21 June Yogabhishekam of The World

21 June Yogabhishekam of  The World

Vandana Baranwal  
State in-charge-Women Patanjali, Yoga Samiti

  Yoga is India's precious gift to the entire world, not only in terms of physical and mental health but also in solving every kind of problem. A gift which is a sure shot attack on all types of diseases. Today the whole world has accepted this unchangeable truth. As we delve deeper into Yoga, the understanding becomes widespread that Yoga is not limited to only asanas, pranayama or some activities but it has immense possibilities to solve all kinds of problems.
Yogabhishek for a balanced world
Once again the whole world is ready to celebrate International Yoga Day on 21st June, in such a situation there is a need to seriously focus on the invaluable contribution of Yoga in the overall health of not only India but the entire world. Today, the whole world is facing many challenges in the era of constant search for quick solutions to many types of problems arising due to loneliness and stressful sedentary lifestyle. Mutual harmony and communication has been lost in these challenges. As a result, almost all the countries of the world and their citizens are struggling with many external and internal problems. Due to these problems, ranging from lack of harmony between two countries to conflict between two members of the same family discord and personal health problems are arising. As a result, the demand for global, social and personal health has also reached unprecedented heights. Yoga is the only means to fulfill this demand. 
It is our good fortune that this age-old art of Yoga, capable of solving all types of problems, is a gift from India. The discipline of Yoga holds the key to unlocking not only a healthy and balanced world. So on this important occasion of Yoga Day, let us delve a little further into the profound wisdom and transformative potential of the age-old practices of Yoga as taught by our sages and ensure Yoga Abhishek of more and more people.
Yogabhishek for making vishwaguru
We all have read the history of India. Yogabhishek Bharat to become a world guru. In the pages of history, India was called Vishwaguru i.e. the one who teaches the world or the teacher of the whole world, because the ancient economy, politics and knowledge of the people of India was so rich that all the countries from East to West were admirers of India. Were. When the West was in the Dark Ages, we were masters in physics, medical science, astronomy, mathematics, etc. But somehow we lost it. Perhaps that is why there are many people who currently consider being a world leader as a hollow sense of self-respect, which stems from blind nationalism. But no one has any doubt that India has immense potential to become a world leader. The reason is that the civilizational culture of India has provided us with a strong philosophical base which has many unique characteristics to become a world leader. What does it mean to be a world leader? The Sanskrit word Guru has two main meanings, in one sense it means seriousness, dignity and importance; And in another sense it means one who removes the darkness of the mind by providing knowledge. If we accept the word Guru as Vishva-Guru in both these meanings, then we will understand the real significance of this title. Only through Yogabhishek, India will remove the darkness prevailing in the world and the minds of its inhabitants, and will reach the position of a Guru whose dignity, importance and glory will be highest among the countries of the world. Another important message of India's thought is to consider the entire world as one family or Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam. It is such characteristics that make India what it is, i.e. world leader.
Yoga Abhishek for resolution of health
We all are well aware of coronation, Yogabhishek is also like a coronation. coronation i.e. such a Vedic ceremony which is the formal announcement of becoming a king which meant aresolution taken by the king in which he will serve the public used to promise. Glorious history of coronation in India used to be. Many details of the coronation come to us from the Vedic period. See you till now. In this history from Lord Shri Ram to Emperor Ashoka, Chandragupta Maurya, Vikramaditya, Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, Rani many coronations of Lakshmibai etc. have been famous. Lord Shri Ram's coronation that took place after fourteen years of exile and the killing of Ravana what happened was that he not only changed the era but also advanced the values. Shikhar Diya who is still known as an ideal such coronation of one who becomes the best man without following the rules just can't. Yogabhishek is also like coronation in which good health can be achieved by following the discipline of yoga. In Yoga Abhishek, along with the resolution for one's own health, the country and the resolution to save the health of the world is also implicit is only Yoga which can provide a holistic perspective to the entire world has abilities, which involve mind, body and spirit thereby harmonious well-being for individuals around the world fabric is formed. 
Yogabhishek for the renaissance of self-respect 
Currently, Yoga has transcended the national boundaries of India and has captured the imagination of the global community. Yoga, recognized by UNESCO as an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, has become a symbol of unity, peace and well-being across the world. In fact, International Yoga Day, established by the United Nations on the initiative of the Government of India after the Yoga Awakening by His Holiness Swami Ji Maharaj, highlights the global recognition and acceptance of the ancient knowledge of India. As the world goes through many challenging times, the physical, mental and emotional well-being of individuals has taken center stage. Yoga has emerged as a powerful tool to boost immunity, reduce stress and promote overall well-being. Recognizing its immense benefits, governments and healthcare systems and educational institutions are incorporating yoga into their public health initiatives. In the last three and a half decades, the self-respect of India which was revived in the mind of every Indian by the most revered Swami Ji Maharaj with his incomparable analysis of Yoga, is today shining like the sun all over the world. So while celebrating International Yoga Day, try to understand how deeply India's Vedic yoga tradition has impacted global health.
Yogabhishek for eternal tradition
