

Prafulla Chandra Kunwar 'Baghi' 
Silk City, Bhagalpur, Bihar 


One whose life is full of yoga and is inanimate and conscious is worthy. Efficiency in work, emotionality, discipline, health…1. 
Problem of amnesia, if it takes permanent form. Keep a paper diary and keep your smart phone silent. 2. 
Write and read diary, give brain exercise. Schedule for the next day, rest every day..3.
 Mark important dates with calligraphy. Before sleeping, take a look at him..4.
 Gradually, when the psyche becomes adapted. Without the help of diary, forget "oblivion".5.

Lifestyle and Diet

Licking both body and mind, intoxicating non-vegetarian food. Vegetarianism is beneficial for both body and mind. 1. 
Food, fruits and vegetables, refreshments every hour. Improve memory, yoga, meditation, meditation..2. 
Living life is art, style, method, decoration. Life brings many disorders in nature. 3. 
The vowels should come out sweetly, the consonants should go inwards. Sweetness of vowels and consonants, make Vasudha heaven. 4. 
Junk food also stings and spoils health. There should be healthy lifestyle and lifestyle improvement..5. 
Bhramari by doing Pranayama, Aru Anulom-Vilom. Homa by anger, greed, jealousy, ego, attachment and hatred..6. 
Will forget everything, do all four treatments. Geeta and daily routine, exercise, diet...7.


Brains need constant exercise. Regularize correctly, "forgotten" pauses appear.1. 
If you forget the key, insert the key. Remember the auspicious date/day, practice daily.2. 
Lost thing, missing someone, don't bring sadness. Be a little calm and relaxed, "remember" easily..3. 
Gradually, the memory becomes weak. Have a very alert mind, remember unmatched..4.. 
Finding a new place is such a difficult task. Go there again and again, keep all the eight Yams in memory..5. 
Therefore, fill the necessary knowledge in “Brain” several times. Even if memory deceives you, do not dare to give up. 6.
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