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Taking acid reflux medications for a long time increases the risk of dementia
Research suggests that certain acid reflux medications for a long time increases the risk of dementia. Acid reflux occurs when the stomach Acid reaches the alimentary canal. This happens most often when we lie down after having food. This causes digestive problems.
The researchers said their study does not establish that taking acid reflux medications causes dementia but only suggests a correlation between them. This study has recently been published in the American Academy of Neurology Journal. The problem of acid reflux causes burning sensation and pain in the chest.
Frequent acid reflux can lead to the development of gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD, which can later turn into cancer of the esophagus. Proton pump inhibitors target the enzymes that produce such acids in the stomach lining. That means they are helpful in controlling them. Dr. Kamakshi Lakshminarayan, a member of the American Academy of Neurology and author of the study, says that we tested whether continuous use of these drugs for a long time could lead to a higher risk of dementia.
The study included 5,712 acid reflux sufferers, whose age was 45 years or older and the average was 75 years. The analysis found that those who took acid reflux medications for more than 4.4 years had a 33 percent increased risk of dementia, compared with those who never took them. However, the researchers also pointed out the limitations of this study, because the participants were followed up by phone once a year.
Courtesy: Dainik Jagran reflux-drugs-linked-to-dementia-risk-23499199.htm
Breathing comfortably for 10 seconds reduces stress, anxiety and chronic pain, also beneficial in Alzheimer's.
People in America have now started practicing slow breathing for up to 10 seconds to relax for a while. By doing this they feel peace in their mind for some time. In fact, according to a research, breathing comfortably for some time in between work is now being said to be beneficial for Alzheimer's patients also. In this regard, experts are also advising to practice breathing comfortably for about 20 minutes throughout the week.
Professor Mara Mather of the Department of Gerontology and Psychology of the University of Southern California says that the research and scientific research done on this matter has also revealed that this practice is included in the culture of the people in many countries in Asia. Practicing relaxing breathing daily can help improve a variety of health conditions, including high blood pressure, stress, anxiety, and even chronic pain. This type of practice is colloquially known as breath work.
Experts believe that it is also proving to be very effective in bringing changes in heart rate. Research has also found that high blood pressure patients have seen very pleasant results when they practice it continuously. In such a situation, first of all doctors are advising respiratory exercises to such patients.
Breath work and yoga practice started in corporate and school also
Moving ahead with breathwork, yoga and meditation, preparations for this are now being made in schools as well as in corporates. New York Mayor Eric Adams recently announced that all schools should now require daily breathing exercises for children.
Courtesy: Dainik Jagran beneficial-in-alzheimers-131593199.html
India is the center of traditional medicine, need to learn from other countries: WHO
irector General of the World Health Organization (WHO), Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, said that the history of traditional medicine is very ancient. India has been its center. The benefits of this treatment are being used for about 3500 years. Even today, the basis of about 40 percent of medicines and pharmaceutical products are natural products. Other countries should also take inspiration from this.
In the first global summit on traditional medicine held in Gandhinagar, Gujarat, Dr. Gabresus said that India has done much better work in enhancing the strength of Ayurveda, Unani and Homeopathy medicine. By adopting these works, other countries should also work to bring forward traditional medicine. He has sought suggestions regarding evidence based work from those countries including India, where most work is being done on traditional medicine. Later WHO can include these suggestions in the global strategy. Speaking at the inaugural session, Dr. Gabresus said, I am hopeful that the decisions taken at this conference will integrate the use of traditional medicines into national health systems. It will also help in increasing the power of traditional medicine through science.
These are included in traditional medicine
The Union Ministry of AYUSH is co-hosting this conference. Traditional medicine includes acupuncture, herbal medicines, indigenous traditional medicine, homeopathy, Ayurveda, Unani, naturopathy. According to WHO, drugs like aspirin and artemisinin have been discovered from traditional medicine.
Work on integrated medicine like India
Dr. Gabresus said that India has prepared a very good model in its hospitals and primary health centers regarding integrated medicine, which can also be adopted by developed and developing countries. This is a model through which member countries can provide both allopathy and traditional medicine facilities to their population under one roof.
170 countries are using traditional medicines
WHO chief said that even today 170 countries of the world are using traditional medicines, the benefits of which are almost 80 percent of the population is taking it in some form or the other. This shows that these medical methods are effective even in today's modern era and are given a lot of importance in India.
India's efforts against TB remarkable
Dr. Gabresus said, I appreciate India's fight and remarkable efforts against TB infection under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. India's innovative approach to TB-free, multi-sector partnership efforts and funding is appreciated. This has inspired other countries.
Adopt ancient knowledge and modern science: Mandaviya
Union Health Minister Dr. Mansukh Mandaviya said that by adopting ancient knowledge and modern science, we can collectively work towards achieving the health-related Sustainable Development Goals while promoting the One Earth, One Family, One Future ethos . He said, the demand for natural and herbal based pharmaceuticals and cosmetics in modern times underlines the enduring importance of traditional medical practices.
Now the number of Indian doctors and nurses will increase in foreign countries, foreign patients will also be able to get permission to come to India sitting at home
The Center, in collaboration with WHO, has launched the Advantage Healthcare India portal from Gandhinagar, which will not only allow foreign patients to come to India for treatment from their homes, but will also provide an opportunity to Indian doctors and nurses to serve abroad. For foreign patients, the government has connected 352 hospitals in 98 cities of 23 states of the country with this online platform, so that a citizen of any country can apply online and select the hospital for treatment. 6,178 doctors practicing well in these hospitals have also been brought on the platform, so that patients across the world can benefit from their case studies and experience.
Treatment 80 percent cheaper than America
Lav Aggarwal, Joint Secretary, Union Health Ministry, said, compared to developed countries, India's medical care is very cheap and also very easy in terms of quality and access. Studies show that compared to America, treatment in India is 70 to 80 percent cheaper for a foreign citizen.
Best regards : india-is-centre-of-traditional-medicine-other-countries-need-to- learn-2023-08-18


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