Yoga-Ayurveda and Sadvrutta

Yoga-Ayurveda and Sadvrutta

Vaidya Suman Singh  Assistant Professor,
Department of Kriya Sharir, Patanjali Ayurveda College, Haridwar

  In today's fast-paced lifestyle, man is using his body like a machine. Due to this, human values are declining. Yoga and Ayurveda are ancient and eternal systems in which descriptions of remedies ranging from health sources to salvation for living beings are known. By following the rules related to Yoga and Ayurveda, a person can remain physically, mentally and spiritually healthy can lead a welfare life for the society. 
In the first chapter (Dirghajivitiyaadhyaya) of the Charaka Samhita Sutra Sthana, Acharya Charaka clearly describes Dharma-Artha-Kama-Moksha as origin of Arogya.
'Dharma-Artha-Kaam-Mokshanam Arogyam Moolam Uttamam' (Ch.Su. 1 / 15 ) 
In the same chapter, Charakacharya has described Hitayu and Ahitayu in which he described Hitayu as benevolent to all, discriminating, full of good conduct and beyond the speed of mental disorders.
In the seventh chapter of Charak Samhita, 'Navegandharaniyadhyam', the importance of controlling the movements of the mind has been explained. By restraining the harmful tendencies of the mind like greed, attachment, anger, grief, fear and jealousy, one can avoid condemnable actions.
By adopting those words, a person can avoid harsh words and lies and can save his energy loss from unnecessary fights. The speed absorbed by the body protects from violence, theft and misdeeds. Acharya Charak has given a detailed description of the rules of following Sadvritta in the eighth chapter of Sutra Sthanam, which includes the rules of worshiping and honoring Daiva, Cow, Brahmin Gurus and elders. Morning and evening Havan, maintaining cleanliness, helping living beings in trouble, being humble, avoiding lies and sinful activities and maintaining good conduct etc. are mentioned.
Charaka Describing the Upadha (Naishthiki) therapy in the physical space, the Acharya described all the sufferings of the Upadha (Trishna-Lobh-Moha-Raga-Dvesh).
Upadha Hi Paro Hetuh Dukh Dukh Ashraypradah I
Tyagah Sarvopadhanam Cha Sarva Dukh Vyapohakah ll (Ch.Sha.P.A. 1/95)
The knowledgeable person who considers these things as perishable and retires from them, becomes free from Raja-Tama and moves towards the true light.
Due to Updha Chikitsa, Ayurveda is counted among the best philosophies because by judicious adherence to Ayurveda Shastra, it is prescribed as a comprehensive solution for the relief of spiritual, physical and spiritual diseases.
In the Charak Chikitsa Place (1/4 (30-35)) the rules for consuming Achar Rasayan are mentioned again - purity, being soft-spoken, patience, charity-chanting-penance, service-respect to the worshipable ones, egolessness, welfare feelings, Qualities like absorbing the senses in spiritual matters etc. are described.
The philosophy of life has also been described in Yoga Sutra, equivalent to Ayurveda, which contains a collection of rules ranging from physical purification to spiritual purification -
haradharanadhyanasamadhi. (Pa.Yo.Su.) 
By controlling the instincts of the mind (mind) through yoga, the state of Yamaniyam Asana Pranayamapratyahara Dharana Dhyana Samadhi can be attained by the stream of Ashtanga Yoga respectively.
At the level of modern criteria and assessment, it has been proven that the practice of yoga pranayama increases the activity of the nervous system and endocrine glands.
In today's era, due to continuously increasing mental pressure, a situation of depression is arising, for which activities like Yoga-Pranayam, Yoga Nidra, Meditation etc. are proving to be effective in this context. Therefore, we all can create a strong personality and a prosperous nation by adopting the Vedic style of Yoga and Ayurveda in which we adopt the virtues of chanting, penance, charity, meditation, following good deeds etc. in our daily routine. 


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