Even in foreign countries also rock in collaboration with Patanjali. The power of Ayurveda!

Even in foreign countries also rock in collaboration with Patanjali. The power of Ayurveda!

 16 September. Under the able leadership of Acharya Balkrishna ji, Patanjali Research Institute has done research on many herbs and created new effective medicines have been created which are benefiting the entire humanity. 
In this sequence, to test the medicinal potential of Ayurveda, professors of Swinburne University of Australia and scientists of Patanjali Research Institute conducted research on how Ayurvedic medicines help in increasing the good beneficial bacteria of the body.
On this occasion, Acharya ji told that this new research of Patanjali has been accepted by the world famous FEMS Microbiology Ecology Journal of Oxford University Press. Acharya ji said that we are happy that foreign scientists are not only accepting the power of Ayurveda but are also coming forward for research.
He told that even before this we have done research on Giloy, Ashwagandha, Sea Buckthorn, Putrajeevak, Sarvakalp Kwath, Peedanil Kwath, Shivlingi Beej, Chyawanprash, Tulsi Kakrasinghi etc. which have been published in world famous journals like - Elsevier, Springer, Frontiers, Nature, Molecules, Biomolecules. , Journal of Separation Science, Journal of Inflammation Research, Nanoscale Advances etc. has got a prominent place due to which Patanjali's Ayurveda has become popular even in foreign countries. 
Acharya ji told that Patanjali works as per complete scientific standards and all types of facilities from NABL accredited labs to animal trials and other facilities are available in Patanjali Research Institute.
For more information visit the link given below-


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