Seasons and Health
Vaidya Neha Barua Associate Professor,
Patanjali Ayurveda College, Haridwar
Change is the nature of nature, there are few seasons in the whole year. There are periods, which change with the change of weather. Ancient sages wrote about the phenomena occurring in nature. The changes are divided into 6 seasons-
Shishir Ritu - Maagh Phalgun
Basant Ritu - Chaitra Vaishakh Adan Kaal
Grishm Ritu - Jeshth Ashadh
Varsha Ritu - Shravan Bhadrapad
Sharad Ritu - Ashwin Kartik Visarg Kaal
Hemant Ritu - Agahan Paush
In these three seasons of winter, spring and summer, the Sun moves in the north direction, hence these are called the three seasons of Tarayan or Adaaan period. Similarly, during the rainy, autumn and autumn seasons, the sun moves in the south direction, hence they are called Dakshinayan or Visarga period are called seasons.
Seasonal change or change of time affects the physical strength of a person. It is seen that there is weakness in the body strength at the beginning of the Visarga period i.e. in the rainy season and at the end of the Aadan period i.e. in the summer season, in the middle of the Visarga period i.e. in the autumn and in the middle of the Aadan period i.e. in the spring season and at the end of the Visarga period there is weakness in body strength. That is, the strength of the body remains the best in the Hemant season and the beginning of the Aadan period, i.e. in the winter season.
During the transition period, the Sun absorbs the affectionate part of the world i.e. the water part through its rays, at the same time the air also becomes intense and rough and exploits the affectionate part of the world, due to which dryness occurs in the three seasons of winter, spring and summer. Weakness occurs in the body. In the seasons of Varsha, Sharad and Hemant respectively, when the Sun starts moving towards the south, at that time the time and natural path (Visarga Kaal and Dakshinayan) and clouds appear and brightness reduces due to wind and rain. Therefore, the strength in human body starts increasing every day.
A person knows what kind of diet should be taken in which season. Only he gets the proper results of the diet, otherwise even after taking food in quantity, he does not get the full results of the diet, hence for good health one should follow the diet suitable for him in every season. Our ancient sages have adequately described the menstrual cycle. What diet should be followed in each season?
Hemant Ritucharya
Winter is naturally cold, so at this time the stomach fire in the body of men is strong and able to digest heavy food in quantity and substance. Therefore, in this season, the use of fatty substances, acid juice, salt, milk disorders, reed disorders (jaggery, sugar, candy), oil, fresh rice, etc., does not cause loss of body strength, i.e., the person remains healthy. In this season, daily oil massage, applying oil to the head, applying perfume, sitting in the sun, living in a warm place, applying ointment to the body, wearing warm clothes are all beneficial.
Precaution: In this season, there is an outbreak of Vata, hence one should not consume food items that increase Vata and small (quickly digestible) food items. Do not consume strong air, do not remain hungry.
Shishir seasonality
Generally, there are many similarities between Hemant and Shishir, but in this season it becomes much colder due to wind and clouds. In this season, one should consume guru diet and aliphatic diet just like the Hemant season. Should stay in a warm place. Cartilaginous foods, small and quickly digestible foods and cold food should be avoided.
Basant season
The phlegm accumulated at this time (in the eastern season) gets liquefied by the sun's rays and slows down the gastric fire, hence there is a possibility of many diseases, hence special care should be taken about the diet. Due to overeating, indigestion, eating cold and stale food, phlegm gets aggravated. In this season, light easily digestible diet and fresh food is best.
Old wheat, millet, barley, pigeon pea, moong dal, myrobalan, garlic, spinach, use of dry ginger and seasonal fruits is beneficial. In this season, do exercise and yoga in the morning. Use of massage, rubbing, paste etc. is beneficial.
Avoidance: Heavy, acidic, fatty and sweet food in this season be avoided. One should not sleep during the day in spring.
Grishma seasonality
In this season, the Sun absorbs the love of the world through its rays, hence in this season it is best to consume sweet, juicy, cool, astringent and liquid foods. Use milk, ghee, buttermilk. Among vegetables, use of leafy vegetables, parwal, gourd, tomato, bitter gourd, lemon is beneficial. Consumption of moong lentils and seasonal fruits is beneficial. Use cool water in cool places such as residence, cool garden, cool water.
Avoidance of food containing salt, acid, bitter juice like bitter, sour, salty, chilli-spicy food and consumption of heavy substances. Avoid consumption of sour curd, urad dal, khatai etc. should be avoided. Keep your head covered while leaving the house and drink water before leaving.
Rainy Seasonality
At this time, body strength remains weak due to which all the three doshas get angry, hence consumption of tridosha eliminating things is beneficial at this time. Consumption of fire lamp liquids is appropriate in this season. In this season it is beneficial to add honey in small quantities while preparing food items. Acids and salts in food and juices. The predominance of affectionate fluid like Ghritadi etc. is beneficial. Use of old barley, wheat and rice is appropriate.
In this season, light digestible, fresh, hot and digestive fire enhancing food should be consumed. Consumption of old grains, moong, maize, mustard, khichdi, porridge is beneficial. Among the vegetables, gourd, ladyfinger, ridge gourd, tomato, ginger etc. are beneficial. During the season, rubbing of the body, boiling, bathing, using smells etc. are beneficial.
Keep houses clean and dry during rainy season. Use light and sacred clothes and medicines like Neem Patra, Guggul etc. inside the house experiment is beneficial. Malaria due to water contamination in this season, there is a possibility of spread of diseases like typhoid, diarrhea etc. Therefore take special care of food items, boiling and cooled water consumption is good and is beneficial. Avoid heavy food outside and home cooked and easily digestible food is best.
Autumn season
The bile accumulated in the previous season erupts in the autumn. Therefore, in this season, when you feel hungry, eat in quantity. Sweet, cold, bitter and bile pacifying foods should be consumed in quantity. Use of rice, barley and wheat is beneficial.
Avoidance: One should not consume sunlight in autumn. Do not even consume eastern air; give up sleeping during the day. Fat, oil, alkali, curd should not be consumed. In this season, quantity of flowers, clean clothes and consumption of moon rays are best.
The above seasonal rituals are very ancient, described in detail in the Ayurvedic scriptures, for better health benefits, every person should follow the rules made during the seasons. Abruptly abandoning the rules during the end of one season and the beginning of another season can lead to Asatmyaaj diseases. Therefore, humans should gradually abandon the rules of that season during the last seven days of a season and completely abandon them for the seven days before the beginning of the season and should follow the food and habits of the season respectively during these fourteen days - Should be consumed gradually. In this way, by following the rules methodically in every season, avail the benefits of health.
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