Iranian delegation arrives at Patanjali Yogpeeth

In-depth discussion on launching Patanjali products and work being done in various areas of Patanjali in Iran.

Iranian delegation arrives at Patanjali Yogpeeth

30 August: A delegation from Iran under the leadership of Iran's Deputy Agriculture Minister Mr. Alireza Peymanpa reached Patanjali Yogpeeth where Patanjali Yogpeeth's General Secretary Acharya Balkrishna Ji Maharaj welcomed the guests by presenting a bouquet and shawl.
On this occasion, the public service and research work being done by Patanjali was not only praised by the representatives of the Government of Iran, but also there was an in-depth discussion on introducing Patanjali's products and the work being done in various fields of Patanjali in Iran.
All the people present on this occasion praised Swami Ramdev Ji Maharaj and took blessings from him also.
In the programmes the present dignitaries were- Patanjali Foods Ltd. MD Shri Rambharat, renowned Islamic scholar Dr. Maulana Kalbe Rushaid Rizvi, Deputy Head of Iran Trade Promotion Organization Mohammad Sadegh Ghanadzadeh, I.T.P.O. Director General of Administration Mohammad Hassan Argi and Commercial Counselor of Iran Embassy Delhi India Dr. Hossein Bamiri were present. 


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