Health News

Survey: People seek Ban on doctors' commission in branded medicines

he National Medical Commission (NMC) recently issued new rules stating that all doctors should prescribe generic medicines only and if they do not do so, punitive action can be taken against them. Local Circle, a community social media platform, conducted a national survey across 326 districts of the country on the mandatory prescription of generic medicines by doctors.

85 percent people supported NMC 

In the survey 85 percent people supported the NMC's guidelines to prevent doctors and their family members from receiving any kind of commission or benefits. Questions were asked to 12 thousand 393 people in this regard.

72 percent accepted to have taken commission

72 percent of the citizens surveyed said that they get commission from various sources like laboratories, hospitals and nursing, getting commission from home, pharmaceutical companies, chemists etc. In this regard, 10 thousand 401 people were surveyed the question was asked.

07 percent people are in favor of generic medicines

Only seven percent of the citizens surveyed are in favor of the new rule of NMC regarding prescribing generic medicines. In this regard, 20 thousand 706 people were asked that as a patient, which medicines should the doctor prescribe for your diseases? In response to this question, 60 percent people said that they want their doctor to prescribe the names of branded medicines along with generic ones. 22 percent people said that the doctor should tell the name of a branded medicine along with the generic one, for example. Four percent expressed their inability to give any answer in this regard.
Courtesy : reflux-drugs-linked-to-dementia-risk-23499199.html

Misconception regarding full body checkup, it needs to be changed

After Corona, even those who do not need it are getting full body checkup done....this causes more harm than benefit.
fter corona, awareness regarding health has increased across the world including America. People have become alert. Statistics show that many people are reluctant to get even recommended cancer screenings. Despite this, many people get full body checkup done without doctor's advice. Many times people get tests done like body scanning or MRI even when doctors refuse, whereas many different studies have proved that full body health checkup without doctor's advice does not have any significant benefit but increases the risk of harm.
Oncologist Dr. Marianne Dubard Gault says that for ordinary people, there is no special benefit in health checkup without doctor's advice. However, some studies have found that a full body scan can detect cancer and other diseases in some people at an early stage. Other research shows that only 14 percent of cancers in the US are detected through screening tests, while the number of MRI machines here has increased by 500 percent since 2020. Many people have lumps, cysts or masses in their bodies that may look worrisome on scans, but are actually harmless, said Dr. Jeffrey Linder, chief of general internal medicine at Northwestern University's Feinberg School of Medicine. Thus, health checkups may become risky, expensive and ultimately unnecessary for people. A 2019 research also states that MRI of the body should not be done for health checkup, because sometimes there is a risk of getting wrong reports.

The main reason for check up is the desire to prevent chronic disease

Dr. Marianne Dubard Gault, an oncologist at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center in Seattle, USA, says that the desire to have a full body checkup stems from a sense of control over one's health and the desire to prevent chronic disease. Whereas testing benefits only those whose ancestors have suffered from the disease.
Courtesy : Dainik Bhaskar
More than 250 products were launched in the last five years, this is the best selling wellness product.
ow America is impressed by the benefits of Isabgol husk, it is being used in everything from bread-cake to pizza, Indians increased its popularity.
Victer Nevarez was suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (intestine related problem) for a long time. He took dozens of medicines on the advice of doctors but there was no benefit. Similarly, Max Wittek's Ozepic medicine (for reducing blood sugar) wanted to control hunger without the help of Dr. Wali), but did not find any option. Ultimately their search ended on psyllium husk i.e. Isabgol husk. This Indian product has now become an important part of the lives of Americans.
Many of these people may have seen grandparents saving a green-white box made on a telephone. In a world of wellness built around bars, packaged supplements, and fitness classes, this thing like a straw might seem strange. According to the data of market research company Mitel, it has become the best selling product in America. From 2018 to 2022, about 250 products of Isabgol were launched in America and the sales have increased equally rapidly. Gluten Free- Bakers use it in breads and cakes and cooks use it to thicken sauces. It is also being used in pizza and rolls. Professor of Mathematics Prof. George Chefer says that everyone knows they're not getting enough fiber, but in such a situation, this is a better and cheaper option.
This feels like a typical Indian father, according to Divya Jain, a researcher at Mount Sinai Hospital in Manhattan. She recalls her childhood and how her father used to mix chaff with hot milk and rice to control digestion and sugar. According to Sami Safiullah, a data analyst in Boston, his daily routine is not complete without it. Another Asian treatment that America has adopted. Like turmeric and ashwagandha, the passion for it is palpable. It is strongly present on the sites of lifestyle brands.

Do not use it as an appetite suppressant: Expert

Experts say that the reason for the increasing popularity of Isabgol is the people of Indian origin, who have seen the benefits of this product since childhood. Probably it is because of these people that this husk has made a place on American shelves. Psyllium husk should not be used as an appetite suppressant, says Peter Cohn, a trainee doctor at the Cambridge Health Alliance in Massachusetts. This supplement can curb hunger for a few hours, but after a few hours our hunger increases again because we are not getting any calories.
Courtesy : india-is-centre-of-traditional-medicine-other-countries-need-to- tearn-2023-08-18  


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