Origin of life Human time calculation and bio excellence

Origin of life Human time calculation and bio excellence

Dr Chandra Bahadur Thapa 
Finance and Legal Consultant- Board of Education of India
and Legal Consultant Patanjali Group

Arrangement of prevailing calendars

The Jain calendar is a lunisolar calendar like the traditional Vikarma or Saka calendar. The months depend on the position of the Moon in relation to the Earth and are adjusted once every three years by adding an extra month (Addi Maas) to coincide with the Sun to bring the months in phase with the seasons. Its tithi reflects the moon phase and the month reflects the approximate season of the solar year.
A regular or normal year has 12 months as arranged by the lunisolar calendar; A leap year has 13 months. A regular or normal year has 353, 354 or 355 days; A leap year has 383, 384 or 385 days. The average number of days in a month is 30, but the average number of days in a lunisolar year is 354 and not 360 (12 months in a year) because the Moon takes about 29.5 days (not 30 days) to complete an orbit around the Earth. Takes. Hence a Tithi is concluded in a period of two months. The Hebrew, Hindu lunar, Buddhist, and Tibetan calendars are all lunisolar, and so the Japanese calendar until 1873 and the Chinese calendar until 1912 followed this system.
The Islamic calendar is a pure lunar calendar because its dates reflect the moon phase but its months do not correspond with the solar year or the phases of the seasons. It does not adjust its calendar to coincide with the sun or the seasons. so in every three year  no extra months are added to the year. 
The Gregorian calendar (English CE) is a pure solar calendar and its date indicates the time of the solar season but not the lunar stage.

Human being the best creature

The chronology of the scriptures of Sanatan and the present scientific facts and the fact that the natural process of origin of life from inanimate substances like simple organic compounds is a continuous process of energy in all the visible and invisible parts of the universe and the abiogenesis derived from the dynamics of that energy. Keeps going. Through the same process, the visible and invisible things generated from energy are transformed into fire, earth, water, air and sky, and the brain with its unknown connections and divisions and the power that puts complex inexplicable puzzles like thinking, sensation, anger, love, happiness, etc. into biological substances. Man gave the name 'God element'. According to this Sanatani Kaal calculation, 5,124 years of Kali have passed in Sat, Treta and Dwapar of 28th Chaturyug along with 6 complete Manvantars and 27 complete Chaturyugis and 1,97,29,49,129 years have passed in evening time adding.
No one knows what were the conditions or which organisms or substances were there before this, hence how many births, in what form, acellular, cellular - single-celled or multi-cellular, invertebrate or vertebrate, plant or animal, living or non-living, etc. Don't know how that invisible form was named the number of humans on earth passing through various types and levels in God's laboratory, according to the World Population Situation Report 2023 recently released by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), is approximately 804 crore 50 lakhs. This population of more than eight billion and four crores has evolved into superior beings on the basis of their own deeds and can also go into reverse.
The proof that human being is excellent is that it contains all the dualistic qualities like living, non-living, sensitive-insensitive, impulse-emotion, goodwill-malice, compassion-cruelty, inertia-dynamism, etc. Don't know why he has come or has been sent. They try to set their own goals according to the situation, yet they are helpless in the hands of destiny, and despite being helpless, in visible and hidden form, considering themselves to be the best, they take their last breath when the time appointed by the invisible comes. According to their own thinking, they always remain engaged in blind struggle while conceptualizing family, village or city, society, district, state, country, nation or their groups, various institutions etc. Till 1945, it was a matter of pride to form a state by fighting a war, after the formation of the United Nations, war is prohibited, yet wars keep happening. The Secretary-General of the United Nations is the world's highest official, elected by representatives of member states around the world, yet under the influence of the five permanent members. Industrial revolution, scientific revolution, political revolution, economic revolution, etc. keep happening within the interval of a few years. Then at local or global level, divine disasters, natural upheavals, epidemics, man-made accidents keep happening, finally culminating in cataclysm.
But even at the time of cataclysm, biological seeds remain and from them, they keep on taking birth and dying for genetic continuity, refined or distorted as per the natural conditions and environment; Taking birth means enjoyment of karma and expansion of karma, new development. the meaning of contribution and death is enjoyment and rest after work and gathering in one's seed form for the next manifestation, who does it and how and why he does it, no one knows. Who will become what? What will he do? What kind of work will he do? And how will it turn into a seed? Do not know. But on the basis of sequence of events, strategy, logic, self-egoism and discretion, etc., one's own thoughts are expressed through Vedas, scriptures, Jain texts, Buddhist texts, Avesta, Bible - Old Testament and New Testament, Quran, Guru Granth, etc. They give it to their respective groups for compliance and for the purpose of their welfare. There has been a struggle between divine and demonic powers since time immemorial of excellent human criteria.

