Will create 'Ayurveda Manufacturing Hub' in Uttarakhand: Acharya Balkrishna

Will create 'Ayurveda Manufacturing Hub' in Uttarakhand: Acharya Balkrishna

   17 August : Secretary of Uttarakhand Ayush Department, Shri Pankaj Pandey along with his team reached Patanjali Yogpeeth where he along with General Secretary of Patanjali Yogpeeth Acharya Balkrishna Ji Maharaj discussed about making Uttarakhand an 'Ayurveda Manufacturing Hub', planting, distribution and sale of medicinal plants, research, wellness, information. And discussed various topics like technology, e-market, Vaidya training programme, conducting training programs for farmers and BAMS students etc.
On this occasion, Revered Acharya ji said that Patanjali Uttarakhand will work in collaboration with the AYUSH Department towards making Uttarakhand an 'Ayurveda Manufacturing Hub'. He said that Patanjali can provide such a portal and HMIS system to the Uttarakhand government in which geo-mapping and geo-tagging of farmers' land, information about medicinal plants available as crops in their fields, information related to the market and about 1 year under the EMR system. Data of crores of patients will be available at one place. On Ayush Gram Yojana, Acharya ji said that Patanjali has established a wellness project in Yamkeshwar Block, Malagaon by investing more than Rs 1000 crore.
He told that Patanjali is also working on a large scale in Charek Danda. To attract tourists towards wellness in Uttarakhand, Acharya ji told a comprehensive action plan which was appreciated by everyone. Acharya ji said that to conduct training programs for physicians, farmers and BAMS students Patanjali is always ready.
Shri Pankaj Pandey, Secretary of Uttarakhand Ayush Department, presented before Acharya ji a proposal from the government to provide land for setting up 'Ayush Grams' at places like Kotdwar, Tehri and Tanakpur etc. During the discussion, it was agreed with Acharya ji to establish Ayurvedic College, Wellness Center and Ayush Village on a large scale in Kumaon region.
In the meeting, Shri Pandey requested Acharya ji to make medicinal plants available, on which Acharya ji said that Patanjali not only distributes medicinal plants but also complete data of farmers as well as their agricultural produce is available on our portal. . Medicinal products can also be purchased directly from farmers by taking information from the department portal.
In the meeting, discussions were also held regarding Atal Ayushman Yojana, Primary Health Care, establishing Herbal State Model in Uttarakhand, working together with Patanjali University, Patanjali Ayurveda College and Uttarakhand AYUSH Department as well as NAAC recognition etc. 


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