The architect of a healthy India is His Holiness Swami Ji Maharaj

The architect of a healthy India is His Holiness Swami Ji Maharaj

Vandna Barnwal  
State In-Charge, Women's Patanjali Yog Samiti, UP (Central)

Yogic methods are scientific along with spiritual

There should be a concept of getting up in the morning at Brahmamuhurta, offering prayers to the sun be it the ritual of daily puja and yoga, the idea of eating vegetarian food while sitting with the family or the emotional connection in interpersonal relationships, when we practice such small activities in a simple and easy way in our daily routine, our A new and very important reservoir of energy is created within. This treasure gives us a vast vision towards life. So it provides physical and mental health and also provides social and atmospheric security. It is because of this great vision that Indian culture has been proclaiming 'Sarve Bhavantu Sukhin, Sarve Santu Niramaya' since the beginning. And when we wish for everyone's happiness and everyone's health, then the principle of energy is followed in which whatever we give or think, we get the same. This is the basic mantra of good health. That is why when the medical science of the entire world had bowed down before Corona, then our dietary system, spiritual values, Yoga-Ayurveda etc. came forward as a shield and to a great extent the credit for this goes to Pujya Swami Ji Maharaj. Pujya Swami Ji not only tried the practice of Yoga on himself but also became a skilled craftsman like every sick body sacrificed everything to become a healthy body. It is due to the determination of Pujya Swamiji that today the field of Yoga is not limited to only Asana, Pranayam and physical exercises, but has gone far beyond that and is gradually gaining ground in alternative and then mainstream medical systems. Certainly the future belongs to India and we all will witness that moment when India, with the help of its spiritual medical system, will connect the whole world with the right definition of health and guide it like a Guru.

India will be the world health guru

Our health care system has developed amazingly after independence but there are still a lot of improvements left to be made. The entry of Yoga, Ayurveda and Naturopathy will prove to be a milestone for further improvement in the health care system. Today, India is moving forward with the same hope and goal that after 25 years, when India will be celebrating its golden centenary of independence, then India will be found to be a leader in the health sector and will be ready to serve the whole world as per its nature. 25 years from now, India will be in the role of world health guru. But how will this happen? It is there is only one answer and that is Yoga and Ayurveda, with the help of which India is moving forward rapidly with the dream of a world leader and the goal of being the best leader. Anyway, Amritkaal (Amrit Mahotsav) is going on in the country. The literal meaning of Amrit is (immortality). Immortality means a chemical that provides immortality. In the 75 years of independence, the country has made a lot of progress in the health sector, but this challenge is increasing every day. In such a situation, a little more effort of all of us in the field of Yoga and Ayurveda can expand the objective of the Amrit Mahotsav of Independence and make it freedom from diseases. Can make Amrit Mahotsav of. We just have to take a pledge that to create a healthy and prosperous nation, we will have to spend a little more of our energy in the field of Yoga and Ayurveda. The objective of realizing the creation of Pujya Swamiji, the architect of a healthy India, will be fulfilled with this pledge.

Goals are important in life

Only when India is healthy will it be prosperous and at present the present time is the golden period for building a healthy India. Because today there is talk of yoga everywhere in every house, every courtyard, every street, every locality. All of us yoga teachers just have to set our goal. This goal includes organizing yoga camps and preparing new yoga teachers. In building a healthy India, let us all find our own roles, objectives and goals because only when there is a purpose in life, we will be able to mold ourselves accordingly. In Srimad Bhagavad Gita, 'Yoga: Karmasu Kaushalam' i.e. efficiency of work has been said as Yoga. His Holiness Swami Ji Maharaj himself has undertaken a long and inspiring journey of making himself an icon for 140 crore Indians. In this journey, he has considered the challenges and struggles faced at every step of his life as opportunities and has created the craft of a new and healthy India full of health. For the last 20-30 years, people of the country and the world witness his ideology, working style, vision and mission of Yoga and Ayurveda every morning. The model of health presented by Swamiji by practicing yoga regularly, it seems that not only India but the whole world was waiting for it for centuries. Today, the mind becomes happy after seeing the popularity of Yoga science everywhere. This very ancient science of India has now been accepted all over the world.

Time for a new success story

Our thoughts and words towards the nation are also actions, which get results. The sun of India's cultural renaissance is rising. India, immersed in the colors of the East, has itself awakened. And waking up others too. The culture of India, like its nature, has infinite forms. The last few years have been a period of renaissance of Indian national consciousness. The coming years will prove all the apprehensions to be groundless and will witness the light of the rising sun of India becoming more resplendent. Under the divine guidance of the most respected Swami Ji Maharaj, the skilled architect of a healthy India, we all will write a new story of success towards becoming a healthy India as well as a prosperous India. On the one hand, in the last three decades, with the blessings of the most revered Guruvar, revered Acharyashree, all of us yoga teachers established free yoga classes in the streets, parks and schools across the country as a result of our dedication, enthusiasm and hard work, and on the other hand, Under his divine leadership, many milestones like Patanjali Yogpeeth, Patanjali Ayurveda, Patanjali Wellness, Patanjali Apparel, Yogagram, Niramayam have been established.

Skilled craftsmen of healthy India

We all are fortunate that we are not only witnesses of this time but we are also getting the company and blessings of the revered Guru as the representative of God and the skilled architect of a healthy India. As a result of his unbroken tremendous efforts, the usefulness of Yoga has established its acceptance throughout the world. Today, if India's stature has increased in the world and the world is looking towards India, then undoubtedly both Yoga and Yogarishis have a huge contribution in it. This is the nectar period of the new construction of India. In this nectar period, the architect of the healthy India that is currently being built by creating the golden concept of a healthy and prosperous nation through yoga in every home and courtyard, is Pujya Swami Ji Maharaj. Are. Come! Let us all take a pledge that in this Amrit Bela, all of us yoga teachers, teachers and worker brothers and sisters will continue to move ahead without stopping and without getting tired, under the guidance of the revered Guru, with a spirit of dedication and devotion. 


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