Great Men of the Present Century
Sadhvi Devkalyani
Patanjali Sanyasaashram
The God form of all, Gurudev, Shrotriya, Brahmanishtha, we are the living idol of unbroken and fierce effort, who always gives shape to God-like, strong sattvik resolutions even while behaving in the world, who is as tough as Vraj (in self-discipline) and at the same time, she is as soft as Navneet, Mother. Shri Bhagwan, who has immeasurable love towards the living beings, who protects every moment like a father, who selflessly dedicates his entire life for this universe, says in the Geeta -
Yada Yada Hi Dharmasya Glanorbhavati Bharata l
Abhyutthanamadharmasya Tadatmanam Srijamyaham ll
Whenever there is a loss of religion, O Bharatha. I create the present of the rise of irreligion. That is, whenever there is loss of righteousness and iniquity becomes dominant (that is, when the people of demonic nature who disrupt the divine Yagya Chakra become dominant) then I (Shri Bhagavan) take birth and reveal myself. Here the meaning of 'Dharma' is very broad, Dharma is the cycle of Yagya, which was started by the Creator in the beginning of the creation and the Yagya cycle through which he wished for the growth and prosperity of living beings, that cycle is disrupted by evil people, So at that time a special power emerges in the form of great men, who destroy those evil elements and organize the Yajnachakra again.
The great men situated in the soul are actually the form of that supreme element (super power). Similarly, the life of the most revered Swami Ji Maharaj also comes in the category of rare great saints and great men. In every century, when the terror of people with evil tendencies crosses its borders and starts wreaking havoc, the fuel of unrighteousness- nourishment is then completely done by those irreligious and when the great banyan tree in the form of Dharma starts to decline, Sri Bhagavan descends:
"Dharmasansthapanaarthaaya Sambhavami Yuge Yuge"
That is, I take birth in every era to establish (protect) religion. It is considered to be the ultimate good fortune of this community that in Kalyug, the responsibility of this great work is being taken up by the most revered Swami Ramdev Ji Maharaj who is situated in the soul.
If one very deeply analyzes the life of His Holiness Swami Ji Maharaj, he will find that in so few years of his life, so many of the greatest works have been accomplished by him and he has completed a huge task of welfare for many people of the world. He has already taken a resolution and has a vision for many upcoming schemes which are solely for the welfare of the entire society.
It seems impossible for an ordinary human being to do so much in such a short period of one life, surely this goddess is full of inspirations or it would not be an exaggeration to say that a part of God in the corporeal form is present only to save human beings. Has happened.
It is also well known that in every era, these great men have had to fight against some people and groups of demonic consciousness; even in their spiritual activities, they have to face criticism and opposition from some conscienceless, unbelieving, illogical and heretical people of this society. But despite bearing all this, the life of these true saints and great men filled with the virtues of Godly knowledge, loving personality, modesty, contentment, simplicity, humility, charity etc. seems to be an eternal fountain of divinity, in the presence of which mere living beings can Welfare is ensured.
The most revered Gurudev's difficult sacrifice, penance, equality towards all and loving life are the supreme gifts of God to humanity. His extensive work of Yoga, Ayurveda and Swadashi should be considered as a causeless blessing on this entire world and such great people who always remains weightless even while handling the burden of work. Whose two saffron clothes spread the shade of simplicity and saintliness, who devote all their resources only to charity and eat very little and simple food, who even today sleeps on the ground in the ostentation-free residence 'Sant Kutir', just for survival. He uses essential and very ordinary things, despite being such a famous and great personality, who is easily accessible to everyone, whose strict self-discipline has the power to move even a mountain and who, despite being speechless himself, inspires all the devotees with his complete devotion. What more can I say?
Our speech finds itself completely unable to express the adjectives of the revered Gurudev in the form of God, possessing all the virtues given by God, whose entire life is exemplary for all living beings. In this century, after finding such a great man in the form of God, we should know and awaken ourselves and become his supportive form. If this society is not able to move from 'self-welfare to national welfare', then the saying 'darkness under the lamp' seems to be true somewhere.
Where in me is that training so that I can express the generosity of my Guru? With this delicacy, he showed mercy by giving water to these dry trees. They don't even know that they can't do whatever they want, they took a dip in the ocean of desires. That there is no more fear of this era, that our home feels as if it is sinking. The Guru kindly put our boat on the other side, regretfully we are still in a dilemma.Whether you believe in it or remain entangled in the gossip of conspiracies, then please pay attention to a seeker once in a while, whether you believe in it or trust in the Guru, you can also take that 'flight to the supreme'.
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15 Jan 2025 12:10:16
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