Psycho-immunity Enhancement is Necessary

Psycho-immunity Enhancement is Necessary

Abhishek Kumar Bhardwaj  
Assistant professor, department of psychology, 
Patanjali University, Haridwar

 Mental-Immunity/psycho-immunity refers to the immune capacity of our mind. It is proved that mind and body are co-related to each other, both influence each other. Various physical functions are affected by changes in mental state and changes in physical functions also change mental state. Just like the body's immune system, the mind also has an immune system. The immunity power in the body and mind is unprecedented and we have this capability naturally, but when this capability becomes weak due to various reasons, then distortions occur in these systems, which after some time manifest in the form of various types of diseases are there. The element that stands against these disorders and diseases is called immunity. During the Covid pandemic, most of the discussion in the world community was on increasing immunity.
Psycho immunity is the process of maintaining normal mental health. According to M. Vasudevan, author of the book 'Emotional Stress', mental immunity is-
  • Ability to tolerate emotional ups and downs
  • The ability to experience joy without being suffocated.
  • Ability to adapt and adapt to changing circumstances.
  • Ability to live free from fear, guilt and worry. 
  • Being accountable for one's own actions.
  • To deal with emotions logically without being influenced by emotions to use and develop 
    and To gain insight into oneself etc.

Types of immunity:

Immunity is basically of two types-
  • Physical immunity (bio immunity) and
  • Psycho-Immunity: 
   Every immunity is related to our life. It increases with the increase of life force and decreases with its decrease. Bioimmunity is such a protective shield of the body, which does not allow the disease to enter the body. The skin and the secretions secreted from it and the white blood cells, lymphocytes etc. in the blood provide protection to the body and protect us from diseases. Similarly, the capacity and capability with which our mind fights against various types of mental disorders and keeps itself safe and protected from it is called psycho-immunity. The psycho-immune system of the mind to fight mental disorders is called psycho-immunity.
The capacity of the mind is immense but it is heavily damaged by negative thoughts. As long as the immune system of the mind remains healthy, the mind is not affected by any negative thoughts, but as soon as it becomes weak, there is a flood of mental disorders. Every moment, the human brain is bombarded with thousands of thoughts and these thoughts excite and influence the human mind. Some of these thoughts are positive in nature while some are negative in nature. If some thoughts inspire and motivate us at the same time, some thoughts discourage us. 
Human life depends on his feelings, thoughts and behavior. Our thoughts and actions correspond to our feelings and this cycle continues throughout our lives. The level of balance between these three will be our mental immunity and our mental health will be accordingly.
Srimad Bhagavad Gita which is the divine journey starting from Arjuna Vishadyoga (first chapter) to Moksha Sannyasa Yoga (last chapter). In this, Yogeshwar Shri Krishna, during his dialogue with Arjun, has discussed how cognitive disintegration of a person occurs? The sequence of decline of psycho-immunity through the following verses
The reason given is-
Dhyayate Vishyanpunsah Sangasteshupajayate l
Sangatsanjayate Kamah Kamkrodhoabhijayate ll 2/62- Geeta l
Krodhadbhavati Sammohah Sammohatsmritivibhramah l
Smritibhranshad Buddhinasho Buddhinashatpranashyati ll 2/63 Geeta
That is, a person who repeatedly thinks about a subject becomes attached to that particular subject, from attachment a desire for that subject arises and when there is an obstacle in the desire, anger arises (if the desire is fulfilled, then greed arises). ). Anger leads to stupidity, stupidity leads to confusion in memory and confusion in memory leads to destruction of intelligence and due to this a person falls from his position. Refinement of personality is possible only by understanding these verses properly. By continuously thinking and meditating on this, the descent of mental immunity can be avoided.
There is mention of 'Equality' in Geeta i.e. being equal in different situations of life and in different emotions. This is difficult but not impossible. This condition can be achieved gradually by small experiments. Whatever work is done, having equanimity in the condition of its completion or not and its outcome is called 'equanimity'. Mental immunity is also mentioned in the Vedas. When the mind is in its peak state, no kind of disorders can touch it, rather its capability and capacity become infinite. There is a clear and detailed explanation of the mind and the powers of the mind in the 'Shiva Sankalp Sukta' mentioned in the Yajurveda. Yajjagrato doormudaiti daivam tadu suptasya tathaivaiti.
Yajjagrato Durmudaiti Daivam Tadu Suptasya Tathaivaiti l
Durangammam Jyotisham Jyotirekam Tanme Manah Shivasankalmastu ll 1 ll
That mind which is rapidly moving in the consciousness, awake state or dreamy, is self-illuminated in the luminaries, that mind is always Shiva Sankalpamaya. Similarly, the other mantras of 'Shiva Sankalp Sukta' are also superior and a mind filled with welfare (Shiva) resolution has been prayed for. Our mind should be engaged in good deeds (noble and sacrificial deeds), should be full of intense knowledge, should be conscious and patient; This is also discussed in these mantras.

