Antibiotics save lives or the killers?

Antibiotics save lives or the killers?

Experts are now starting to believe that antibiotics will not work to save lives, but to kill. 
A large number of antibiotics are being used in agriculture
Heavy dose of antibiotics was used indiscriminately during the Corona period, which led to antibiotic resistance.

There are countless good bacteria in our body

Innumerable microbes or bacteria are found in our body in the number of millions of billions of trillions that make up our human microbiome. 600 million microbes reside inside the mouth alone, which are found inside our saliva, teeth, tongue and throat. When we wake up early in the morning and drink lukewarm water, then these probiotics made in the mouth go into our stomach and do the work of cleaning the intestines.
Similarly, a lot of acid is produced in our stomach. The bacteria that grow in this acid help in keeping our eyes healthy by protecting them from wounds, keeping the acidity of the stomach right. And keep our digestive system fit.
The inner surface of our small intestine, large intestine and intestine is also full of bacteria, which are very useful in digesting food apart from making vitamins in our body. These good bacteria found in our body increase the immunity of our body. A treasure trove of bacteria is hidden everywhere from our head to toe, which contributes significantly to keeping our body healthy. These bacteria found in our body are our friends.
Today modern scientists have also accepted that our human body is a huge group of germs and bacteria. According to scientists, the number of micro-organisms in our body is 10 times more than the total number of cells in the human body. And the total number of genes of these micro-organisms is about 100 times the number of human genes. that is to say in simple language so this group of germs and bacteria has been named microbiota and all their genes by the new generation of scientists as microbe and as the research goes on, scientists consider it very important. And this is called the 2nd genome, that is, their importance inside our body is the same as that of our human genetic structure i.e. genes in our body.
Microbiome is now also being called a forgotten part of the human body. This microwave plays a huge role in our metabolism from digesting food to making vitamins to fighting harmful organisms and antibiotics destroy this microbiome in our body. By weakening the disease, by destroying the immunity, they work to make them sick.

Truth of germs theory

In the 19th century, Louis Pasteur propounded the germs theory that germs are the cause of diseases. In 1928 Alexander Fleming discovered the first antibiotic penicillin, in 1946 the widespread use of antibiotics began. After getting penicillin, the whole world's scientists and doctors thought that now such a Brahmastra has come in our hands, now no disease can happen and started using antibiotics a lot. On 30 April 2014, the WHO officially announced the ineffectiveness of all antibiotics and the emergence of total antibiotic resistance and the arrival of the post antibiotic era. Louis Pasteur later realized his mistake and made the birth story wrong. But the pharma greedy blindly continued use of antibiotics, the result is that by 2022, the effect of antibiotics has ended and in 2050, the biggest threat is antibiotic resistance.


Life cycle of bacteria

If look at the life cycle of the life cycle of any bacterial training organism. As soon as we give any antibiotic to kill his speech. In the next generation, the same bacteria prepare themselves to fight against that antibiotic and create antibiotic resistance.

Example of Sikar district alone

A research report was published from Sikar in which it was found that in Sikar district alone, the consumption of antibiotics has increased 3 times in 6 years. As a result, the immunity of the people decreased and within one year more than three thousand new kidney patients were found.

Honey more effective than antibiotics

Oxford University conducted a research in which honey was used instead of antibiotics in the treatment of respiratory tract infections. By eating one spoon of honey twice a day, the problems of cold, cough, sore throat, chest tightness etc. go away within a week. Researchers analyzed 14 research papers comparing the effectiveness of honey and antibiotics in the treatment of respiratory infections and found that honey is many times more effective than pain relievers for cough, phlegm, sore throat, chest tightness, and honey The users do not have to suffer the side effects like restlessness, lethargy, fatigue, tingling in hands and feet and irritability caused by modern medicines. Research scientists found that the hydrogen peroxide compound in honey is known for its antiviral properties.
Honey was found to be 36 percent more effective than the antibiotic. Honey, the ancient medicine of Ayurveda, has also been found to be an effective weapon in the fight against superbugs. Doctors should advise cold patients to eat honey instead of antibiotics. Research scientists further said that viruses are responsible for the infection and not bacteria. In such a situation, prescribing antibiotics for the relief of common cold is not only wrong, but also ineffective because honey is an effective, cheap and durable treatment.

