Precepts of Maharishi Narada are to be followed

Precepts of  Maharishi  Narada are to be followed

Pro. Kusumlata Kedia   

In the Rajya Sabha of Maharaja Yudhishthira in Prastha, Devarshi Narada was preaching Rajdharma to Yudhishthira. Those teachings are worthy of meditation and practice by all statesmen who aspire for credit. The epithets used by Shri Vedvyas for Devarshi Narad in Mahabharata are described in the 5th chapter of Sabhaparva from verses 2 to 12. It is said in them that Devarshi Narad is the knower of the Vedas and Upanishads, worshiped by the gods, connoisseur of history and mythology, scholar of justice, knower of Dharmatattva, education, Kalpa, grammar, nirukta, verses and astrology - these six Shiromani among the pundits of organs, Visharad in political knowledge, Progalbha orator, He is brilliant, He is full of memory, He is Brahmavetta and Trikaldarshi.
Yudhishthir along with his brothers worshiped and felicitated such Devarshi Narad. After that, when everyone sat at their places, Narad ji started political preaching through questions. Those teachings are very important and worthy of attention and practice by every ruler. He asked Rajan, - Your mind seems happy in religion, doesn't it? While meditating on God, does your mind not get entangled in distractions? Through this question, Devarshi has made the paramount duty daily for the kings as well contemplation of God and practice of concentration of the mind while keeping your mind under control has been told. By doing this the mind becomes capable of receiving the light of knowledge and truth and then it becomes enlightened.
Brahmarshi Narad said - 'Rajan, is your wealth sufficient for the yagya, charity and welfare of the people done by you? Do you enjoy religion? Your mind doesn't get distracted from duty by the attraction of pleasures, does it? Due to those other instincts, trauma or distraction does not reach your mind? You behave liberally towards the subjects of all the four varnas, don't you? Are you not harming the religion by studying for the greed of money or are you not harming the economic effort by being engaged only in the religion? You don't obstruct the effort of religion by getting trapped in the attachment of sex and money, do you? You have proper knowledge of all three, Dharma, Artha and Kama, don't you? And you consume them all properly, don't you?'
Further Brahmarshi Narad said- 'O king best among victorious heroes, you always keep the six qualities prescribed for kings, don't you? These six qualities are-eloquence, insight, reasoning skills, memory of the past, vision on the future and ethics. You adopt the seven measures through these six qualities, don't you? There are seven ways - Mantrana, medicines, illusion creation on reading need and material, charity, punishment and discrimination. You test and test these 14 subjects by constantly keeping in mind the districts, forts, chariots, elephants, horses, brave soldiers, state officials, your inner city, granaries, calculations (census and treasury calculations), scriptures, accounts, wealth and strength. You keep doing it, don't you? By always remembering your own power and the power of the enemy, you understand very well, don't you? While making a treaty with a strong enemy, you do these eight things for the increase of wealth and wealth, don't you do (1) expansion of agriculture, (2) protection of trade, (3) protection and construction of forts, (4) construction of bridges And their protection, (5) rearing of elephants, (6) rights over mines of gold-diamonds-gems etc., (7) due recovery of tax and (8) settling people in desolate areas.'
It is clear that if we have the knowledge of these things, then we will get clear the meaning of many works of our present Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi. When on whom to campaign, and when in which subject to sit quietly in one's own place and wait for the time, when to quarrel with which enemy and how to create dualism i.e. division among them and which strongman to side with And with whom to reconcile, the idea of all this is the supreme ruler it is the duty of The people of the opposition, who urge the Prime Minister not to adopt these measures, to always launch only yan means campaign in every subject and appear or announce continuous suppression of terrorists etc. They are either not serious about these subjects or in the competition, even the interest of the nation is forgotten. 
Further Brahmarshi Narad asked Dharmaraj Yudhishthir that O Bharat, do you pay full attention to the seven natures of the state i.e. the seven organs ruler, secretary, treasury, nation, army, residents and friends of the nation? None of these is being misled by the enemy or is meeting the enemy? (Many of our so-called voluntary organizations and some people from the media and some princes of the opposition are also seen meeting like this).
Narad ji asked - Rajan, do you keep in mind that the rich people of your kingdom should love you? Don't those rich people get trapped in addictions that make humans weak from within? At the same time, don't the spies of the enemy, being friends, take secrets from your secretaries etc.? You have proper knowledge about all the three types of people, friend, enemy and indifferent, don't you? Like yourself, you choose only those people who are virtuous and trustworthy, who live a virtuous and pure life, who are old in knowledge, who are old in arts and crafts, etc. as secretaries, don't you? Because the main reason for the attainment of victory is good advice and its protection. Is your nation protected by secretaries who keep confidential things secret and who know the scriptures? Are the enemies trying to distinguish him?
