Innovative revolution in the medical world Patanjali Wellness

Innovative revolution in the medical world Patanjali Wellness

Acharya Balkrishna

     Present, most of the people are suffering from many incurable diseases due to improper diet and irregular routine. At such a time, the integrated treatments of Patanjali Wellness such as Yoga, Ayurveda, Naturopathy, Acupressure, Acupuncture, Physiotherapy, Raktamokshan, Vatamokshan, Medicated Water, Chiropractic, Reflexology, Yagya Chikitsa and Sattvic Routine Ayurvedic Medicine and Medicinal Diet are providing healing to the entire country. A healthy alternative has been found in the field, using which today millions of people are getting health benefits by adopting a healthy lifestyle.

There is no permanent solution to diseases in allopathy

Any therapy is said to be complete only when it is of use to a healthy person and has the power to end the disorder caused by physical mental imbalance along with its root cause. This completeness of therapy is fully reflected in the Integrated Treatment of Patanjali Wellness.
There is no guidance available in any way for a healthy person in allopathy and this is one of the first reasons that allopathy is not a complete medicine, it is a narrow medicine, which also makes the person a victim of narrow-mindedness.
There is no permanent solution to diseases in allopathy. Pain relieving pills diseases are suppressed by giving drugs and steroids, which emerge again after getting the opportunity. Again in the name of medical treatment, the vicious cycle continues for the whole life. Without bothering about the root causes of the disease emerging in the body and mind, the process of torture starts in the name of direct treatment in which the person keeps getting trapped, like a worm in a spider's web.


Not only management of diseases but also cure in Patanjali

In allopathy where on the one hand pain killers, steroids, operations and biological treatments are being confused in the name of treatment only in the name of management, on the other hand Patanjali Wellness has integrated treatment (Yoga, Ayurveda, Naturopathy, Acupressure Acupuncture, Physiotherapy Raktamokshan, Vatmokshan , leech therapy etc.) making the patient healthy and getting guidance to stay healthy throughout life. In Allopath, only the management of the disease is being done on the basis of symptoms whereas in Patanjali Wellness, BP, Sugar, Thyroid, Asthma, Heart Disease, Kidney Disease, Liver Disease etc. are not only controlled but completely cured in the Integrated Medical System.
While on one hand the side effects of allopathy are well known, on the other hand the side benefits of the Integrated Treatment Model of Patanjali Wellness are in front of everyone.

Diet is the cure

In Patanjali Wellness, all integrated treatments are given according to the condition, condition and capability of the patient. Along with this, disease-specific diet or medicated diet is a major factor in Patanjali Wellness used as a medical system. Our sages have said that food is the only medicine. Making this principle the main pillar of the integrated treatment, various therapies were given to the health seeker according to the disease, medicated diet (medicated drink, decoction, kalpa etc.) goes. Therapy, when diet therapy is added according to disease and nature along with medicine intake. So health benefits start coming soon. In this way, even after going home, the patient gets the knowledge of dietary and unhealthy diet related to food. In diet therapy, according to the disease, suitable medicated water, food, decoction and fruits are given to the patient at the right time, so that they get complete benefits and knowledge of proper diet. Medicine, medicine, yoga or diet alone does not give the expected benefit to the person. The medical method of Patanjali Wellness is based on completeness, due to which the sufferings of the incurable patients are removed, through this the common patient and the common man can also make themselves completely healthy and adopt a proper and ideal lifestyle.


Research Based Integrated Treatment

In Patanjali Wellness, when a patient takes the therapy of Panchakarma, Naturopathy and Shatkarma, achieving physical, mental and spiritual strength and balance through yoga according to the disease, the effectiveness of the treatment increases manifold and overall health is benefited. It is a research based integrated treatment system proven by extensive research of Patanjali.

Research based Ayurveda medicines

Patanjali's Ayurvedic medicines are completely research based and authentic. We saw a direct example of this in the Corona period. While on one hand the entire modern medical system was seen bowing down in front of the corona infection, Patanjali's medicinal research gave a new life to humanity.
Patanjali's team of skilled scientists has prepared authentic medicines for many curable-incurable diseases ranging from blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, liver, heart, kidney, thyroid, abdominal disease, cholesterol to cancer etc. Lakhs and crores of people are receiving the boon of health by taking the advice of Patanjali's skilled doctors and by consuming research based quality medicines of Patanjali.

Holistic Life Philosophy with Holistic Medicine

Those health seekers who come to Patanjali Wellness for the diagnosis of their curable and incurable diseases, are provided with integrated medicine according to their disease, condition and capability. Along with this, health seekers are also guided by Patanjali Wellness on how they can lead a healthy life by following an ideal routine and lifestyle, first getting the diagnosis of their diseases.
Along with therapy, intensive training is also given to health seekers on how regular yoga practice and different types of purification activities such as Panchakarma, Shatkarma and Naturopathy can be included in the lifestyle to achieve a healthy life. 
Patanjali presented the wisdom of sages and their knowledge in the form of integrated medicine
In order to break this vicious cycle in the name of medicine, Param Pujya Yogrishi Swami Ramdev ji not only made the concept of integrated treatment realistic, but also by giving benefits of complete health to lakhs of patients through research based integrated treatment, their life, health, culture and is filled with happiness. Physical, Mental and Spiritual as Patanjali Wellness Param Pujya Swami Ji Maharaj has given a priceless gift to the general public by establishing a strong system of getting health, giving a concrete form to the wisdom and knowledge of our sages in today's time, due to which all people, big or small, rich or poor, cannot discriminate. The poor are getting benefited from this universal treatment. 


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