Patanjali Wellness Intergrated Natural-Yoga-Ayurveda Therapy Lipoma

Patanjali Wellness Intergrated Natural-Yoga-Ayurveda Therapy Lipoma

Dr. Nagendra 'Neeraj'  Director and Medical Incharge Yoga-Natural-Panchkarma
Medical and Research Center Yoga-Gram, Patanjali Yogpeeth, Haridwar

  Lumps of fatty tissue are formed at many places inside the skin. The skin is soft and pliable to the touch, like a tiny rubber ball. And appear to be transferring and moving. These are not hard. Most lipomas are not painful. They do not cause any other health problems. That means they are pain free. Sometimes lipoma forms on the nerves. Applying pressure on it causes pain. When there is pain in lipoma, people get it removed. Lipoma can occur in any part of the body. Still, lipoma lumps are mostly seen on the back, head, shoulders, neck, arms and torso.
Lipoma disease usually occurs in people between the age of 40 to 60. This can happen to anyone, male or female. However, it can be seen at any age, even in newborn babies. On average, lipoma is more common in women.
Often family history is found in it. Some special rare Dercum's Disease, Family Genetics, Garalner Syndrome, Ancestral Multiple Lipomatosis, Madelung's Disease. Various types of multiple identical lipomatosis nodes are also seen. Usually their size is 2 inches in diameter, but sometimes they are also seen up to 6 inches in diameter.

Different types and sizes of lipomas:

Some lipomas also contain blood vessels, these are also called angiolipomas. This pain is rare and unusual. Some lipomas contain only fatty cells. These white fatty cells are lumps of stored energy, they are called conventional lipomas and some lumps are made up of fat and fibrous tissue, these are called fibrolipomas. Brown fat is accumulated in some lumps, which provides heat quickly and regulates and controls the body temperature. Some contain only white visceral fat. These are called Hibernoma or Lipoma. Some fatty cells are not round but oblong, these are called spindle cell lipoma. There are some different shapes and sizes called pleomorphic lipomas, some lipoma lumps contain a mixture of fat and tissue that produce blood cells. These are called Myelolipoma.
In some cases, lipoma is cancerous which is called liposarcoma. The lumps of such liposarcoma are hard, solid and fast growing. Tenderness on pressure suddenly becomes unbearable pain. The lump remains hard and stable at one place and does not move. For such lumps, it is advised to undergo ultrasound, MRI, CTscan or biopsy.
Its immunohistochemical marker is perilyte PIN-1 and there is perilipin-2. This lipoma occurs in people who are alcoholics appears in the form of Medlung's disease. Its knots are visible it is similar to lipoma, but with different special symptoms and types of fat cells are typical spindle cells and multi vacuolate lipoblast adipocytes are found.

Madelung's Disease:

There are lumps like lipomas. This is a rare type of fat metabolism disease related to stored fat. This usually occurs in people between 30-70 years of age who drink alcohol excessively. In this too, there are lumps of abnormal adipose fatty tissue on the cervix, shoulder, arm, forearm, buttocks and thigh, which rapidly disappear within a month and the delay spreads over years. It also occurs on the face and legs. Usually the lumps are painless. At some places, there is difficulty in speaking, swallowing and walking due to lumps. It is mostly found in European and Mediterranean residents. It is less in Asian people. It is also ancestral. These two types: Type-1 is usually found around the cervix of men and Type-2 is found equally in obese men and women. In Type-3 there are lumps around the pelvis. These types of lumps are more common in patients with diabetes, blood pressure, hypothyroidism, arthritis and liver disease.
Its reason has not been understood yet. It is believed that this happens due to disturbance of endocrine glands. Due to disruption of adrenergic epinephrine and norepinephrine hormones leading to breakdown of fat and lipolysis, abnormal fatty cells accumulate and cause Medlung's disease. In this, alcohol adds fuel to the fire which causes this disease by stimulating the mitochondrial enzymatic process, adrenergic lipolysis and disrupting the respiratory chain function. 
Medlung's disease is different from lipomas, lymphatic tumors, sial denitis, hibernoma, liposarcoma. Some people can live with lipoma and Medlung's disease without treatment without facing any difficulties in life. In case of pain, others resort to liposuction, lipolysis injection or surgical removal.