Standards of a great human being

Lord Shri Krishna is considered to be the embodiment of the culmination of human qualities. Lord Shri Krishna was endowed with 64 qualities along with 16 arts. Therefore, a sophisticated human being should be adept in all the arts and virtues which are incarnated occasionally over thousands of years.
16 Arts- 1. Shri (wealth, immense wealth and spiritually rich too, from whose house no one leaves empty handed), 2. Bhu (ability to enjoy the kingdoms of the earth), 3. Kirti (honor, respect and fame Echo in all four directions, people's automatic reverence and faith), 4. Ila (charming speech - even an extremely angry person loses his senses and calms down after listening to the words), 5. Leela (Anand - interesting and charming incident of life) Hearing this, even a lustful person becomes emotional and detached), 6. Kanti (mind automatically gets attracted by the beauty and becomes happy), 7. Vidya (proficient in Veda-Vedanga as well as music, art, politics and diplomacy etc.), 8. Vimal (there should not be any kind of deception in the mind), 9. Utkarshini (there should be so much power in the inspiration that people get inspired by his words), 10. Gyan or Knowledge (thoughtfulness, consideration of the situation present in the life context and Ability to handle difficulties judiciously and provide protection and guidance), 11. Kriya or Action (by mere will) having the ability to do every work in the world, inspiring people to do work while working like a normal human being), 12. Yoga (Ability to immerse one's mind in the soul - With the power of Yoga, Shri Krishna was born in the mother's womb. Protected Parikshit from Brahmastra, gave life to the dead Guru's son), 13. Prahavi (humility, without ego of subject), 14. Satya (does not shy away from speaking the bitter truth, defines the truth to protect the religion) The art of doing good, one does not lie despite being tied in the bonds of relationships), 15. Isna (the presence of that quality in a person by which he is able to establish his influence on people), 16. Anugrah (helping people without any feeling of retribution). To do a favor to). 
64 qualities- Geeta (1), Vadya (2), Nritya (3), Alekhya (4) Visheshakchchhedyam (5) Tandulkusumvallivikara  (6), Pushpastaranam (7) Dasanvasanagragah  (8) Manibhumikakarma ( 9 ) Shayanrachanam (10) Udakavadyam  (11), Udakaghatah. (12) Chitrash yoga 13. Malyagrathan Vikalpah 14. Shekharkapeedyojanam 15. Nepathya Prayoga (16), Karnapattra Bhanga (17), Gandhayukti (18), Bhushan Yojana (19), Aindrajala (20), Kauchumarascha (21), Hastalaghavam (22), Vichitrashakayoshabhakshyavikarakriya (23), Pankarasaragasavayojana ( 24 ). Suchivankarmani 25. Sutrakrida 26. Veenadamarukavadyani 27. Prahelika 28. Pratimala 29. Durvachakgogah 30. Pustakvachanam 31. Natakakhyayikadarshanam 32. Lavyasamasyapurnam 33. Pattikanvetravikalpah ( 34 ) Takshakarmani ( 35 ), Takshana ( 36 ), Vastu Vidya (37), Rupyapariksha ( 38 ), Dhatuvada (39), Maniragakarajnanam (40), Vrikshaayurveda Yogas ( 41 ), Meshakukkutlavakayudhavidhi ( 42 ), Shukasarikapralapana (43), Utsadane  Samvahane Keshmardane Cha Kaushalam( 44 ), Aksharamushtikakathanam (45), Mlecchita Vikalpah (46), Desh Bhasha Vigyanam ( 47 ), Pushpashkatika ( 48 ), Nimittagyanam ( 49 ), Yantramatrika (50) Dharanmatrika (51), Sampathyam (52), Mansi Kavyakriya ( 53), Abhidhanakosha ( 54 ), Chhandojnana (55 ), Kriyakalpa ( 56 ), Chalitaka Yogas ( 57 ), Vastragopanani ( 58 ), Dyutvisheshah ( 59 ), Akarshankrida (60), Balkridankani (61), Vainayikis (62), Vaijayikis ( 63) Vyayanamikinam  (64) Vigyanam Gyanam Itih 
