In ancient India Economic thinking

In ancient India Economic thinking

Mahamahopadhyay Dr Mahaveer Agrawal  
Pratikulpati, Patanjali University, Haridwar

 Our most revered  Acharyas have determined the aim of human life as 'Purusharth Chatushtaya' i.e. achieving Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha is the only goal to be achieved in human life. All the rituals of knowledge, work and worship that we perform from birth till death should be done for the attainment of these purusharthas.
From the Rigveda, the world's oldest ocean of knowledge, to the entire Vedic literature and the worldly Sanskrit literature based on the Vedas, there is abundant thinking about these four.
Although the ultimate goal of human life is the attainment of salvation, Kaivalya or immortality, yet at every step in the journey of life, religion, artha and kama also remain present in human behavior. Among these three also, meaning is the most powerful aspect. Nothing can happen without meaning, that is why it was said – ‘Arthasya Purusho Dasah’.
Today the whole world is crying for wealth, wealth and is busy in the race to acquire wealth by any means. Sanskrit poets said- 'Sarve Gunah Kanchanmashrayante I
Indian wisdom considers the Vedas to be supremely authentic. 'Sarvajnanamayo hi sah' 'Vedo'khilo dharmamoolam' 'Sarva vedat prasidhyati' etc. This is the meaning of the nectar words that whatever is meant for man exists in all the Vedas. There is a pure discussion of religion as well as Finance.
Sanskrit literature has used many words synonymous with wealth. For example, Artha, Dhana, Dravina, Rayi, Vitta, Rekna, Radha, Dyumna, Vasu, Shrava, Gaya, Riktha, etc. . All these words, though synonymous with wealth, are representative of its various states.
1.    Meaning- "Arthyate Prarthyate Iti Arthah" this word has got a profound meaning. The things we desire related to wealth and the various types of measures to fulfill those desires, what we get through labor or exchange of goods, is Artha.
2.    Wealth- This is a very broad term. Under this are enumerated metals such as gold, land property, animals, food and other movable and immovable property, which exist everywhere on the earth, but when one reads the influence of one's alien, ownership, permanence, movement on it, it becomes various noun . This is the meaning of the word wealth in 'Ma gridhah kasya svid dhanam (Yaju - 40 / 1 ).
3.    Liquidity- Out of the earned amount, the amount which is for our personal work is called liquidity. The prayer for obtaining Dravina has been made in many mantras of the Vedas. Like- 'Indra Shresthani Dravini Dehi. ,
4.    Rayi- Dynamic money is called Rayi. The word rayi is derived from the root 'ra' meaning charity. A mantra of the Vedas prayed: 'Agne naya supatha raye' O Lord in the form of fire! Lead us on the right path to attain 'rai', that is, wealth.
5.    Finance- The part of the Brahma rashi that is to be paid is called finance. 'Vityate tyajyate aneneti vittah', that is, the part that is given is called vittah. It came in the Upanishads: 'Na VittenTarpaniyo Manushyah". 
6.    Rekna- The amount owed by someone which is doubtful, i.e. the hope of its receipt is less, is called 'Rekna'. This is proved by suffixing agun from the rich root.
7.    Radhah- The part that escapes from the wealth and increases its treasure is called Radha. Maharshi Dayananda Saraswati, in his commentary on the Yajurveda, explains the meaning of Radha and writes: Radhnuvanti Samyang Nirvartyanti Sukhani Yebhyah Sadhnebhyahstani. Yaju- 3/13
8.    Dyumna- The wealth with which we buy gold, diamonds, pearls, build buildings etc., and build buildings etc., is to be destroyed. Maharishi Dayanand has used Dyumna to mean wealth in his commentary on Vedas.
9.    Vasu- The habitable property of land and buildings etc. is called Vasu. In the Vedas, God is called 'Vasoshpati' 'Vasoshpate Ni Ramaye Mayyevastu Mayi Shrutam. 
