Swadeshi will live for self-respect

Swadeshi will live for self-respect

For life and for world
Will live for Swadeshi, for self respect. ॥1॥
If we keep ourselves clean then country will be healthy. 
If the nation is not healthy, how will it be capable. 
Will put our lives at stake.
Will throw out the foreign robbers
For a healthy and strong India. 
Swadeshi will live for self-respect ॥2॥ 
For the laborer as well as the farmer. 
For farms, gardens, new construction. 
To protect the Constitution, for a constitution. 
National language Hindi, for research and science.
To honor the sacrifice of the martyrs.
Swadeshi will live for self-respect ॥13॥
When life is saved, the world will also be saved.
India will create a record in the sky. 
For our pride and country's identity.
For self-reliant India campaign.
Live for self-reliant India. 
Swadeshi will live for self-respect ॥4॥


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