Millet From the Vedas to The present

Millet From the Vedas to The present

Dr. Nivedita Sharma, Assistant Professor,

Department of Allied and Applied Sciences, Patanjali University, Haridwar

   Grasses have been around since prehistoric times, with grasses evolving long before humans. The grass was used in many rituals during the Vedic era. It was also used as a medicinal plant, as that are mentioned in the Vedic writings, epics, Puranas and later Sanskrit literary books. The Poaceae or Gramineae family, which includes 11,000 species, also includes grasses. They include notable cereal crops including millet, wheat (yava), wild rice (nivar), and paddy (vrihi).
There are three categories of Vedic grasses
Millets, cereal crops and wild grasses. The grass family produces the primary foods that humans eat. Our farmers continue to grow crops of cereals and millets mentioned in Vedic literature as food, fodder for daily use by humans and animals and for traditional remedies like Ayurveda. Also called 'coarse grains' or 'poor people's grains', these coarse grains are an important source of energy for over a billion people living in arid and semi-arid countries as they depend on the type of soil or water. Don't do it. Millet is mentioned in Vedic and Sanskrit texts.

- Sushruta (Sushruta Samhita, 600-500 AD) East) classified grains as Dhanya Varga, Khudhanya Varga and Samidhanya Varga. The Khudayana class includes, among other millets, Kodo millet (Kodrusaha), Barnyard millet (Shyamaka) and Coix lacryma-jobi (Gvedhuka). Archaeological-botanical remains have also been found from the upper and middle Ganga plains. It was also grown in Manjhi (Saran, Bihar) during the Red Ware stage (250 BC-250 AD).
The famous literary work 'Abhigyana Shakuntalam' by Kalidasa Mahakavi (4-5th AD) narrates the story of sage Kanva, who spread millet while bidding farewell to Shakuntala in Dushyanta's court. This reveals the auspicious qualities associated with this millet. The Dakar Bachan, written in early medieval Bengal (8th to 13th century AD), states that if it rains in the month of Phalgun (February–March), proso-millet (China Kaon) should be cultivated.


 This suggests that millet crops, or small-seeded grasses, were consumed during the Vedic era and beyond. Come ! Now know what is their current status. 
Most of the arid and semi-arid regions of the African continent and the Indian subcontinent are home to millets, which are rich in nutrients and resistant to drought. Since Indian millets are rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals, they are a more nutritious option than wheat and rice. Scientific research has shown that millet is rich in protein, fiber and important amino acids. They are also naturally gluten-free, alkaline, non-allergenic, and easily digested. They are perfect for people with celiac disease, diabetes, obesity and other lifestyle problems as they have a low glycemic index. They are a great alternative to rice due to their low glycemic index, which helps in weight loss, diabetes and cholesterol. 
Calcium-rich millet is beneficial for pregnant women, children and people suffering from malnutrition. Its high potassium content supports healthy kidney and brain function as well as smooth functioning of muscles and brain. Millet provides health benefits and protection against non-communicable diseases. Due to the preventive effects of health-promoting phytonutrients, epidemiological studies have shown that diets high in millet, especially whole grains, are protective against non-communicable diseases such as diabetes, cancer, and cardiovascular diseases.
So, the time has come when we all can embrace our indigenous traditional roots of millet, keeping together both Vedic insights and modern perspectives.  


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