Specific Feelings
Swami Samagradev
Patanjali Sanyashashram, Patanjali Yogpeeth, Haridwar
Relief from migraine pain
I was suffering from migraine due to which I was not able to sleep and had problems like treatment. After that, he came here and solved the problem by consuming diet and Shirodhara, Shiropicchu and Jalneti, Sutraneti and medicines like Memory Greet Medhavati etc. My uric acid was 11 which has now become 7.4 and reduced 10 kg.
Rupak Dhamija, Uttar Pradesh
Age: 24 Contact Number: 9205115363
Promising benefits in diabetes
I was suffering from type 1 diabetes. My HbA1C was 10.5. After that I watched Swamiji's program on Aastha channel, followed the diet as told by him, then my HbA1C came to 6.6, then I continuously followed yoga, now my HbA1C came to 5.4.
Harsh, Rajasthan
Age: 12, Contact Number: 8919974417
Got rid of insulin
I used to have the problem of type-1 diabetes. I used to take 40-45 units of insulin daily. After that I came to Patanjali Wellness and after taking therapy and medicines like Madhunashini and Madhugreet, I stopped taking insulin from the diet from the very first day. When I got the fasting test done, it came back to 115. I completely overcame diabetes.
Priyanka, Noida
Age: 39 Contact Number: 8169388441
Victory over diabetes
I had diabetes problem. My HbA1C was 12. After that I came to Patanjali Wellness and got special benefits through diet and other therapies. Apart from this, my HbA1C reduced from 12 to 6 by consuming Ayurvedic medicines like Madhugrit, Madhunashini, Chirayta, Kutki Kwath.
Gurgaon Age: 57 Contact Number : 9552593009
Benefits of Rinogrit in kidney disease
I had kidney problem due to which I had to go to urinate frequently. Earlier my creatinine was 18 and PSA level was also 18. I contacted a doctor of Patanjali and he told me to consume Patanjali medicines like Rhinogrit etc. from Jodhpur. After that, by taking medicines regularly and watching Swami Ramdev Ji Maharaj's yoga from Aastha channel, I reduced my creatinine to 1.18. and PSA level also became 0.07, now I do not have to urinate again and again and my body also remains energetic.
Hariram, Jodhpur
Age: 64, Contact Number: 9414132951
Victory over arthritis found in wellness
I used to have joint pain and unbearable pain all over my body. My R.A. The factor had become 398. I used to have to take injections (INFIMAB 100mg) worth up to Rs 92,000 for this problem. Someone told me about Patanjali Wellness. Then I came here and got special benefits from diet and special therapies like hot and cold compress, potli massage etc. The entire pain in my body is gone. My R.A. The factor also came down from 398 to 66. I used to have anxiety, that also got cured and I have lost 10 kilos of weight.
Reena, Himachal
Age: 32 Contact Number: 8278872924
Treatment of prostate
From home remedies and Ayurveda
I had prostate problems. My PSA level was 100. After that, my friend told me about Swami Ji's YouTube channel. I watched the videos of Swami Ji on YouTube and consumed bottle gourd, black pepper and Tulsi leaves and ordered Prostegrit and Chandraprabha Vati medicines from Patanjali and consumed them. My PSA was 100 on March 13, 2024. When I got it checked on March 27, 2024, PSA had come to 16.43. I got special benefits from the medicines.
Rashendu Jani,Gujarat
Age: 68 Contact Number: 9106166813
Treatment of heart disease contained in special therapies of Patanjali Wellness
I had a heart problem due to which I had chest pain, then one day I had a heart attack. After going to the hospital, it was found that there was 99% blockage in my heart. The doctor was asking for heart operation but I refused. I used to do yoga after watching Swamiji from Aastha channel. I told my son not to get me operated, take me to Patanjali Wellness. After that I came here and took benefit of diet and therapies like Hridayabasti, Matrabasi. Also, as per the doctor's advice, I took Ayurvedic medicines like Cardiogrit, Hridayamrit etc. Along with this, by following yoga regularly, I got rid of the problem completely. I did ECO Test and M.R.I. Also got it done which is absolutely normal.
Mangeram, Delhi
Age: 70, Contact Number: 9811618245
Victory over thyroid disease
I am a musician. I was suffering from thyroid problem due to which I could not sing. Due to thyroid, I also got depression and fatty liver. After that I came to know about Patanjali Wellness and I came here. After coming here, I took benefit of special therapies like Shirodhara, Thyroid pack, Nasya etc. as per the disease. By taking Thyrogrit among medicines, I got 100 percent benefit in just 14 days.
Shambhavi Jhan, Bangalore
Age: 37 Contact Number: 9008984499
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