It is important to remain knowledgeable yourself and associate with knowledgeable people only

It is important to remain knowledgeable yourself and associate with knowledgeable people only

Pro. Kusumlata Kedia 

     Manas putra of Bhagwan Brahma, connoisseur of history and Puranas, Dharmatattva and the supreme work of spiritual figures in India the great wise Narad, the son of Manas, a peerless expert of the Vedas and Upanishads, a great speaker among the scholars, a learned orator, a judge of religion, artha, kama and moksha, who had correct determination regarding the four endeavors, asked Maharaj Yudhishthir to preach Rajdharma. Said in sequence, 'O Maharaj, your writers and accountants give complete accounts of income and expenditure every morning, right? Don't you separate your trusted and always engaged employees as soon as you hear any allegation? You take decisions only after completing the investigation into his alleged crime, right? You identify these three types of human beings – good, medium and low – and employ them in appropriate tasks, right? Such people have not been employed in government work who are always interested in money or are thieves or have enmity towards you and the state or are devoid of practical knowledge. Are your kingdom being hurt by such people or are the people being hurt by you yourself or by the princes or by the women of the royal family and are the farmers of your kingdom satisfied with you?'
 Generally, under the influence of European Christians, a perception has been formed about spiritual personalities that they will only be seen singing praises of God and preaching some religious stories and rules related to conduct and that they have no interest in worldly systems and social behavior. Actually, there is no night but knowledge is complete and hence the vision remains more calm and clear and it is for the knowledgeable people to see how the folk journey continues well has been valid. Many media persons and new people, who are unaware of all these traditions, keep making such comments after seeing an active and knowledgeable saint playing an effective role in public life as if he is entangled in useless worldly activities. Those who make such comments actually live in complete ignorance and have no knowledge of Indian philosophy and spiritual tradition. When there is no sensual interest in worldly activities, the creation cycle appears to be a divine business and one's contribution in completing the folk journey is seen as a duty. This is the reason why Devarshi Narad Maharaj tells Yudhishthir in such detail about political management and state administration, tax collection and good management, destruction of enemies and war conduct, making all the necessary arrangements for the welfare of the people and being aware of all the possible obstacles in it.
Next he asks, Maharaj, is there a provision of lakes and ponds which are always full of water in all parts of your kingdom? Aren't farmers forced to depend only on rain water? Similarly, Narad ji advises Maharaj Yudhishthir to make all necessary arrangements so that the seeds of the farmers do not get destroyed and there are arrangements for the food to reach home safely from the field. He emphatically says that farming, cow rearing and cow protection and all types of business together are called negotiation and this negotiation is done well only by gentlemen. Therefore, it is the duty of the king to see that the noble people remain engaged in these activities. For this he also explains the necessity and importance of the Panchayat system. They ask, Maharaj, in every village of your kingdom, do five brave, intelligent and efficient Panchs work together for the welfare of all, working in the public interest? Has the village also been protected by as many warriors as the city? Because doing this is also necessary for the safety of the city. He emphasizes that it is the duty of the king to ensure that all kinds of facilities are provided to the border villages also. Along with this, it is also the duty of the king to ensure that the prescribed taxes are collected from all the villages and cities.
Further, Devarshi Narad Maharaj, an adept scholar of all the scriptures and skilled in the arts of both war and music, asks Yudhishthir whether groups of protectors in your kingdom, along with military forces, keep roaming on easy and difficult roads and cities, suppressing thieves and bandits. Are? Are women completely safe?
Then they ask the emperor that even after hearing some inauspicious news and thinking about it, don't you remain engrossed in the pleasures of the harem? O Prajanath, you night at the last hour of the day, you yourself wake up and think about religion and meaning, don't you? Do you fulfill the wishes of the people praying and visiting by taking bath on time every day and sitting with the knowledgeable ministers of the country? When you sit in the meeting, powerful protector warriors surround you for protection, right? You appear to be Dharmaraj in person towards the good people and Yamraj in person towards the evil criminals, don't you? Along with this, to keep one's body healthy and strong, along with regularity of diet and consumption of necessary medicines, satsang of wise people is necessary for mental health, says Devarshi. Then they ask whether your doctor is skilled in Ashtanga treatment? (Treatment by examining pulse, urine test, tongue test, eyes and hearing power and testing the ability to look, speak and touch is called Ashtanga Chikitsa.
Devarshi further asks whether you stop the livelihood of the people dependent on the state because of greed or attachment or obsession? Do we give due consideration to the requests of the petitioners and respondents? Beyond this, they again ask whether the people of your nation have organized themselves and raised any opposition against you and have they not been bought by the enemies? It is clear that being careful in this matter is also an essential duty of the king. At the same time, it is also necessary to see whether any enemy who has been subjected to force at some point of time is trying to take revenge by gathering strength? Dependent kings love, right? And do you love them so much that they are always ready to make any sacrifice for you?
