Tampering with nature 'Invitation to the Biggest tragedy’

Tampering with nature  'Invitation to the Biggest tragedy’

Soma Nair 

Have you ever noticed that whenever someone is admitted to the hospital in a very serious condition, what is the first and foremost thing that the doctors pay attention to?
Is the pulse working? Means life is air? Because the treatment can only be done on a living person, not on any lifeless person. Therefore, one thing is clear that even though the body of a deceased person has all the organs – eyes, nose, heart, liver, kidney etc., but if there is no soul then even the biggest specialist cannot treat any organ and It is also a matter of regret that the importance of this soul has never been specifically explained to us. In today's era, if anyone has laid emphasis on the treatment of diseases through Pranayama, then it is Revered Swamiji, who has conveyed such great life science to the common man in a very simple way. We know many diseases as respiratory diseases, such as asthma, bronchitis etc.
It is a very simple knowledge that the first treatment should be to purify the respiratory tract and increase the power of the lungs. But there is not a single modern hospital in the world where some such places, rooms have been made for breathing patients, where pranayama, which increases vital energy, is done to strengthen the lungs. Such trees have been planted which give more oxygen. An attempt is made to suppress the disease and give rest by offering oxygen through the hose from the cylinder. Only whenever you fall ill, this treatment will be done. It is necessary in case of emergency, but is it possible to have respiratory disease after that? How to cure it forever, this effort is not necessary? Is it not necessary that after knowing the cause of the disease, it should be cured?
Nature is the greatest doctor and it is our misfortune that we do not go to her. We don't have full faith in that. There is also a reason for this - we have not been taught how to study this subject.
Those who remember the second wave of Corona know that most of the deaths in India were due to non-availability of oxygen cylinders. Therefore, the importance of oxygen can be easily understood. Nature has given us oxygen in the atmosphere by mixing it in the same quantity as it is necessary for us. It is a different matter that we have only polluted it in many ways. Factories, smoke coming out of vehicles, houses turning into closed boxes, neither courtyards nor trees – where are we going? Machines are also being installed for air. Don't we even know that air or oxygen makes trees, not machines.
We have made progress but kept moving away from nature. Our houses are closed, air-conditioned, offices, schools are air-conditioned. Markets, hospitals etc. all closed compartments, big or small, are closed. And we are trying to fill oxygen in these closed boxes. Didn't God always know how to be the same weather? Nature has created different seasons, so there must be some purpose, right?
We have started thinking ourselves smart by interfering in everything.
 To continue ….

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