Celebrated at Patanjali Yogpeeth Guru Purnima Festival

Celebrated at Patanjali Yogpeeth Guru Purnima Festival

  • God himself in the form of Guru takes us on the path of righteousness, progress, welfare and godliness: Swami Ramdev Ji Maharaj
  • To unite with the Guru in mind, intellect, speech, behavior and determination is the true vision of the Guru - Acharya Balkrishna Ji Maharaj
  • Swami Ramdev Ji Maharaj gave initiation to 15 learned brothers and 5 learned sisters
 Guru Purnima festival was celebrated with great enthusiasm in Yog Bhavan Auditorium located at Tanjali Yogpeeth-2. On this occasion, Pujya Swami Ramdev Ji Maharaj and Revered Acharya Ji Maharaj along with Patanjali family sent best wishes of Guru Purnima to all the countrymen. Under the auspices of Patanjali Sannyasashram, Pujya Swami Ramdev Ji Maharaj initiated 15 learned brothers and 5 learned sisters into Sannyas.
7Under the Sannyas Diksha programme at V.I.P. Ghat, Haridwar, revered Sadhvi like Devpriya Ji, Revered Swami Paramarthadeo, Revered Swami Videhadeo, Revered Swami Arshadeo and others giving bath to the newly sannyasis amidst Vedic mantras.
In the program, respected Swami Ramdev Ji Maharaj said that this festival is the heritage of Sanatan Dharma and culture. According to the Indian Sanatan tradition, God Himself in the form of a Guru takes us on the right path, progress, welfare and divine path. He said that the teachings and instructions given by the Guru and the scriptures for the welfare of the society, the nation and the world, the disciple should follow those teachings without doubt. Guru is the one who sets us on the path of welfare. If Saint, Guru or Acharya is living in the elevated level of consciousness or living in a life-free state by being mounted on Pragya Prasad and having Ritambhara Pragya who is preaching to you, if you will connect yourself with the same level of life consciousness So you too will speak the same as the saints are speaking and your life will also be completely transformed like the saints. Revered Acharya ji said in the program that we are on this earth because of God's compassion, grace, strength and blessings of the Gurus. The company of Gurus is the causeless grace of God. Guru Purnima festival expresses respect and dedication towards the Guru. Always remember those who gave us knowledge, made us understand so that we can understand our duty and self-realization. He said that his true philosophy is to unite with the Guru in mind, intellect, speech, behavior and determination and to live life with divine consciousness like him. Each and every divine sound of the scriptures and the words of the Guru will echo in you and you will feel that the scriptures and the Guru his life is speaking in words. Such self-study transforms our lives and makes us the role models of the Gurus. In the Sannyas Deeksha program, the learned brothers and learned sisters were bathed at VIP Ghat Haridwar, Virja Hom and Mundan Sanskar were performed amid Ved mantras. After that Shikhasutra and Yagyopaveet were immersed in the holy waters of the fallen holy mother Ganges. After that, saffron clothes were presented to the neo-sannyasi brothers and sadhvi sisters by Pujya Swami Ji Maharaj at Sant Kutir. After that, 20 sannyas initiates were given holy sannyas resolution by Shraddheya Swamiji by anointing them with the mantras of Purushasukta. 
68New-Sanyasi sisters (left) and Neo-Sanyasi brothers (right) receiving blessings from Pujya Swami Ji Maharaj
In the mid-day session, Sanyasi brothers and Sadhvi sisters of Patanjali Sannyasashram, students of Patanjali University, Patanjali Gurukulam and Acharyakulam presented various cultural programmes. In the program, the Executive Chairman of the Board of Education of India, Shri N.P. Singh, Patanjali Foods Ltd. K M.D. Mr. Rambharat, Vice-Chancellor of Patanjali University, Dr. Mahaveer, Proctor and Dean, Faculty of Humanities and Oriental Studies, Patanjali University, Dr. Sadhvi Devpriya, Vice President of Acharyakulam, Sister Ritambhara Shastri, Chairperson of Purchase Committee, Sister Anshul, Head of Communication Department, Sister Parul, Bharat Swabhiman The main central in-charges of the trust are Bhai Rakesh Kumar 'Bharat' and Swami Parmarthdev, Babu Padmasen Arya ji (with family), Dr. Jaideep Arya, Swami Videhdev, Swami Arsh Dev, Swami Ishdev, Swami Mitradev, Swami Vinaydev, Swami Somdev, Swami Bajrangdev, Sadhvi Devmayi, Sadhvi Devshruti, Sadhvi Devaditi, Sadhvi Devsuman, Sadhvi Devvaranya, Sadhvi Devshakti, Sadhvi Devanshi, all unit heads of Patanjali family, officers, employees, monk brothers, Sadhvi sisters and Patanjali University, Patanjali Ayurveda College, Patanjali Gurukulam and Acharyakulam The students were present.


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