Health News
Research on risk factors in increasing age
Not age, bad lifestyle makes sick at 60-69
The reason for falling ill at the age of 60 to 69 years is more due to our lifestyle than old age. A study conducted in Australia has revealed that at this age we are least active.
Fall ill due to lack of activity. If we do even a little exercise or any physical work, the risk of falling ill is less. Research published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health states that people in the age group of 60 to 64, being less active as well as smoking, poor diet and not getting enough sleep, their risk of getting sick doubles. Changing lifestyle at this age increases the risk of many diseases like diabetes. 1.27 lakh people above 60 years of age were included for the study. The lifestyle of these people was studied from 2006 to 2009, when they were around 45 years of age. In the study, 5 risk factors were studied. These included smoking, activity, sitting time, sleep patterns and diet.
These are the 5 risk factors
5 lifestyle risk factors are most influential in people aged 60 to 64. People with unhealthy lifestyles in this age group were more than twice as likely to be admitted to a nursing home. All risk factors were directly linked to people being admitted to a nursing home or hospital. Among these, this risk was highest among smokers at 55 percent.
Courtesy: Dainik Bhaskar
Love is important along with nutrition
More than 80 percent of neural development occurs from gestation to three years. Every child deserves good nutrition, responsive care, and a safe environment. Complementary feeding starts after six months, but keep in mind that breastfeeding should continue for two years.
Mother's milk is nectar for the child
The child should be fed only mother's milk for the first six months. The more milk the mother feeds the child, the more it will grow. Mother's milk is easily digestible for the child. By drinking milk, the child gets digested and within an hour he feels hungry again. Neither water or food should be given nor fed anything for six months.
Child's dependence on mother's nutrition
Every mother should breastfeed her baby eight times a day. It is generally believed that if the mother is breastfeeding the child then she should not eat rice, curd, mango, whereas during breastfeeding the mother should eat everything homemade at least four times a day. Also seasonal fruits should be consumed. Some women have the misconception that the baby should not be breastfed immediately after delivery, because it leads to formation of pus. This is a misconception.
Reasons of malnutrition
• Bottle feeding increases the risk of diarrhea and pneumonia in the child.
• Bottle feeding reduces mother's milk production and may cause malnutrition to the child.
When to start giving complementary foods
• Starting to feed lentil water to the child after six months is also wrong. Start feeding small amounts of mashed rice and pulses and avoid market feeding formulas.
Vigilance during pregnancy
• The mother's breathing should be correct and balanced during pregnancy. Eat only home cooked food.
• Visit the doctor regularly and get necessary vaccinations. This leads to better development of the fetus.
• For the complete mental development of the child, it is necessary for the mother to remain healthy during pregnancy. The mother's weight should increase by eight to nine kilograms during pregnancy.
• Also, regular checking of mother's blood pressure is necessary. Always have your delivery done in a hospital.
These measures are necessary for mental development
• After six months, increase playing with children, talk to them.
• Always keep two things in mind for the physical and mental development of the child. First is mother's milk, complementary food after six months, second is positive family environment for the child.
* Make sure to get regular and necessary vaccinations of children. This also helps in monitoring its proper development.
Get relief from shortness of breath like this
• Apart from keeping your house clean, keep your bed also clean. Pay full attention to ventilation in the house.
• If you smoke cigarettes, quit it quickly. Not because of smoking. Not only will you have difficulty in breathing but also many diseases like cancer. You may also have to face serious problems. • Include broccoli, cabbage, cabbage, spinach and amaranth in your diet.
• If you do not go for exercise, then start exercising in the morning and evening. Note, if you live in a polluted city, try to exercise at home.
• Try to lose weight. According to the American Diabetes Association report, obesity prevents the lungs from functioning properly. For this, pay attention to your eating and drinking habits.
Courtesy: Dainik Bhaskar
Insulin pump and glucose monitor are AID, sugar control with fixed programming
NICE report: Sugar level remains irregular in pregnant women suffering from diabetes, it has many dangers.
A recent research report by UK National Institute of Clinical Excellence UK (NICE) has claimed that glucose control is irregular in pregnant women suffering from diabetes. Automated insulin systems (AIDs) have shown positive results for glucose control in pregnancy. It is also claimed that the AID is an insulin pump and glucose monitor. A computer program is fixed in the pump, through which it studies the amount of glucose in the body and then controls it by giving insulin. According to Dr. Jatindra Bali, Chairman of Information Technology Practices Automation, an association of doctors in India, AID is more suitable for pregnant women suffering from diabetes type one. In the new era, women can conceive even at older ages i.e. 35 to 45 years of age has been. Insulin production decreases significantly with increasing age. Due to this there is a possibility of miss carriage.
Tested on 124 women
According to NICE, the AID and control group trial for standard insulin in pregnant women with type 1 diabetes included 124 women. These were randomized to insulin distribution. Women in the 16th week of pregnancy were determined to be 63 to 140 mg/dL, 3.5 to 7.8 mm litre. Their blood glucose target target was maintained for a longer period.
How does AID work?
According to Dr. Monica Sharma, Diabetes and Endocrinology Consultant at Manipal Hospital, Dwarka, the AID can be implanted in the woman's hand through a chip. It contains an insulin pump and glucose monitor. The pump controls it through sensors. Finds out how much amount of insulin needs to be given to the body. When sugar increases, insulin pumps and it gets controlled. Sugar level keeps increasing and decreasing during pregnancy.
Courtesy: Dainik Bhaskar
Tags: health news
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