Eternal Truth emanating from the eternal wisdom of the most revered Yogarishi Swami Ji Maharaj

Eternal Truth emanating from the eternal wisdom of the most revered Yogarishi Swami Ji Maharaj

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Fanaticism - In the name of religion, new records of blind faith and superstition are being seen in this scientific age. This is a grave injustice, sin, immoral, unconstitutional, inhuman and punishable act. Exorcising ghosts, eradicating diseases like cancer with tap water, erasing the sorrows and pain of life with the dust under one's feet or car tyre, all this is not right in the name of God under the guise of religion.
It is not only true but the ultimate truth that religion is also related to the invisible existence or supreme power. Beyond religion and science, there is also paravidya. Exploiting the faith of poor less educated devotees in the name of the transcendent, transcendental, invisible truth of religion is not compatible with religion and justice. The life of a person with paravidya is very high, there is not even an iota of pretense, hypocrisy or superstition there.
True religion – Complete purity of life or conduct is true religion. Dharma is what should be adopted - Dharaanat Dharmah Dharayate Iti Dharmah. The essence of religion is to conduct oneself sacredly in food, thoughts, speech, behavior, nature, relationships and all areas of life. Complete purity, divinity and ultimately complete discretion, faith and complete effort, along with complete selflessness and complete selflessness is the best form of religion. Religion is devotional work and the complete divinity of nature. This eternal form of religion is called Sanatan Dharma.
Glory of one Yoga element: If you plant a mango tree, you cannot get all the fruits from it. You cannot get all types of grains from one type of farming like wheat, rice etc., you cannot accomplish all the activities of the world through one type of business, but through Yoga and Yoga based Karmayoga, you can accomplish all types of tasks in personal and public life.
Attainment of health through Yoga is the first benefit and the first step. Yoga brings happiness, prosperity, peace, success, victory and happiness, all the divine qualities along with divine wealth. Accomplishment of all worldly and transcendental truths is the main goal of Yoga. We are telling you after receiving or experiencing all this. So let us do yoga and live. It is our collective duty or responsibility to do yoga, to practice it, to live a yogic life and to guide everyone on this path of yoga. Yoga Ashta Siddhi Navnidhi, the basic means of Dashvidya, Paravidya or spiritual knowledge is Siddhi.
Glory of donation - This entire universe, our bodies and the entire living world is the result of the donation of Brahma. Charity is the core center of the universe and the entire existence is on the periphery. Therefore, we all humans have an innate tendency to donate. Whether the scope of donation is small or large is called selfishness or altruism. On the basis of ideology, China, Russia, US. Medialist and pro-Christian European countries donate to promote a particular ideology. There is no outline for collective sponsorship or donation by Sanatan Dharmis. Let us advance the eternal values of Sanatan with all our might. 


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