effective medicine for lungs cancer

'Kakda Singhi'

 effective medicine for lungs cancer

Dr. Anurag Varshney
Vice President- Patanjali Research Institute

How does cancer develops? How do you define that? Cancer is a cell that divides and stops before going to its work area. Those cells gather at one place and take the form of cancer or are called tumors.

What is cancer?

   Tumor cells are a very large group. The energy of our whole body starts fighting cancer or tumour. How do we work on this? Cancer cases have increased in India in the last 30 years. Detection has improved, but cancer cases have also increased in North and South India. In this too, the maximum number of patients are of breast cancer. But if we look at the statistics of death due to cancer, then the most common cause of death is lung cancer. We thought about what work we can do on lung cancer. We found that the treatment available is mostly allopathic medicines and chemotherapy, which can burn or incinerate cancer cells. All these activities are done but their side effects are many. Everyone knows about this. There are three major medicines in Ayurveda for the treatment of lung cancer, one of them is Kakra Singhi.
We have seen whether kakda singhi juice is killing cancer cells? He is not killing the right cells in the body, is he? Or is it not stopping their growth?
We took lung kidney cells and lung human cells with lung cancer cells and found that the dose at which the lung cancer cells were dying had no effect on either the lung kidney cells or the human cells.

Kakda Singhi is effective in cancer

In Ayurveda, Kakda Singhi is used in diseases of the lungs. We have used it even during the Corona period. You see that nature has made many medicines in such a way that they look like internal organs. So if we look at this Kakda Singhi medicine, it looks exactly like Lungs. Lungs which are filled with air and are empty from inside, similarly Kakda Singhi is also empty from inside. So we thought why not try it on lung diseases. Research how it works in lung diseases or in different conditions of pulmonary diseases. On this our team did a lot of work and came to the conclusion. We found that in different situations, different biological methods can be used to control different stages of cancer and different factors. In fact, those things can be prepared at the genetic level. We made different types of extracts of Kakra Singi and did all the extensive chemical experiments. We found that it contains hydromethanol extract which can be separated. We observed that on Lungs cancer cells, we started squeezing the juice of Kakda Singhi in different doses (in proportion) up to 1 microgram, 2 micrograms, 3 micrograms and 100 micrograms/ml, then we saw that the juice of Kakada Singhi can kill the cancer cells of lungs. Stopping it from growing and these cancer cells started dying.

Successful use of Kakda Singhi in animal trial

We looked at whether the juice of cucumber singi itself could kill cancer cells.
Used to be? He is not killing the right cells in the body, is he? Or is it not stopping their growth? We took lung cancer cells, lung kidney cells and lung human cells and found that the dose at which the lung cancer cells were dying had no effect on either the lung kidney cells or the human cells. We saw that this Kakda Singhi juice is killing only cancer cells. Apart from this, we tried using Kakda Singhi juice on different cells other than the cells of rats, then it worked only on cancer cells. Was doing. Then after that we did three big experiments. Wherever cancer cells go, they form a colony (group). All types of bacteria, fungi, etc. also form a group. So does cancer. They move from one place to another in search of food or signals. They form a group of their own which is called a spheroid (an elliptical shape) in scientific language.

Patanjali's research on different stages of cancer

We all know that cancer spreads very fast. Its spread is called metastasis. For example, earlier someone had lung cancer, then it developed breast cancer or brain cancer, then this is the spread, which we call stage-1, stage-2, stage-3. We finish such experiments in about 3 weeks but we did this experiment for about 2 months. When we increased the dose of Kakra Singhi, the formation of groups or groups of cancer cells decreased. The energy that the body gets by reducing and breaking these groups, the body gets a strength by taking that energy. With this, the body also exerts strength to fight cancer cells.
After that we did some more experiments. For that we did research on migration. For that we grew the sales in 2 tiers. Then put the cells in the top tire and put some liquid in the bottom and some compound inside that pulls the cells towards them. This whole migration is going from one place to another. This happens inside our body too. All migrations were moving from one place to another in 14 hours, 48 hours, 72 hours. Can we control that migration with Kakda Singi? So we saw that Kakda Singi has shown the migration of this lung cancer controlled.
All the cells in our body are born and die, then new ones are formed. This cycle continues. 
All these processes or research that are being done with Kakra Singi medicine were not evaluated earlier. No scientific validation was done for this. Earlier we used to say that cancer patients got better, but we did not have any scientific evidence.

Dedicated to the service of humanity, Patanjali Orogrit

We tightened Kakadsingi on scientific parameters and placed it in front of the science world with full proofs. We saw in all these processes how were the cells before medicinal use? And what was the change in the cells after taking the medicine. We found that cancer cells died and decreased rapidly after drug administration. It is concluded from all these research process that Kakra Singi medicine is helpful in fighting cancer. Everyone's body is different and each body has its own way of fighting diseases. Which is called Oj. To fight cancer, Patanjali Research Center made a drug called Orogrit. Due to which many cancer victims will be benefited. Due to which the afflicted person will be able to lead a healthy and happy life. 


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