Victory journey of Ayurveda,
victory story of Struggle, efforts and research in the journey of bringing Yog and Ayurveda to the masses
Ayurveda has not yet been established as Ayurveda in foreign countries. Somewhere it is known as herbal medicine, food supplement. Talking about Ayurveda, people in many countries of the world do not even know whether Ayurveda is actually a medical science or Ayurveda is a language. Many times people think that the name of the medicines written by the doctor in Sanskrit is Ayurveda, there is so much ignorance about Ayurveda. |
Since ancient time, we have been hearing that 'the first happiness is to have a healthy body.' Whatever heights of the world we have to reach, whether we have to measure the depths of the ocean or touch the heights of the sky, whatever progress or prosperity we have to move towards in life, if we have health then we have everything. When a person falls ill, not only himself but the entire family gets worried. Along with resources, a lot of time also goes into it.
For this, our Ayurveda has always said: Swasthasya Swasthya Rakshanam, Aturasya Vikara Prashamanam.
(Charak Samhita, 30.26)
Ayurveda has not yet been established as Ayurveda in foreign countries. Somewhere it is known as herbal medicine, food supplement. Talking about Ayurveda, people in many countries of the world do not even know whether Ayurveda is actually a medical science or Ayurveda is a language. Many times people think that the name of the medicines written by the doctor in Sanskrit is Ayurveda, there is so much ignorance about Ayurveda.
Good health is everything
We have to keep in mind that in order to prevent ourselves from becoming sick, we should give priority to some measures. And that solution is possible only through Ayurveda and Yoga. Today, due to the efforts of the Honorable Prime Minister, people all over the world are enjoying and enjoying the benefits of Yoga by recognizing it as 'International Yoga Day'. Today, the most revered Swami Ramdev Ji Maharaj has taken Yoga to every home and every person. If there is any word in the whole world whose basic meaning is known by the people then it is 'Yoga'. If you ask anyone about yoga, he will definitely tell you these three things: some physical exercise, some breathing exercise and some meditation. He knows that some asanas have to be done, some breathing exercises have to be done and some meditation has to be done, its name is Yoga. Whether it is inverting, straightening, completing or incomplete, the people of the whole world have understood Yoga in abundance.
Resolve to establish Ayurveda all over the world
Ayurveda has not yet been established as Ayurveda in foreign countries. Somewhere it is known as herbal medicine, food supplement. Talking about Ayurveda, people in many countries of the world do not even know whether Ayurveda is actually a medical science or Ayurveda is a language. Many times people think that the name of the medicines written by the doctor in Sanskrit is Ayurveda, there is so much ignorance about Ayurveda. Patanjali did a very beautiful job to remove that ignorance. Our Science of Ayurveda, which we call 'Ayurveda Siddhant Rahasya', is being published today in 70 languages of the world. And we are happy to say that people of the respective language are getting this book printed and distributed in their country. This is the biggest victory journey of Ayurveda, a victory story. Because the attention is not in that direction. We say that people do not believe in our Ayurveda, but they will believe in Ayurveda only when they have the basic understanding of the meaning of Ayurveda. Like the world has now started accepting yoga. The world now knows the meaning of Yoga but people still do not know about Ayurveda. We need to convey the meaning of Ayurveda to the people.
Ayurveda is beyond the boundaries of country and religion
The biggest thing of happiness is that 'Ayurveda Siddhanta Rahasya' was being published in all the languages of the world, but to get this book published in the Chinese language, we had to face many queries and questions because the Chinese people were not towards their method. They are a bit insistent, but this book was published there too and in Pakistan also this book was published in Urdu. That means Ayurveda also works to connect the borders of the country.
There is a need to teach 'History of World Herbs' to Ayurveda students.
When it comes to Ayurveda, we also make some common mistakes, even from enlightened people of Ayurveda, like we teach the history of Ayurveda to the students of Ayurveda. I am not against teaching the history of Ayurveda but we need to teach 'World Herbal History' to those students. Because if we teach World Botany Based Medicine System to children then we will know where Ayurveda stands. When we realize where we stand in the world, then people's faith in Ayurveda and the feeling of working for Ayurveda in the world will become stronger. When we will come to know that we are so high in the medical systems of the world, then they will also start knowing.
