the time of problems and complications. Diseases, sorrows and illnesses are looming all around. In this situation, modern medicine or other resources of the world cannot be avoided. If it can be avoided by any means then the only means is Yoga. That is why to avoid diseases, to make this life pleasant, we should do yoga for worldly and spiritual happiness. This is possible only through yoga.
What are the challenges regarding Ayurveda?
You might be wondering what challenges there could be with Ayurveda, but perhaps many people do not know how many malicious efforts are being made to ensure that Ayurveda does not grow. The drug mafia and drug companies spend a much bigger budget to stop Ayurveda than the government spends to promote Ayurveda. The government is making efforts but many efforts and conspiracies are being made to stop this and for this the economic system is being disrupted on a large scale.
Diet is medicine
Food is called medicine and life in the scriptures: Annam vaya Aushadhi, Annam Vaya Prana.
In Ayurveda, the sages even said:
Pathyeasati Gadartasya Kimaushadhinishevanaih. 
Pathyeasati Gadartasya Kimaushadhinishevanaih
                                                                                                  (Vaidyajivan 1/10)
 Sages say that if you are ready to abstain, ready to correct your diet, then you do not need medicine. Abstinence does not mean stopping food but consuming only that which is suitable for the body. This was called diet. So the sages said that if you follow diet then you do not need medicine and if you do not follow diet then eat anything, do any treatment, you will not be cured.
'Yoga' is the only remedy for diseases, grief and problems
Today is the time of problems and complications. Diseases, sorrows and ailments are looming all around. In this situation, modern medicine or other resources of the world cannot be avoided. if any means can be avoided then the only means is Yoga. That is why to avoid diseases, to make this life pleasant, we should do yoga for worldly and spiritual happiness. This is possible only through yoga. Come, let us all together try to spread this method of yoga to everyone and at the same time, by doing yoga ourselves, we can make our life free from stress, attain happiness, attain joy and we can say -
Dharmam Sharanam Gachhami !
Buddham Sharanam Gachhami !
Yogam Sharanam Gachhami!
Yoga-Ayurveda increases human values
The Yoga-Ayurveda sages like Charak, Sushruta etc. had talked about appointing us for service, that instead of just desiring heaven and all the pleasures and kingdoms, humans have to work in the world to end the pain and suffering of the patients. Only the people of Ayurveda and Yoga can do this because Yoga-Ayurveda increases human sensibilities and human values.
We accepted the resolution of the sages as our own.
It is a matter of pride for us that we accepted the resolution of our sages as our own. Our feeling is that the young students of Yoga-Ayurveda should accept the resolve of the sages and our resolve as their own and this tradition should continue like this. It is the duty of all of us to keep this sacred tradition intact.
It is our responsibility to maintain the earth's environment
The earth is so huge. When we came to this earth, we found a very beautiful environment, beautiful nature, rivers, waterfalls, mountains, trees etc. We have to make this earth even more beautiful and better than what we got at that time. We should have only this resolution in our mind that we have to make this earth pollution free, we have to make the earth's atmosphere and environment beautiful and beautiful by planting trees. This is also our moral responsibility. Do not limit the tree plantation program only to 5th June Environment Day, but take a pledge to plant trees throughout your life.
Instrumental support not only for allopathy
We give our Yoga, our Ayurveda system so much strength, intensity, determination and we have established ourselves on strong feet with such comprehensiveness that now even the heat is on it. can't come. Only we want to see that 5-10 percent critical what can we do in Ayurveda for those who are patients or are on instrumental support? Any machine, whether it is a C.T. scanner, MRI whether it is surgery or there is no pathy but technical or instrumental support or skills. these machines only allopathy people will experiment, Ayurveda people will not experiment, somewhere like this there is no provision. 
WhatsApp University is very dangerous 
At present, WhatsApp University is very dangerous. Earlier people used to study scriptures, read books, do self-study every day, but in the present times, we spend most of our time in thoughts and scenes that are meaningless, meaningless, unnecessary and push life towards degradation.
Patanjali is an effort
Patanjali is an effort to take the renaissance of Ayurveda and the Indian culture-dependent Yoga-Ayurveda to the global level. We think this ourselves and have the same feeling towards you that we should always have a feeling in our hearts that if we have to do special work in any field, then we have to face more challenges and have to work harder. . Challenges do not come with invitation but you can work hard as per your wish. 


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