The Reason for the king

The Reason for the king

Pro. Rameshwar Mishra Pankaj  

   At present, one of the topics on which there is more ambiguity in the Hindu society is the division of Yugas. The most ancient and most detailed thinking related to time has happened in India only. That's why the scriptures related to Indian thinking about time are the proof itself. Whatever has been written about him by foreigners, especially in the 19th and 20th centuries AD, is unauthentic. In fact, as soon as they were successful in bringing the residents and countries outside their territory under their control for a short time, the people of Europe, who earlier did not tire of praising the culture and civilization of India, suddenly decided to attribute it to Europe only. They felt that by this we would be able to keep India under our control especially for a long period of time. If we talk about indirect control, then in a sense they have succeeded in it. But apparently he had to relinquish his rule from India in 90 years itself. Even though he kept on transferring the power to his followers while leaving.

Imaginary division of civilizations

First of all, it should be known in this matter that either intentionally or deliberately, they adopted the civilization and culture of the ancient districts of India unknowingly propagated completely different civilizations. Everyone knows that Sumer and Yavana regions were the districts of ancient India only. But Euro-Christian communities suddenly started describing Yavana province as a part of an imaginary region called Europe from the 19th century AD in order to show their knowledge tradition as ancient. Written by the Europeans themselves. That before the 19th century AD there was no such thing as Europe in the world. This means that those geographical areas were in their place, but they were never called Europe before.
Due to the very difficult mountainous and marshy area, which is today called Europe, the whole area was like isolated areas even among themselves. Their mutual contacts were negligible before 17th century AD. That's why they made a hypothesis of having different civilizations in India also at a little distance. Due to the rule of Indian kings in the present Indian region, they had to call it the region of the same Hindu civilization, but they propagated the existence of separate civilizations of Sumer and Yavana regions and talked about the astrology developed in Sumer and Yavana region and from that Indian astrology. Tried to impress. Whereas in reality these areas were a part of India and the astrology found there was itself a part of India's astrology. In the astrology that spread in Europe, local beliefs found a place to a large extent. Later on, their influence is also found in Indian astrology itself. For example, the philosopher Francis Bacon said that the constellations are benevolent and they can also give sorrow, both of which are in the constellations.

The fear of planets was widespread in Europe

Ptolemy, who is said to be both Yavana and Roman, is an eminent astrologer. He has written extensively on the effects of planets. In the 18th century AD, the German philosopher and poet Goethe, who called 'Abhigyana Shakuntalam' the best play in the world, started his memoirs with the planetary positions at the time of his birth. Since then, astrology has a great influence in Europe. Therefore, the possibility cannot be ruled out that Indian astrology may have had some elements from later European contact. But the main thing is that as much subtle thinking about time has happened in India from the Vedic period till today, nothing like that has happened in Europe. Even when people like Luther are preaching that Joshua (Jesus) ordered the Sun to remain stationary and since then (from AD-50) the Sun is stationary, still in India vast literature of astrology was being created.
In the writing that is found in the name of Plato, Plato's opinion was told. The Earth is known to be a cube. In this way, compared to the astrology of India, the astrologers of the Euro-Christian states and also of the Yavana state are only short-sighted. That's why out of jealousy, these people have made ridiculous discussions of showing Indian astrology as influenced by Europe. But it is also a fact that for the last few centuries, which has become a permanent belief in India about the ages, it is absent in the ancient Vedic literature and the Mahabharata period.

The king is the cause of time.

The calculations about the eras may be true about some remarkable changes coming in the whole earth, but the propaganda that Kaliyug has come, therefore only downfall will happen, this is Vedic theory. It is the opposite of Kaldarshan. Because from the Vedic period to the Mahabharata period and even after that, we find again and again the classical rendering that the king is the cause of time. In Adhyay 69 Shlok 79, Pitamah Bhishma clearly says to Yudhishthira-
Kalo Wa Karanam Ragyo, 
Raja Va Kalakaranam l
Iti Te  Sanshayo Ma Bhuda, 
Raja Kalasya Karanam ll
That is, it is certain that the king is the cause of time. In the next verses, he has told that when the king makes proper use of punishment, then in that state, Kaal itself makes Kritayuga or Satyuga present. When the kings follow only three-fourths of the punishment, then there is Tretayuga. If we follow Ardhabhaga then it is Dwapar Yuga and when the king ignores punishment and sees the subjects suffering by the wicked then it is Kaliyuga. Unrighteousness only increases in Kaliyuga.

