Param Pujya Swami Ji Maharaj, the architect of Healthy India

Param Pujya Swami Ji Maharaj,  the architect of Healthy India

Vandna Barnwal  State In-Charge,
Women's Patanjali Yog Samiti, UP (Central)

   Perfect health is such a priceless gem whose value is known to us only when it starts to be lost. If the body is not healthy then life becomes a burden in a way. Sensing this, Param Pujya Swami Ji Maharaj launched a campaign for the last two-three decades to keep himself healthy through regular yoga practice. Today people have included it in their lifestyle like a religious ritual. Our sages have also said (shariramadyam khalu dharmasadhanam) that is, this body is the best means of religion. So if we believe in religion and call ourselves religious then it is also our duty to keep our body healthy.

Health and its parameter

What is health? And what is its scale? That is, which person can we call healthy. And how to determine how healthy he is? No definition of health has been given in any medical system, but it is generally believed that health is the absence of any kind of physical or mental illness. Usually doctors also consider the absence of any kind of disease in the body as health. Through various tests, they can measure the disease and its intensity, but they also have no way of measuring health there is no scale or equipment. Medical science has come up with several scales to measure the level of various diseases in the body, including heart rate, blood pressure, weight according to height or age, the amount of hemoglobin in the blood, etc., as well as tests for the level of serious diseases. . If any of these values are less or more than the prescribed limit in the test report, the person is considered sick and he is taken to the shelter of medicines to get rid of the disease. Even though it is okay to make a scale to identify and measure the level of diseases, but health should be seen as a whole, the World Health Organization (WHO) also defines health as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being. And this can be possible only through yoga.

Fundamental right to health

Right to health refers to a person's right to be healthy as well as to access and receive public health services. This right includes many needs including medical consultation, medicine, proper food, water, sanitation etc. For all such services, some or the other programs are always made by the governments, but in a country like India with a population of 140 crores, this type of arrangement can be made for everyone only by the government making efforts is extremely challenging. We also saw it at the time of Kovid. In such a situation, the thing to be understood is that even if any government provides health facilities to us, it is not constitutionally bound for it. Anyway, even if the government tries, it can only make arrangements for doctors, hospitals and medicines to prevent diseases. But whether a person will get health by any such arrangement, this is the question to be considered. This ignorance about people's health is equally taken advantage of by many people associated with the medical field, including doctors, pharmaceutical companies, pathology, hospitals, etc. According to a statistic, due to lack of such knowledge, every year about six and a half crore people in India become poor in search of freedom from diseases. That is why some people also say that good health in India is a luxury that only the rich and mainstream people can generally afford.
Health is not a luxury, it may be that some people do not understand the difference between prevention of diseases and health, despite this, a country like India, which has been a world guru in the field of health care since ancient times, if there is health considered a luxury. If given a noun, it is a matter of concern. Undoubtedly, there were many health challenges for India after independence and India has always been moving forward by successfully dealing with these challenges. We have always shown the world that we are mature in the field of conquering health problems and epidemics. Today, many diseases like leprosy, polio, smallpox have either been eradicated from India or have reached very close to the target set in this direction. We have done tremendous work in research related to medicine and drugs. We are now the largest manufacturer of a wide range of drugs and equipment in the world. Today India produces world class medicines and therefore India is also known as the Pharmacy of the World. India accounts for 50% of the total demand for generic drugs in Africa. Not only this, India supplies 40 per cent of the US's requirement and 25 per cent of the UK's generic medicines. According to statistics, India produces 60 percent of the world's total vaccine and 70 percent of the total vaccine used in the compulsory vaccination campaign of the World Health Organization. One of the biggest examples of this is Kovid-19 we all saw during the peak of the pandemic when the whole world looked dependent on India for the vaccine. India sent vaccine doses to 70 countries during this period. When we have so much and we are capable of so much, then associating health with luxury means that neither we can know the difference between health and medicine nor we can recognize our traditional medicine.

Ignore traditional medicine

Today, even though medical science has supported Yoga-Ayurveda considering its benefits as effective, yet there is a reality that India ignored its medical heritage for years. Perhaps that's why the current health and medical system got overburdened. Had India followed the path shown by Maharishi Patanjali along with Charak, Sushrut, Ashwini Kumar, Vagbhatta, Dhanwantari etc., then the health status of every person living in India today would have been of the highest quality with very less expenditure. But it is disappointing that in the race of modernity, the supernatural healing method of health suggested by our sages and sages has been ignored for a long time or perhaps given very little attention. There could be many reasons behind this, but unfortunately till two-three decades ago i.e. until Param Pujya Swami Ji Maharaj and Revered Acharyashree started on a war footing in the field of Yoga and Ayurveda, the great heritage of Yoga and Ayurveda was greatly affected. It was taken lightly, but after the continuous efforts of Pujya Swami ji and the formation of respected Narendra Modi ji's government in the year 2014, not only Yoga got international recognition, but during the Corona epidemic, the world's famous scientists also believed that only Yoga and Ayurveda It is only by taking help that such serious health problems can be cured. For this, on the one hand, Patanjali Research Institute has done more than one research in the field of Ayurveda, on the other hand, every day from 5 o'clock in the morning, lakhs of crores have done yoga research on themselves by joining with Pujya Swami Ji Maharaj, whose result is in front of everyone today. Is.


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