Eyes weakened by antibiotics

A research by the doctors of PGI Lucknow said that due to antibiotics used in the treatment of TV disease, eyesight is getting weak. Due to excessive use of antibiotics, the person has blurred vision. Antibiotic works to weaken the nerve of the eye.

Antibiotic failure in India up to 90%

In Indore, a city in Madhya Pradesh, India, the report of the effect of antibiotics for the month of September 2021 was analyzed, in which it was found that there are 30 to 40% people who are no longer affected by any kind of antibiotic. On the other hand, some medicines are such that they are not affecting 90% of the people. Dr. Kamlesh Patel, Microbiologist of Medanta Hospital says. That bacteria is now dodging medicines. There are more than 100 antibiotics whose resistance is being observed. Some medicines are such that if samples of 100 patients are being tested, they are hardly showing their effect on only 5 to 6 patients. For example, an antibiotic Ampicillin is effective only in 4.5% of people, has been ineffective in 95% of people. Similarly, Trimuxozole is affecting only 8% and has been neutralized at 92%. 

Antibiotic dangerous for young children

American researchers, after conducting a research on 14,500 children, told that parents feed antibiotics to children as soon as they sneeze. This antibiotic further increases the chances of asthma, eczema and other allergies in those children. Those who are fed antibiotics at the age of less than 2 years, they have an increased risk of getting sick later.
Research by America's Mayo Clinic says that those who eat antibiotics at a young age have found a direct correlation with long-term disturbing diseases such as asthma, eczema, obesity, lack of concentration, aggressive behavior, etc. Chief researcher Nath Amli Brager says that antibiotics were created to eliminate bad bacteria but they also destroy the good bacteria of the stomach and intestine, which reduces the immunity of the body. Today, every 15 minutes, one American is dying because of antibiotic resistance alone.
Advice on minimum use of antibiotics in World Antibiotic Awareness Week
In view of the loss of antibiotics, every year from 18 to 24 November, the World Health Organization celebrates World Antibiotic Awareness Week, in which people are told and taught not to take antibiotics unnecessarily and doctors should also minimize the use of antibiotics.

Alzheimer's risk due to long term antibiotics use

Researchers from Howard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts and the US University of Chicago found that women in their 50s who took antibiotics for at least 2 months for at least 2 months had an effect on brain function, attention and memory power. Researchers found that by consuming antibiotics, a person's memory gradually starts to weaken. This research was done on more than 14,000 American nurses and it was found whether antibiotic consumption can also cause Alzheimer's risk in women.

80% patients are being given antibiotic without nee

It was learned about the patients admitted in Halat Hospital in Kanpur that instead of 5, 80% patients are being given hypertension and advanced antibiotics for more than 10 days. It was found that patients who needed second line antibiotics were being given third line advanced antibiotics. As long as the patient is admitted, the antibiotic continues. On the other hand, it was observed that 70% antibiotic resistance patients were found in the culture report. Primary and secondary line antibiotic resistance was found.

TB remain unaffected  due to indiscriminate consumption of antibiotics

TB is re-emerging as an epidemic. On investigation in a hospital in Kanpur itself, it was found that MDR patients of TB are getting ineffective due to indiscriminate use of antibiotics. Ofloxacin in the treatment of disease the overuse of antibiotics is the biggest obstacle. MDR is offline in the dosage of treatment of patients, but if patients are already eating it, then it is not able to show its effect. Researchers say that by using reserve category antibiotics on normal patients, that antibiotic stops its effect in case of serious illness. 