Era is royal

In Shantiparva Adhyay 141 Shlok 10, Bhishma again says that the king is the root cause of all these Satyug, Treta, Dwapar and Kaliyug. The era is determined by the conduct of the king. In confirmation of this, Bhishma has also told many stories. The same thing has been said in Shukraneeti, in Adhyay IV, Shlok 56 to 60. In the end, Shukracharya concludes that the king is the originator of the era. If unrighteousness increases in a state, neither time nor the people should be blamed for it, but the king is responsible for it-
Yugpravartako Raja Dharmadharmaprashikshanat l
Yuganam Na Prajanam Na Doshah Kintu Nripasya Hi ll
Similarly, in Manusmriti, in Adhyay 9, Shlok 301 and 302, Manu has said that Krit, Treta, Dwapar or Kali yuga are there in any state according to the conduct of the king. The king is the determiner of the era. When the king is away from duty, then there is Kaliyuga in that state. When there is a small entrepreneur, then it is Dwapar and when there is data in the work, then there is Tretayug. If the king keeps all the subjects engaged in religion and Varnashram ensures the dignity of religion, then there is Kritayuga or Satyuga in that state. Therefore, it is clear that the determination of era is not stable and certain or predetermined from the point of view of the state. The era is determined by the conduct of the ruler. This has been clearly stated in Vayupuran and other Puranas as well. That this is a matter of ages, it is only for India. This also proves that the timing of ages is not permanent and universal.

Kalikal’s promotion

It seems that after the 16th-17th century AD, when some anarchy was seen spreading in the society due to the absence of the rule of the Chakravarti kings, then the contemporary scholars put the responsibility for public peace on the era. This is what happens in Kaliyuga, it became a big basis of assurance. But blindly believing in it has also caused losses. Especially in the 20th century AD, the British allowed this concept to become ingrained in the Hindu society, so that there is no strong urge to drive them out of India and their arrival is accepted as a definite law of time. It is very possible that the Hindu kings who were friends of the British, including Rajputs and Marathas, including a large number of kings from all over the country, have also allowed the matter of Kali Yuga to be propagated as a sure law to hide their shortcomings.

Reason for guilt

But now this recognition has become a reason for unnecessary and unjustified slander. Many of our kings have defeated rival kings many times conquered. Many times many Hindu kings defeated their rival Hindu kings by taking Muslim kings along with them. But due to British propaganda, people educated in English education started propagating it as the victory of Islam and later as the victory of the British. This was publicized as the period of India's continuous defeat. In this way, after the Mahabharata, where many glorious and glorious Hindu kingdoms and kings repeatedly flourished, on the other hand, as a result of this propaganda, this whole period was propagated as the period of Hindu defeat. This is a big disaster. That's why there is a need to remember the original form of Indian Kaldarshan. era of glory

Glory period depicted as the period of decline

Promoted Kali Yuga is not a permanent fact and the Yuga is determined on the behavior of the king or rule. Therefore, the duty of governance is paramount. It is unfair to hide the irresponsibility of the governance by publicizing the effect of the era and it is another type of unfairness to not generate proper enthusiasm towards the best governance even by the excessively blasphemous discussion of the era. To avoid both types of unfairness, it is necessary to know the truth. Neither the incidents of continuous defeat are happening in India nor there is any defeat period of India from 8th century AD to 20th century AD. In this period, there was rise and expansion of very glorious Hindu kingdoms and Hindu rule spread till the end of the island. It is the height of untruth to propagate the period of expansion of Hindu culture and rule till the islands of Tibet, Khotan, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Myanmar, Malaysia, Indonesia, Java, Sumatra, Borneo etc. as a period of defeat and guilt. The widespread misconception about the ages and time gives the basis of this false propaganda. Therefore, getting rid of this, one should know the truth and always remember this classical rendering that the period after Mahabharata is not a period of decline for India and the king is the cause of time. Therefore, the best governance can again make possible the flourishing of the best times. 


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