Dimensions of psycho-immunity:

Many elements together create psycho-immunity. Psychology considers emotional maturity, self-confidence, adjustment ability and feeling of psychological happiness as important among the elements of 'psycho-immunity'. The body's immunity to disease is innate and can also be acquired from various sources in the environment. In the same way, psycho-immunity can also be acquired. The stronger the immune system of the body, the higher its level, the healthier that body will be, similarly, the stronger the immune system of the mind can ward off the attacks of mental illness carriers with the same intensity and make one mentally healthy, strong and capable. Helps in making.

Psycho-immunity enhancement measures:

The nature of the mind is fickle and sensitive. Those who have a weak mind get disappointed quickly and are surrounded by many types of troubles and problems. His mind does not remain calm and his immunity also keeps decreasing. In such a situation, there is a need to increase the resistance of the mind.
In 'Gita' and 'Patanjala Yogadarshan', the introduction of psycho-immunity is found in different forms. Yogeshwar Shri Krishna talks about converting restlessness into stability to increase immunity and says that the mind there is no doubt that it is fickle and difficult to control, but it can be controlled with continuous practice and renunciation. Maharishi Patanjali also says in 'Yoga Sutra' that the instincts of the mind are controlled by practice and renunciation. 'Yoga Psychology' presents a model of developing and enhancing psycho-immunity through these two. Psycho-immunity develops through practice and renunciation is also helpful in this. Vairagya is born from Viveka (correct understanding of right and wrong, correct knowledge of appropriate and inappropriate). The following exercises can be done to increase the capacity and strength of the mind:

• Regular self-study (reading and reflecting on inspirational books)
• Satsang (constant contact with good and uplifting thoughts)
• Auto-repetition (repeating good thoughts over and over again with confidence)
• Nutritious diet- because food not only builds the body but also the mind.
• Sufficient labor and Karmayoga.
• Regular worship (through chanting, meditation, pranayam or other methods).


Meditation, prayer, spiritual endeavors have the ability to develop 'life energy' which helps a person achieve a healthy mental state. By regularly listening or reciting Shiva Sankalp Mantra before sleeping, our mind becomes option-free and full of auspicious resolutions.
In an enhanced state of psycho-immunity, a person remains balanced in his thoughts, feelings and behaviour. He is not troubled by disappointment, frustration, depression, anxiety etc. He is happy, calm, stable and satisfied. These elements are the results of psycho-defense. The immune capacity of the mind can be increased by continuous yoga practice and practice of self-realization (the process of self-analysis). 
If seen from the present perspective, mainly we are giving special emphasis on bio-immunity (body's immunity to diseases) and are working on ways to strengthen it, but definitely now we need to know about psycho-immunity (psycho-immunity). -There is a need to understand and do deep and high level research in this direction. A person with a high level of psycho-immunity will not only have a refined personality, but it will also be easier to protect him from viral pandemics like Covid-19. 

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