Patanjali University players represent India in Beach Woodball World Cup 2023

Patanjali University players represent India in Beach Woodball World Cup 2023

 01 August : India was represented by Dr. Kapil Shastri, Sports Officer of Patanjali University and Arpita Upadhyay, final year BPES student, in the third 'Beach Woodball World Cup 2023' held in Malaysia from 26 to 31 July 2023. Both the participants attended the training camp organized in Nagpur from 20th to 25th July and left for Malaysia from there. Along with India, about 15 countries like Malaysia, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Uganda, China, Taipei, Singapore, Kenya, Pakistan, Thailand etc. participated in the world competition in which Patanjali players representing India made it to the finals. Both the players were provided financial assistance by Patanjali University. In view of their excellent performance in the competition, the Woodball Federation selected both the players for the Asian Beach Games to be held in China in 2024. On returning from Malaysia, Chancellor of the University Pujya Swami Ramdev Ji Maharaj, Vice Chancellor Acharya Balkrishna Ji Maharaj, Pro-Chancellor Dr. Mahavir Aggarwal, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Oriental Studies Dr. Sadhvi Devpriya, Dean of the Faculty Dr. Om Narayan Tiwari, Deputy Registrar Dr. Nirvikar, professor, co-professor and assistants warmly welcomed the players and wished them all the best for the future. 


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