Difference in Pathies but in all Pathies first goal is to make the patient healthy
If we talk about government policy, then in India we talk about curing diseases or curing the patient in two streams. No matter which path he is practicing, ultimately we all have the same goal. If a patient comes to a doctor of any kind, he tries to cure the patient. And as far as medicine is concerned, as long as we have a red, blue, yellow, white pill in our hand, whether it is powder or pill, as long as it is in our hand, it is a pill, powder etc., once it enters the stomach, then biochemistry. Will only work. Only its active compound will work inside the stomach. There is a need to spread this thinking to the country and the world and develop it. Nowadays we have started talking about integrated but it should be truly integrated. People from all disciplines should sit together and do this because earlier the situation in China was similar to ours, just as today we keep talking about medical science between East and West. A similar situation was there in China at that time, but in 1972, the people of Chinese Medicine System make that system one for example, when a student goes to law college to become a lawyer, initially all the students study all types of studies, but later by doing specialization in different subjects, they become specialists in different subjects. Similarly, when Indian students go to China for MBBS in medicine system, it is their compulsion to study Chinese medicine system for 3 years. They are not going to come to India and practice Chinese medicine, they are going to come as MBBS doctors and acquire the systems of our country, but it is necessary for them to study the Chinese medicine system there. Can't a similar system be implemented in this country? What will be the benefit of this? First of all, our more than 2200 Ayurvedic doctors who are in USA, both MD and graduate, will benefit. A person with Chinese medicine system can practice Chinese medicine system in USA indiscriminately because his degree is valid in USA but I feel pained that when our BAMS/MD of Ayurveda goes to USA, he cannot even touch the patient, he has to get a certificate there. After which he works as a therapist, before that he could not even do that. We suffered such a huge loss because of that, our door to go out of the country was closed. Today we are also supplying Ayurvedic medicines to the world but in the form of herbal supplements and food supplements. We follow the protocols and standards of the US FDA.
Universal establishment of Ayurveda is necessary, World Herbal Encyclopedia Classics
Ayurveda is yet to be established as Ayurveda at the global level. For this we started a big work in the form of World Herbal Encyclopedia. This is a timeless work started by Patanjali. There are about 3 lakh 60 thousand plants in the entire world with biodiversity. For the first time, Patanjali tried to make a checklist of how many plants are there in the whole world which are being or can be used medicinally. While doing this work, we came to know that this work was also started by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1999, they have prepared 147 monographs, small books have been published in 5 volumes. Later in 2010, WHO stopped this work saying that 'this work seems impossible.' You can still see this information on the WHO site. When Patanjali started this work, we did not even know that WHO had started this work and also stopped it. But today we are proud to say that Patanjali made the impossible possible. There are only 9 Botany based medicine systems for treatment in the whole world. And if we talk about healing practices in the whole world, there are approximately 964 healing practices. Patanjali worked to such a level that how many medicinal plants are used in it, which plants are used in which disease. About 6 lakh references, about 2 thousand languages of the world, about 2 thousand tribes, 2.5 lakh synonyms and 20 lakh vernacular names have been included in this classic work. This World Herbal Encyclopedia is contained in 109 volumes and if we talk about pages, it is approximately 1,25,000 pages. Before this, we released about 70 volumes in India itself and later all the volumes were released in the largest institution of Botany, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, London. When he saw this work, he praised it widely that such a big work is being done from India. It is an irony that it is seen with surprise that such a big work is being done from India too, whereas today Indian doctors, engineers and CEOs are proving their capabilities all over the world. Due to the work done by Roxburgh in Botany, botanists give less recognition to Ayurveda people than themselves. They believe that they know the medicinal properties of plants but do not have the ability to identify them. We will have to take Ayurveda out of this.
At international level acceptance of Patanjali Research
Currently, if we talk about research, only 2 research papers have been published on Corona at the international level due to the efforts of the Ministry of AYUSH and the Government of India and both of them have been reviewed by Patanjali only. We feel happy and proud to say that Patanjali has published 28 research papers in high impact international research papers. Patanjali has published the maximum number of international research papers on Corona as an individual institute, this is the biggest journey and victory saga of .
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15 Jan 2025 12:10:16
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