That Means: 1. Singing, 2. Playing various instruments, 3. Dancing, 4. Drama, 5. Painting, 6. Making vines, 7. Rice and composing gifts of worship from flowers, 8. Making flower sedges, 9. Painting teeth, clothes and limbs, 10. Making floors of beads, 11. Shaya-rachana (decoration of bed), 12. Water 13. Showing strange achievements, 14. Making necklaces etc., 15. Making flower ornaments for ears and braids, 16. Making clothes and ornaments, 17. Decorating with flower ornaments, 18. Ear leaves. Creating fragrances, 19. Making fragrances - perfume, oil etc., 20. Indrajal - magic, 21. Adopting any disguise, 22. Deeds of sleight of hand, 23. Making different types of food items, 24. Making different types of beverages, 25. Needle work, 26. Puppet making, dancing, 27. Puzzle, 28. Making statues etc., 29. Diplomacy, 30. Tact of teaching scriptures, 31. Composing drama narrative etc. To do, 32. To solve problems, 33. Making bandages, canes, arrows etc., 34. Making rugs, carpets etc., 35. Carpentry's workmanship, 36. The workmanship of making houses etc., 37. Metals like gold, silver etc. and diamonds, sheets etc. Examination of gems, 38. Making gold and silver etc., 39. Recognizing the color of gems, 40. Identification of mines, 41. Treatment of trees, 42. Method of fighting sheep, cock, quail etc., 43. Parrot. -Speaking the dialects of Maina etc., 44. Method of pronunciation, 45. Skill of cleaning hair, 46. Telling something from the fist or on one's mind, 47. Mlechchit - Kutark - Vikalp, 48. Knowledge of language of different countries, 49. Knowing omens and bad omens, telling good or bad luck in answering questions, 50. Making different types of Matrikyantra, 51. Cutting gems in different types of shapes, 52. Making sign language, 53. Creating Kataka in the mind, 54. New-new Finding out things, 55. Getting things done by deceit, 56. Knowledge of all dictionaries, 57. Knowledge of all verses, 58. Knowledge of hiding or changing clothes, 59. Gambling, 60. Attraction of distant people or things, 61. .Children's games, 62. Mantra Vidya, 63. Vidya to achieve victory, 64. Vidya to control Betal etc. 

Male female meritocracy

The living beings at the level of union with the Supreme Soul contain all the biologically specific components, the main divisions of which are paternity and motherhood. In fatherhood, there is a feeling of saving and protecting one's lineage, that is, feelings of business protection and transplantation, hence it appears harsh. In motherhood, there is a feeling of holding the seed, nourishing it and nurturing it with affection and compassion, hence it looks soft. When the union of both creates the highest example, it is considered to be the image of God, hence God called Ardhanarishwar. And render. The ultimate goal of everyone is to attain God. 


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