Diet therapy:

From the point of view of treatment, the best treatment for lipoma is fruit diet, juice diet and fasting. They have amazing effect only on lipoma etc. Hundreds of lipoma patients get treatment here get benefit from. Fruit and vegetable juices and fasting fat metabolism starts happening properly. Macronutrients like carbohydrates, fats etc. are reduced or stopped. Minerals like calcium, magnesium, iron etc. Vitamin-A, B, C, E, K. etc. Various vitamins of carotenoid group Alpha carotene, beta carotene, beta cryptoxanthi, xanthophyll, zeaxanthin, lutein, various flavones of flavonoids Apigenin, rutin siblin, chrysin kaempferol, luteolin, gooseberry Flavonols like quercetin, quercetin, myrcetin, flavones fisetin, narijin Anthocyanin delphinidin, cyanidin, petunidin, peonidin, pelargonidin, malvinidin etc. Foods containing bioactive micronutrients Seasonally available grapes, cherries, berries raspberry, strawberry, lettuce, pear, carrot, grapefruit, apple, parsley, pamelo etc. Micronutrients lemon, orange etc. Hesperetin, taxifolin and narigenin in citrus fruits improve fat metabolism. In this, fasting and micronutrient rich diet is the ultimate medicine. Due to this, adrenergic mitochondrial enzymatic pathways are corrected and anti-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines are controlled, this disease lipoma starts getting controlled. Patients with family history should be alert from the beginning. They should not take fast food, junk food, process food, red meat, eggs, confectionery food, alcohol, tobacco, soda, cola, artificial synthetic food in their diet which causes pro-inflammatory diseases. Do not eat fried food, chaat, pakodas, puris, samosa, dosa, grilling and tandoori food. These include polycyclic amines, acrolomide, advanced glycation and products (AGES), nitrosamines, heterocyclic amines and preservatives, colorants there are chemicals like flavors etc. Do not take this type of diet. This makes the disease more severe.

Natural Yoga Therapy:

Give hot and cold compress, massage the stomach and waist, dissolve lemon water, neem water and 8-10 Cystogrit in water and alternate enemas. Savanna, steam bath, hot foot bath, mild or cold waist bath, sun bath, green house thermolium, color thermolium, mild or cold spine bath, by giving local steam on the neck, shoulder, arm, thigh and buttocks where there is lipoma lump. Apply wrap or mud paste. After local steam, mix turmeric, garlic and ginger in the soil and make a poultice.