Is it a good thing in the state to respect the brahmins and saints, to make arrangements for the proper growth of all the knowledge and to give the prescribed dakshina during yagyas, festivals etc. or not? Everyone in your state follows the religion propounded by the three Vedas, right? Everyone's focus is on religious conduct, isn't it? You greet your teachers, relatives, revered deities, ascetics and welfare Brahmins daily, don't you? Don't you create sorrow or anger in anyone's mind by your conduct? You rule only with your religious mind and instincts, right? Have you made as your minister a fool devoid of knowledge of scriptures who, out of jealousy, makes false accusations against gentlemen and great scholars? It is the duty of the king to be alert on all these things.
Aren't vices like atheism, untruth, anger, carelessness, tendency to delay work and attachment to sensual objects increasing in the state? It is the duty of the ruler to see that these defects do not increase in the state
 Devarshi Narad also asks this question, O Maharaj, you wake up every morning and take bath, right? And also after that, adorned with clothes and ornaments, he would come sitting with the knowledgeable ministers of the country path of duty. Do you pay attention to the wishes of the visitors or applicants and behave properly with them, right? Is your intellect according to religion? Your thoughts and conduct are not going to destroy your life and fame? Your intellect is always capable of showing you the true form of Dharma, Artha and Kama efforts, isn't it? You live your life according to this wisdom, don't you? Because only such a king is capable of conquering the entire earth and attains immense happiness.
Devarshi Narad Maharaj, a great scholar of religion and a scholar of scriptures, also asks Yudhishthir whether it is the case that in your kingdom any thief has been released after being caught by the guards due to the greed for money? Because this will increase theft and injustice in the state. At the same time, they also ask that if a person in your state becomes rich through his efforts or by the grace of someone powerful, then the officials of your state do not look at his increased wealth with a false view and bring it back secretly. Don't you accept it and behave inappropriately?
The next question is even more important. Devarshi asks, O King Yudhishthir, are vices like atheism, untruth, anger, carelessness, tendency to delay work and attachment to the objects of the senses increasing in your kingdom? It is the duty of the ruler to see that these defects do not increase in the state. Similarly, don't you ever discuss economics with people who don't know economics? You are always alert to keep secret advice safe, right? Do you always perform necessary auspicious festivals? And you don't attack many enemies or all the enemies at once, right? Because these are the faults due to which both the state and the king are destroyed.
When Devarshi Narad Maharaj asks Yudhishthir whether the Vedas are successful for you? Is your wife successful? Is your money successful? And is your knowledge of scriptures successful? Then Yudhishthir asks Devarshi what is called success in these subjects? On this Devarshi tells that it is from the Vedas. Success is due to Agnihotra. The success of wealth lies in enjoyment and charity, the success of a woman lies in the attainment of love and progeny and the success of knowledge of scriptures lies in modesty and good conduct.
After this, there is supreme renunciation, supreme knowledge and constant contemplation of God and Devarshi Maharaj, who is engaged in bhajan, asks Yudhishthir that do you always listen carefully to the talks related to religion and political science of wise people who are experts in religion and economics and scholars of political science? Are grains, fruits, flowers, milk, ghee etc. donated to Brahmins for religious activities in your state? Do you always worry about ensuring that the necessary craft materials and materials for making things are systematically available to the craftsmen skilled in all types of crafts in the state? Are traders not treated unfairly in your state? Don't the state employees behave deceitfully and fraudulently with the businessmen?
 Then Devarshi asks, do you always remember the favor done to you and praise the favor in the public gathering? No? Also, do you regularly read and practice the scriptures on hand-keeping, horse-keeping and chariots, right? In your house, Dhanurveda, Yantravidya and scriptures related to civil order are practiced regularly, right? Also, do you know that it is necessary to follow the religious rules and use different types of poisons to destroy the enemies, right? It is clear here that an environment has been created to expect complete detachment from the sages and saints in those matters which are considered to be very worldly deeds; it has been an important task of the sages and saints to take care that all such deeds should be performed religiously. Devarshi himself is worrying about this.
At last Devarshi Maharaj preaches to Yudhishthir that it is the duty of the ruler to protect the kingdom from demons (terrorists) and to protect the kingdom from the spread of evil creatures, poisonous creatures like fire, snakes etc. and diseases. Similarly, it is the duty of the ruler to take care of orphans, helpless people and ascetics like a father. All these duties should be regularized by giving up sleeplessness, laziness, fear, anger, harshness and long-windedness. After completion of the sermon of Devarshi Narad, Maharaja Yudhishthir bowed and greeted Devarshi at both his feet and said with a happy heart to Devarshi that O Lord, I will rule as you have said. My wisdom has increased due to your advice and instructions. Maharishi Ved Vyas, after narrating this incident, says on his own behalf that Maharaj Yudhishthir behaved in the same way and due to this, he reached the sea received the kingdom of the earth. 


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