Antibiotic found in the waters of the rivers of India

In 2020-21, an NGO named Toxic Link tested water samples from the capital Delhi's Yamuna, Lucknow's Gomti, Goa's Zuari, Chennai's Kuum river and found that 33 antibiotics ofloxacin, norfloxacin and sulfamethoxazole were found in all the rivers. Chemicals were found and the sad thing is that the quantity of these harmful chemicals found in the water is 2 to 5 times more than the prescribed quantity. These antibiotics are reaching the rivers in 3 ways – first by human excreta, second by contaminated water of pharmaceutical companies and third by mixing in waste expired or old medicines. 
Due to these chemicals in the river water, sex determination is not possible in the fishes and by drinking water, these antibiotics go into our body and create antibiotic resistance, due to which we fall sick very quickly and the antibiotics eaten later do not affect us.

Antibiotics in the world's rivers

127 scientists from 86 institutions around the world conducted the largest ever research on pollution in rivers, in which research of 258 rivers from 104 countries revealed that pollution from antibiotics in rivers is increasing. High levels of antibiotics were observed in the rivers, due to which there is a high possibility of resistance in bacteria. The presence of antibiotics in one out of five fruits of the rivers was at an alarming level, the highest anti-epileptic drug was found, apart from this, diabetes drug metformin and caffeine were also found in large quantities in the rivers. These harmful drugs have killed 47 crore people worldwide. may be affected.

Typhoid bacterium becomes antibiotic resistant

Researchers at Stanford University in the US found that one crore people are infected with typhoid every year all over the world and more than 100,000 people die. Typhoid-causing bacteria are rapidly developing resistance to most commonly used antibiotics, making typhoid antibiotics ineffective. In the last 30 years, variants of such bacteria are spreading rapidly in countries like India. They studied more than 3,000 such samples collected from typhoid patients in India, Bangladesh, Nepal and Pakistan between 2014 and 2019. They analyzed data from different STK samples from more than 70 countries between 1950 and 1918, and found that this variant has spread to more than 200 countries and has become a global problem. Such typhoid bacteria are classified as multidrug resistance (MDR). If such genes were found in them, they make them resistant to drugs like ampicillin, chloramphenicol and sulfamethoxazole.

Dangerous English medicines even in the sea

17 types of drugs were found in a bonefish off the coast of Florida, USA. American researchers have made a big disclosure about such medicines used by humans which are thrown into the water after expiry. He told that 17 types of medicines were found inside the same fish, these 17 allopathic pharmaceuticals medicines include blood pressure, prostate, antibiotic and pain killer. These drugs can cause fish to stop breeding and this is not only in America but all over the world. These English medicines remain a serious threat to the animals living in the water.

Antibiotics cause 700,000 deaths every year

Is there no antibiotic cure? Any type of birth theory has not been recognized in Ayurveda. The surgery used to be done in Ayurveda, without antibiotics, through natural medicines by developing the immunity of the body, it was protected from infection. Right now Meerut's 1st orthopedic surgeon Dr. Sanjay Jain has tried to find a solution for this. In consultation with Ayurveda Shiromani Acharya Balkrishna ji of Patanjali Yogpeeth, not one but many operations were successfully performed using Ayurvedic prescriptions, in which instead of antibiotics, patients were given Ayurvedic medicines prepared from the prescriptions of Maharishi Charak. Dr. Sanjay Jain who is himself a doctor of allopathy but he has complete knowledge about the coming danger of antibiotic. He performed prostate surgery on 82 year old patient Ojaswi Sharma. A team of six doctors tried the formula of Panchatikta Ghrita, Google, Triphala, Turmeric Oil, Giloy and Arogyavardhini Vati instead of antibiotics to prevent infection. Pre-operation and post-operation i.e. the dosage of medicines to be given before and after the operation were fixed. The experiment was a complete success. The patient did not have any infection. Orthopedic surgeon Dr. Sanjay Jain says that in today's time, all antibiotics like Advance Meropenum are failing or are affecting human organs as side effects. Along with the loss of immunity due to excessive use of antibiotics, good bacteria are also being killed. In such a situation, using natural from the path of Ayurveda in the way of Maharishi Charak, Sushrut can open a new way.
This research of Dr. Sanjay Jain has been approved for publication in the Research Journal Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine. 


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