10.    Shravah- The wealth which is used in charity or expansion of sacrifices is called Shravah. Also called Shravah, Yash or Kirti. That which bestows wealth and fame is - shravah.
11.    Gaya- The money or property which we invest for our children, for the welfare of the people or for the expansion of the state, is gone. Gayah has also been said to mean child.
12.    'Rikth' - The property which we receive as inheritance or keep for inheritance, is the noun 'Rikth'.
Apart from these, there are many synonyms of wealth in the ancient Vedic are available in literature.
In ancient literature, many ways of attaining wealth like agriculture, commerce, industry, craftsmanship, animal husbandry, cottage industry, service work etc. have been mentioned. Tax system, transportation, international trade are also mentioned at many places, but an even more important consideration is the use of money. In the scriptures like Panchatantra, three types of wealth have been proposed.
Danam Bhogo Nashcheti Tistro Gatyo Bhavanti Vittasya l
Yo N Dadati Na Bhungate Tasya Tritiya Gati Rbhavanti  II
The person who neither donates nor consumes the earned wealth properly, his wealth faces the third path i.e. destruction.
The sages of Yajurveda say-
Ishavasyamidam Sarvam Yat Kinch Jagatyam Jagat l
Tena Tyaktena Bhunjitha Ma Gridhah Kasyasvidhanam ll Yaju. 40.1
Whatever is in this dynamic world is pervaded by God. That God is present in every particle of the universe. All the wealth of the world belongs to Him, therefore, whatever wealth and glory we have, we should enjoy it with sacrifice. Don't keep an eye on the vultures, whose money is this? K: That means it belongs to the same creator. A Sanskrit sage has written so beautifully –
Yavad Bhriyet Jatharam Tavat Satvam
Hi Dehinam l
Adhikam Yoabhimanyate Sa Steno Dandamrhati lI
We have the right only to the amount of money with which we can continue our life happily. The one who considers more than this as his own is considered a thief (thief) by our school of thought, and he is punishable. Our ancestors always considered Lakshmi, obtained through good path and hard work, as Varenya, who does not destroy the happiness and peace of life.
Ya Ma Lakshmih Patayalur Justa Abhichaskanda Vrksam Bandaneh Vrksam.
Anyatrasmada Savitastamito Dhah Hiranyasto Vasu Wo Raranah ll 
Atharva 7.115.2
Lord is Hiranya Hasta. Opulence, gold are shining in his hands in a beneficial and beautiful form. They are the ones who are distributing and dividing it among the living beings. The entire opulence belongs to the Lord, we are only His trustees, keeping this in mind, earning maximum wealth through hard work and honesty and distributing it in the interest of mankind and the nation, this is the message of the Vedas - Shatahasta Samahar Sahasrahast Sankir.
Our ancient literature says- 'Sahabhaksha Shyam' We eat together. This is the sacred song of our Indian society-
Sah Navavatu Sah Nau Bhunaktu Sah Viryam Karvavahai Twjasvinavadhitvamastu Ma Vidvishavahai.
Indians chant this sacred verse of the Veda every day.
'Moghmannam Vindate Aprachetah Satyam Bravimi Vadha Itsa Tasya l
Naryamanam Pushyanti No Sakhayam Kevalagho Bhavati Kevaladi ll
Rig- 10.117.6
Those who eat alone, instead of eating food, are only eating sins. Such enjoyment does not strengthen them in any way.
Nowhere in the Vedas is wealth condemned, but the worshiper prays to God while performing Sandhya, Yajna etc.: 'Vayam syam patiyo rayinaam'
May we become masters of wealth. While condemning poverty in Sanskrit literature, it was said - 'Daridrya Shashtam Mahapatakam'. 