Brahmarshi Narad while giving teachings through questions further said - You don't fall under untimely sleep, do you? Do you wake up on time? Waking up in the last hour of the night, you think very well about your interest and duty, don't you? You don't share confidential things with more people, do you? Or don't you think about deep topics alone? (Because the ruler alone is not able to consider all aspects of complex subjects. A trusted and expert secretary is necessary).
'You think about those methods of increasing wealth and follow them, don't you, in which the principal amount is less but the growth is more? Along with this, if other prominent people in the society also increase wealth in the same way, then your rule does not hinder them? Your kingdom keeps the complete knowledge of the working people, doesn't it? You keep an eye on their actions and activities, don't you? Because everyone's support is necessary in the great rise.
Brahmarshi continues to teach questionable teachings 'reliable, free of greed' and you only get reliable work done by experts with passed down skills, don't you? Do you keep in mind that people should know about your important works only after the accomplishment of the work and not before?' 
Brahmarshi further questioned Maharaj - 'All types of education are given to the main princes and the main warriors, isn't it? The teachers who give those teachings are the penetrating and religious scholars of all the scriptures, aren't they? Instead of hundreds of fools, you employ only one pundit, don't you? Because only a learned man can do your welfare in any crisis?
'All your forts and forts are full of money-grains, equipped with weapons, equipped with machines and full of water and are equipped with craftsmen and armed soldiers, right?'
 'You look at the eighteen pilgrimages of the enemy's side do you keep it? (These eighteen pilgrimages are minister, priest, crown prince, commander, gatekeeper, president of inner city, treasurer, jail chief, finance secretary, internal security secretary, city president, head operator of artisans, bishop, head of assembly, policeman, fort, border guard and forest guard). In the same way, you keep examining the 15 pilgrimages of your side thoroughly, don't you? (Out of the 18 Tirthas mentioned above, except the minister, the priest and the crown prince, all the rest are 15 Tirthas of Swapaksha).'
O Yudhishthira, the destroyer of enemies, you always try to destroy your enemies by always being careful, don't you? Your priests are experts in diplomacy, elite, polyglot scholars, free from faults and skilled in discussing the scriptures, aren't they? You respect him completely, don't you? (O Narendra! How can you make people sit with Vedgya Brahmins who only have a simple knowledge of modern ideologies as scholars? How can you give equal importance in governance to those who call Gandhiji a bastard? Those who believe that even if you are virtuous Do it, but if you don't believe in our religion or creed, you and your mother and all your family members and all your people who believe in Sanatan Dharma will go to hell or hell, how can you treat them equally? How can you give equal recognition to the faith of a religion which is your own does he consider the ancestors worthy of hell? This is honoring the undeserving and disrespecting the deserving).
The sage Braharshi further asked the Maharaja - 'All kinds of education are given to the great princes and the great warriors, isn't it? The teacher who gives those teachings is a scholar of all the scriptures and a religious scholar, isn't he? Instead of hundreds of fools, you employ only one pundit, don't you? Because in any crisis your welfare is done by a learned man only.
Brahmarshi said - 'O Rajan! You have appointed Brahmins who are knowledgeable, intelligent and simple in the method of Yagya for the rituals of Yagya, haven't you? They keep informing you from time to time about the proper time of Yagya, don't they? There are expert astrologers in your gathering who are expert in examining various parts of the body like hands and feet, aren't they? There are astrologers in your royal assembly who tell the movement of planets and their auspicious results and know the method of their mitigation after knowing the origin of planets by calculation, aren't they? You have engaged only the best people in great works, haven't you? Medium class people have been engaged in medium tasks and servants have been engaged in low class tasks accordingly, haven't they? You have made only the best people who have come from the tradition as secretaries, haven't you?'
Next Narad ji asks - ' Hey Rajan! Don't you tax so much that the subjects start disdaining you? For as the pious priests despise the degenerate host and the chaste women despise the lascivious men, so the subjects despise the ruler who imposes harsher punishments and collects more taxes.'
(Note- This episode of Narad ji with very important knowledge discussion about Rajdharma will continue in the next issue as well. Because it is still unfinished and it is very important from the point of view of Rajdharma) 


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