One day workshop organized in Patanjali

One day workshop organized in Patanjali

16 September. A one day workshop on 'Ayurvedic Principles in Health Care with Evidence Based Scientific Approach' was organized by the Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India in collaboration with Patanjali Research and Patanjali University under Patanjali Ayurveda Hospital in which State Institute of Agriculture Extension and Training (SAAIT) A contract 'Memorandum of Undertaking' related to research work was also signed between SIET) and Divya Yoga Mandir (Trust). On this occasion, Acharya Balkrishna Ji Maharaj said that the scientists of Patanjali Research Institute developed evidence based medical system to establish Ayurveda at the global level, which is taking Ayurveda to the pinnacle with complete authenticity. Special guest in the workshop, Shri Komal Prasad Aharwal, Director of State Agricultural Extension and Training Center Barkhedi Kalan, Bhopal, described 'karma' as the basis of life.
On this occasion, Dr. Anurag Varshney, Dr. Rajesh Saxena, Dr. Priyanka Choudhary, Dr. Vivek Gohal, Patanjali Ayurvedic College Professor Dr. Ashish Bharti Goswami, DGM Operations "Pradeep Nain etc. shared their research in the conference. Patanjali University Registrar Dr. Praveen Punia, Patanjali Ayurved College Principal Professor Anil Yadav and all the supporting staff, scientists and professors were present. 


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