Organization of teacher honor ceremony

Organization of teacher honor ceremony

05 September. The holy festival of Teacher's Day was celebrated in Patanjali University. On this occasion, a resolution was taken to imbibe the various teachings given by Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, Dr. Kalam, Swami Vivekananda along with Patanjali University Chancellor Pujya Swamiji and Vice Chancellor Revered Acharyashree and the Acharyas were honored for their teaching and research work. Went. Professor of Science Faculty. V.K. Katiyar ji, while guiding the children, inspired them to follow the good thoughts of revered Swami ji and revered Acharya ji. Dean (Research) Dr. Manoj Pataria ji gave his address on the importance of education, teacher and learner in the national and global scenario.
On this occasion, Central Incharge of Bharat Swabhiman Trust Swami Parmarthdev ji, Vice Chancellor of Patanjali University Swami Arshadev ji, Chief Consultant Prof. Of. N. S. Yadav ji, Dean of Yoga Science, Prof. Om N Tiwari ji, Chairman of the Faculty of Naturopathy Dr. Toran Singh, Head of Examination Dr. Arvind ji, Chairman of the Faculty of Student Welfare Dr. Bipin Kumar Dubey ji, officials of all departments including Yoga Department, researchers and students were present. Dr. Nivedita ji conducted the function. 


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