In the famous Sanskrit play 'Mrichchakatikam', the great poet Shudraka writes while depicting the pitiful condition of poverty -
Daridrayat Purushasya Bandhavajano Vakyae Na Santishthate, 
Sunigdha Vimukhi Bhavanti Suhridah Sphari Bhavantyapadah l
Satvam Hrisamupaiti, Sheelshashinah Kantih Parimalayate, 
Papam Karma Yat Parairapi Kritam Tatsya Sambhavyate ll Mrichh 1.14
Because of poverty, a man’s relatives and friends do not remain in the conversation, and his affectionate friends become averse, and calamities become sparky. Sattva declines, the brightness of the moon of virtue fades, and sinful actions committed by others are likely to be his. Mrichch
That is, due to poverty, a man's friends do not listen to him. Even dear friends turn away. Objections increase. The power gets weakened, the glow of the moon in the form of virtue also gets tarnished and the sins committed by others are also blamed on him.
Said in another verse-
Shunyaputrasya Griham Chir Shunyam Nasti Yasya Sanmitram l
Murkhasya Dishah Shunyah Sarvam Shunyam Daridrasya II Mrichh. 1.8
A house without a son is empty and a good friend is not empty for a long time The directions of the fool are empty, and everything is empty for the poor. Mrichcha, 1.8 The house of a man without a son is empty, who has no good friends his life is eternal, all directions for a foolish man are zero, whereas for a poor person there is home, time and Directions: Everything is empty.
He writes again-
Aetattu Mam Dahayati Yadgrihamasmadiyam,
Kshinarthamitayatithayah Parivarjayanti ll Mrichha 1.12
This thing upsets me a lot that the guests have stopped coming to my house considering me as having no money.
Thus poverty is never appropriate. This country of India was a divine country rich in wealth in ancient times. That is why it was called the golden bird 'Golden Chatka'.
Maharishi Dayanand Saraswati writes in the beginning of the eleventh chapter of his immortal book Satyarth Prakash -
"This Aryavarta country is such a country that there is no other country similar to it in geography. That is why this land is named Suvarnabhoomi, because it produces golden gems. That is why in the beginning of the creation, the Aryan people came and settled in this country. As many geographies There are countries in India, they all praise this country and hope that it is said to be the Philosophical Stone, that is false but the country of Aryavarta is the true Philosopher's Stone, which can be transformed into an impoverished foreigner as soon as it is touched by iron gold, that is, become rich.
They fully observed the ancient Indian religion. They all lived a dignified life by following the religion of the king, the religion of the teacher, the religion of the disciple, the religion of the son, the religion of the husband, the religion of the mother and father. They also earned and consumed wealth in a religious manner. 'Akshairma Divyah Krishimita Krishasva. Ri. 10.34.7
The first words show the importance of agriculture, so by saying 'Annam Vai Brahma' we have given glory to food like God.
'Shanno Dwipade Sham Chatushpade.  Atharva- 12.2.40 gives the message of animal husbandry. The admiration of the architects, architects, engineers, traders, entrepreneurs brings to our eyes the contribution of all of them in strengthening the economy of the time. The tax system was extremely robust. The money collected in the treasury was spent on the welfare of the people. It is beautifully depicted in the immortal play Abhijnana Shakuntala and Raghuvansh by the great poet Kalidasa. The great poet Dushyant says:
Tapah Shadbhagamkshayyah Dadatyaranyaka Hi Nah.  That is, the entire subjects deposited one-sixth of their income in the form of income tax. Describing the use of this meaning, he says in Raghuvansha:
Prajanameva Bhutyartham Sa Tabhyo Balimgrahit l
Sastragunamutstrashtumadatte Hi Rasam Ravih II Raghuvansha First Chapter
Whatever Raghuvanshi kings took as tax from their subjects, they used to spend it for the welfare of the subjects, like the Sun, taking water from the earth, multiplies it thousands of times and gives it back to the land. 
What a wonderful economy it was. This was Ramrajya, this was Vedic culture, this was ancient knowledge stream. Today again the same holy economy the country needs. 


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