Effective medicine for psoriasis 'Sorogrit and Divya Tel'

Effective medicine for psoriasis 'Sorogrit and Divya Tel'

Dr. Anurag Varshney  
Deputy Chairman, Patanjali Research Institute

   Most of the loot is taking place in the name of skin diseases. Among skin diseases, psoriasis and leucoderma are the most serious diseases. In the name of treatment, allopathy gives only steroids. Patanjali has shown for the first time the authentic treatment of psoriasis and white leprosy without any side effects.
What is psoriasis?
What is Psoriasis? What are its complications? And what medicines do we have in herbal drugs and how do they work? We are presenting all this information to you through this article. Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease, which is the result of increased bile. According to Ayurveda, increase in bile causes psoriasis and many other problems in the body. This can happen at any age. In this disease, a thick layer forms on the skin, which looks like a rash. Along with itching, pain and swelling may also be felt in these rashes. Generally, its effect is seen more on the outer part of the elbow and knee, where different stains are formed. It is mostly said that about 4 percent of the world's people get psoriasis. Sometimes this happens even in younger people and sometimes it is seen in older people.
In 10 percent of the cases of psoriasis, it is said that it is genetically predisposed, meaning it is acquired through parents or genes. It lies dormant within us and gets awakened due to external reasons like environmental factors. The volcano of psoriasis is within us and when it erupts, it comes to the fore due to the environmental factors around us. In this, infection occurs in our body due to which it also increases. Psoriasis is more common in people who live in chronic conditions. So stains are also a factor for psoriasis. Stimulating food, stimulating thoughts, foods made with hot chillies and spices, excess salt and sugar also harm our body.
Prevalence of Psoriasis
If we see how much psoriasis there is in the world and how prevalent it is, then its data (records) are better kept in western countries, in India the awareness about it is less and some people are not even aware of it. This is psoriasis. So in India it is said that out of every 1 lakh, 20-30 people are infected with it whereas in European countries it is seen more.


Types of psoriasis
There are many types of psoriasis. In this, if a big patch is formed on the skin then we call it Plaque psoriasis. Sometimes it appears in the form of small spots, so we call it Guttate Psoriasis. Along with this, sometimes small boils form, so we call it Pustular Psoriasis. sometimes the opposite it also happens which we call inverse psoriasis. It causes red rashes. Psoriasis also occurs in nails which is called Nail Psoriasis. There is another type of psoriasis which causes a lot of pain and discomfort, it is called Psoriatic Arthritis. In this, two diseases occur together, psoriasis and arthritis. Psoriasis and rheumatoid arthritis are also autoimmune diseases. In this, if a person has immunity problem or balancing problem then it causes more problems. We see what are its comorbidities, that is, the primary reason for people who get psoriasis is the modification of genes and our social reasons from outside.
Possibility of other diseases due to psoriasis
Along with psoriasis, the risk of other diseases also increases. In these, the risk of Arthritis, Insulin Resistant Diabetes, Atherosclerosis, Hypertension, Dyslipidemia, Metabolic Syndrome, Anxiety 3 Depression increases. People suffering from psoriasis feel that due to this disease they cannot move around in the society like before. And because of this mentality, more serious diseases surround them. If different rashes appear on hands and feet, then their social status becomes weak and they become victim of more diseases. People suffering from psoriasis keep itching from morning till evening and they do not even sleep at night. Many times such a situation arises that people even attempt suicide. Frustration fills the mind of the affected person due to which he turns to drugs like alcohol, smoking etc. because mental depression takes him there. Many people develop malignancy, a problem like cancer. In this way, it turns from a minor disease into a widespread disease.
Medicines of Patanjali Research Institute and Divya Pharmacy
So what can we do about this? It contains two medicines from Patanjali Research Center and Divya Pharmacy. It contains a divine oil which is applied on the affected area. In this, a mixture of five different oils namely Ashwagandha, Seabuckthorn, Daru Haldi, Turmeric and Neem is used. In this, Divya Oil, Kayakalp Capsule and Kayakalp Advanced Oil are very useful. Godhan extract is also very beneficial in psoriasis. Along with this, control over diet is most important. There is no authentic medicine for psoriasis in allopathy, in the name of medicine, steroids or medicines to reduce immunity are given. As a recent research of Patanjali Research Institute, there is Psorogrit tablets for psoriasis, which works well in this disease.
Patanjali Research Institute's experiments
We did a lot of experiments for this, first of all we did Phytochemical analysis inside Sorogrit and showed that it has very good active components which is helpful in controlling skin inflammation. We did the same with Divya Oil. In this we found that it contains good quality fatty acids, which get absorbed into the skin and help in improving the skin and regulate skin inflammation. After this we did some different types of cell line trials, some different types of in vitro biological trials. In this, we worked on 'kerotinocytes', the top cells of the skin, and did different types of inductions and created inflammation in those cells. To cause inflammation we use a special type of cytokine called TNF-a. Due to the injection of TNF a, these cells come into inflammatory condition. So we saw that if we bring these cells into inflammatory conditions, can we normalize those inflammations by using Sorogrit. This was our earlier exploration where we found that we could do something like this. It also does not have any side effects. We went up to 100 microgram dose. In this we saw that no cells were dying even at low dose and high dose. We observed that the level of IL8, which is a major cause of inflammation due to TNF a, was decreasing in a dose dependent manner. As we increase the amount of sorogrit, the level of ILB also decreases. After that, the three big factors are ILS, IL 12, TNF a and IL 1B. When we measured their levels and saw that whenever inflammation increases due to TNF a, Sorogrit normalizes the levels of molecular markers which are the players of inflammation. And it comes to almost the same level as it was supposed to be.
Authenticity of Sorogrit and Divine Oil from successful animal trials
After that we did some experiments on animals. In this we conducted two different experiments on rats. We have to apply different chemicals on rats, there is one chemical in this. Whose name is TPA, which we apply on the ears of rats. when we when TPA is applied on the ears of rats, inflammation occurs and the thickness of their ears increases, they become thick and the condition becomes similar to psoriasis. These are used on rats for a longer period of time. We did this experiment for about a month. In this, we fed Sorogrit tablets orally and when the ears became swollen, we applied divine oil on their ears. These were both types of treatments which we did on the basis of two different doses. Also we did another experiment of Clobetasol. In this, we started seeing results in just 10 days by applying Sorogrit and Divya Oil. After that, we also started removing the patches fitted in the ears of rats, because if there is swelling then their weight also increases. So we saw that their weight did not increase much at all three levels due to the use of Sorogrit. Then we did skin pathology. In this we look at 33 organs and do testing on them. Along with eradicating the disease, we also check whether there is any additional harm in the body, then we also found that there is no side effect of the use of Sorogrit tablet and Divya oil. 


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