Research is extremely important to support different approaches to healthcare. Due to the continuous efforts of His Holiness Swami Ji Maharaj, in a short span of last three and a half decades, Yoga has attracted a lot of attention not only of the people of India but also of the entire world. It was not easy to reestablish the thousands of years old Indian knowledge tradition at the global level with renewed vigor and to awaken people's hunger to know more about it. If anyone remembers the time about three and a half decades ago, he will also remember how this knowledge tradition was marginalised. In such a situation, today when once again the sound of Yoga is being heard all over the world, then for this we have to pay tribute to the unbroken tremendous efforts of the most respected Swami Ji Maharaj, due to which people have started fighting diseases through Yoga and living a healthy life. Motivated myself. In these decades, Patanjali Yogpeeth provided leadership, sometimes directly and sometimes indirectly, and inspired many yoga institutions, researchers and scholars already engaged in yoga service but scattered to do more work. Soon there was an abundance of solid clinical research evidence for the health benefits of yoga. People adopted this eternal tradition of India and made themselves a laboratory. When Yoga practitioners performed Yoga Abhishek of themselves in this laboratory and started giving enthusiastic feedback on the basis of self-realization, it was natural that it attracted the attention of the people of the world.
Yogabhishek for spirituality
In whose life spirituality has entered, he becomes blessed and becomes vast. His efforts become multidimensional. The name of this effort is sadhana or penance, through this the seeker refines and refines himself. Spirituality fills human life with purity. If this purity comes into practice then it is called morality in the society, but when this purity gets incorporated in thoughts, feelings and values, then it is called spirituality. Spirituality is synonymous with inner purity, in which man becomes cultured and not resourceful. They like fame, honour, wealth and grandeur, the difference between which is hollow and void. History is witness to the fact that the development of self-consciousness has not made anyone prosperous, rather it hinders one from dedicating oneself to the ideals of prosperity and living a simple life. They desire wealth and prosperity looks like poison. This is the real spirituality, which teaches to cut down on ambitions and desires, through this one can plan and control everything for the worship of God for the good of the people. Therefore, where there is nature, there is spirituality. In other words, whatever is contrary to nature is a distortion. No matter what the deformity may be, it is not possible to imagine spirituality there. Spirituality is that truth of nature and life in which only welfare is associated. Because of its spirituality, India has always given ideological leadership to the world. In such a situation, if we want to use one word to define the spirituality of India, then that word is faith. This sacred feeling of faith is at the foundation of Indian spirituality: faith in God, faith in Guru, faith in nature, faith in relationships, faith in the future, faith in life and even faith in death.
Yogabhishek for Rishi Gyan tradition
Yoga is not only a part of Indian oriental knowledge and ancient Indian culture but is also embedded and intertwined in Indian culture and is an essential part of our lifestyle. Mention of oriental knowledge and Indian culture cannot be complete without yoga. For many sages and sages, Yoga has been the path to reach the highest peak of spiritual practice. Yoga makes the body and mind so strong and mature that a person becomes a great man from a human being. There is a wonderful treasure hidden in this sage knowledge tradition of India for many fields including modern science and management, which requires continuous research to uncover it. For this research, we need to change our mindset and adopt Indianness in our life. Adopting Indianness does not at all mean that the model of development should be rejected, it means that we should move forward by assimilating the Indian knowledge tradition. We Indians do not give importance to our tradition, culture, knowledge and even the great personalities who have passed on this knowledge to us, unless it is accepted in foreign countries. This is the reason why today treatments like Yoga, Ayurveda, Vegetarianism, Naturopathy, Unani, Homeopathy and Siddha are gaining popularity in foreign countries whereas we have forgotten them. We think of our herbs, neem, turmeric, cow urine only when someone gets them patented. We had neglected Yoga and left it, but when it came back in its form, we became crazy about it.
Yoga Abhishek to attack diseases
In India, it has been at the forefront of revolutionizing the healthcare landscape by integrating traditional knowledge with modern technology. Patanjali Yogpeeth has today become a platform that connects yoga teachers, naturopaths and Ayurvedic practitioners with patients and provides convenient access to health consultations and diagnosis. The increasing number of people adopting Yoga, Ayurveda and Naturopathy and joining Patanjali's service activities every day is a testimony to the growing demand for holistic healthcare solutions. Over the past three and a half decades, we have witnessed a remarkable growth in Patanjali Yogpeeth's involvement in healthcare delivery through Yoga, Ayurveda and Naturopathy, reflecting the growing awareness and recognition of the effectiveness of traditional healing methods. It is noteworthy that the scope of adoption of Yoga and Ayurveda is not limited to individuals as now hospitals and doctors of modern medical systems are also recognizing its immense potential as a supplement. In the future, when these traditional medical practices of India are integrated with modern medical systems, it will be the beginning of a new era in healthcare. The role of yoga will be important for an integration because the name of joining is yoga itself.
Yogabhishek of a healthy world
Today, His Holiness Swami Ji Maharaj has become synonymous with yoga and health all over the world. While remembering Pujya Swami ji in the morning brings up hopes of getting rid of diseases, it also creates panic among those who commit fraud in the name of health. Pujya Maharajshree has not only succeeded in reestablishing Sanatan Dharma through Yoga, but by establishing Patanjali Yogpeeth and connecting lakhs of Yoga teachers with it, he has also proved that with the help of health, intelligence, skill, courage and cultural upgradation, how anyone can achieve anything. An organization can be formed. Everyone must visit Patanjali Yogpeeth and Yogagram at least once to understand the vastness and nuances of the works of His Holiness Maharajshri. Once again, when the whole world is celebrating International Yoga Day on 21st June, we have to remember that it is also the day of Yoga Abhishek for a healthy India and a healthy world. A day behind which is a long story of the unbroken and fierce efforts of the most respected Swami Ji Maharaj. 


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