Eternal Truth emanating from Eternal Wisdom of His Holiness Yoga Rishi Reverend Swami Ji Maharaj

Eternal Truth emanating from Eternal Wisdom of His Holiness Yoga Rishi Reverend Swami Ji Maharaj

1.    Best use of life - 10 to 15 years old children should set a target of 50-60 years of student life and put 100% of their strength in that direction, then 1000-2000 tax in big perspective and 10-20 in medium level capacity Crores of people alone are capable of making India the paramount power of the world. It is the law of God that Bharatbodh, Sanatanbodh or Sanatan Dharma is going to be auspicious for the world. In this, we should perform our best role, this is our ultimate duty or ultimate religion.
2.    Yoga and Karmayoga- All Indians should practice daily yoga for one hour, all the believers of India should do yoga and do Karmayog for 16 to 18 hours, considering your work as religion or worship of God, do your duty with full enthusiasm and pleasure. Karma is entertainment, adventure, mother, passion, if it becomes everything, then everything will be solved / Karma 79 Completed, complete devotion, completes with the perfection! If it is, then there is completeness in life. Even for a moment, despair is self-forgetfulness, empty stomach is not filled with sorrow.
3.    Drishta and Adrishta Dharma - By having full faith in Guru, school or Vedanukul sunyas or Sanatan eternal truths, everyone must behave 100% religiously. The experience of religion, life, world or unseen things is possible only by the grace of the Guru, the divine wealth, the great austerity, and the infinite virtues of birth after birth. Ar is the path of complete faith. like the world beyond logic and physical theory is the realization of the ultimate truth. Ribs studded with wisdom is a profound sixty truth, but many people do hypocrisy in the name of it. Great men have realized this invisible rhythm. This is what I believe.
4.    Build religious rituals and divine creation spontaneously or purposefully - Not even once to behave against the Guru's order or the divine inspiration in the soul. No matter what the state of mind is, whether it is desire or not, whether it is good or not, whether it is understood or not, seeing the world together, do not get distracted from your dharma. Complete firmness in self-religion Complete generosity. This is the heart of religion Divinity Devisamad's repeated practice Prayas or Annayas Fill you Nivan with Khevan Brahmatva Paramarthik Savyas.
5.     Patanjali Gets Global Reputation - Keeping Indian education and medicine at the center along with Yomayurveda message, the world reputation of religion will be washed away by the medium of Patanmike. May 10 world's best come for this work and God's grace is Harakshanala only. The kind cooperation and blessings given by all of you virtuous souls is invaluable to us. With the expectation of your 100% cooperation in the future also, we were living this world modest journey of cultural heritage on the supreme path of success.


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