Fasting therapies

Mix only one lemon, fenugreek water and two spoons of honey and take it at an interval of 3 hours for three days or do intermittent fasting for two months, it has amazing effect in some diseases. Intermittent fasting includes diet on one day and fasting on the next day or eating between 8:30 am to 9:30 am and eating between 1:30 pm and 2:00 pm i.e. 6 hours of eating time and 18 hours of complete fasting. Or 6-18 Intermittent fasting affects not only all types of common benign and cancerous malignant lumps or tumors but also many diseases. Till now, hundreds of research projects on intermittent fasting and restricted calories have been completed by hundreds of renowned university schools of medicine of the world, which are equally described in the correct treatment of diseases, the words of precious soil and water therapy and the famous magazine Yoga-Sandesh of Patanjali Yogpeeth. Have been. Recently, Pujya Swami Ji and Dr. Anurag Varshney, Research Scientist of Patanjali Research Institute and I myself discussed in detail about faith, values and Vedic TV. This has been given through the programme. Just a few days ago, University of California, a team of scientists from Irwin, Prof. Leadership of Pavlo Sasson-Corsi the report of the research conducted has been published in Cell Reports. According to the report, fasting has a profound effect on our biological clock and circadian rhythm. Just like the ebb and flow of the sea during the day, it is affected by the sleep and wakefulness cycle i.e. circadian rhythm. Circadian rhythm controls our insomnia. Every animal has an 'innate timing device' composed of molecules made of special proteins. Which is called master biological clock. In this master clock located in the hypothalamus of the brain, about 20,000 neurons together form the Super Chiasmatic Nucleus (SCN) relay center. From where, according to the biological clock and circadian rhythm, the functions of sleep, wakefulness, hunger, sex, neurocrine, endocrine, exocrine glands, digestion and other organs etc. are regulated and controlled. All types of inputs are received through eyes with the help of day and light and night and darkness as main clues. Circadian rhythm is created by natural factors inside the body and environmental signals via the biological clock.
If we consider the biological clock as a sitar, then the music coming from it is circadian rhythm. Sitar is a musical instrument, which is visible. Music is felt even though it is invisible. Fills with joy, enthusiasm, health, joy and enthusiasm.
Sunlight has the effect of releasing serotonin from the brain during the day and melatonin at night. Due to sunrise during the day, due to the effect of serotonin, all the body parts remain strong, alert, active, happy and healthy. The digestive system remains active. At night after sunset, due to the effect of melatonin, the digestive system and all the body parts remain calm, relaxed and restless to go to rest and sleep. Eating at night does not digest the food properly. As a result, metabolic syndrome diseases like obesity, diabetes, arthritis, lumps, tumors etc. occur. The amount of calories consumed in the 6 hours between 8 am and 2 pm you should eat 100 kg of food, even if you do not reduce calories, but within 18 hours that means, do not eat from 2 pm to 8 am. Drink only water as per requirement. Autophagy process starts with intermittent fasting of 18 hours. Some scientists believe that milk, lemon and citrus fruits, some digestive enzymes and foods containing carbon and protein hinder the autophagy process. Ketogenic diet fruits activate the autophagy process. Autophagy activates the body's natural detoxification system. The basic unit of the body is cells. There are many departments in each cell. They have different functions, after working for some time some organs start getting damaged. They stop doing their work. Various diseases arise due to the accumulation of old, worn out, diseased and useless organs in the form of unwanted body waste. Health is destroyed. The removal or elimination of those wastes is done by the autophagosome process. The autophagosome process recycles and reassembles intact, healthy, functioning organelles. Autophagy also acts as a type of quality control. The autophagy process is essential for cells to function well and utilize their potential to the maximum. Not only this, every organ should maintain its performance and performance excellent. Its arrangement and control is done by autophagosomes produced by fasting. All types of germs, pathogens, bacteria or viruses are eliminated by the autophagy process. Autophagy stops the aging process and provides longevity. Always healthy, young, passionate about work, maintains beautiful positive emotions, thoughts and enthusiasm.
Many transcription factors, including MTO, affect genes in a positive direction through the autophagy process. R. (Mammalian Target of Rapamycin) and AMPK. (Adenosine monophosphate activated protein kinase) become activated. Fasting induces autophagy gene L. C.- 3A becomes active. Well L. C.-3B and L. C-3C are also structural proteins of the autophagosomal (autophagylysosome) membrane, which together facilitate the autophagosomal process. With its activation, proper utilization of nutrition in the body starts in a rhythmic manner. By getting body-like tone and rhythm, energy homeostasis and fuel mechanism of the body starts getting supplied in an excellent manner. Due to the activation of both, the growth response of the body and autophagy protein and process starts. Autophagy related proteins (ATGS) are essential for the autophagosome process. Autophagosome is composed of autophagy and lysosome. By autophagosome, the waste and junk cells are brought to the lysosome department of the cell, where various types of hydrolytic enzymes break down and digest those wastes, then after sorting out the healthy and active cells that can be used again, they are returned, which can be reused. After this, it is assembled and fitted into a new organelle. The harmony of autophagy and lysosome is governed by the two key hormones of health, glucagon and insulin. When insulin increases. Glucagon level decreases and when glucagon increases, insulin level increases. Increasing glucagon level causes hyperglycemia and increasing insulin level causes hypoglycemia. Fasting reduces the level of insulin, but its sensitivity increases. Increasing glucagon levels increases the activity of autophagylated proteins. To increase the activity of autophagy, it is necessary to reduce the level of liver glycogen. Which can be achieved only after fasting for at least 16 to 18 hours. The highest activity of autophagosome process can be achieved after 24, 48, 58 and 72 hours of fasting. According to South California researcher Dr. Walter Logo, the autophagosome process achieved by fasting for 72 hours even causes the tumors of breast, skin cancer, glioma and neuroblastoma to shrink. As a result, the process of autophagy and autophagosome increases. Due to increase in autophagy process, lipoma or any kind of normal or cancerous lump becomes flabby, soft, small and starts disappearing.
In Yogagram Sansthan, Raktamokshan is given in lipoma through leeches. The use of toxinlysis and toxic toxins suction through natural leech Raktamokshan works wonders on such patients. Use it under expert guidance.

Patanjali Wellness's Ayurvedic herbal therapy

    Take two pots each of Patanjali Curcumin Gold and Divya Cystogrit in the morning and evening.
    Take one vati each of Kanchanar Ghanvati, Divya Vriddhivadhika Vati and Divya Immunogreet in the morning and evening. There is benefit.


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