Self experienced experiments of respected Yoga Guru Swami Ramdev Ji Maharaj and respected Aacharya Balkrishna Ji Maharaj
Tulsi is very effective in mouth sore
Take Tulsi leaves extract and apply it on the sores for two or three times in a day and spir your saliva. This method is very useful in treatment of mouth sores.
Use chironji for body strength and get rid of cold and cough
By consuming chironji regularly you can get physical strength and energy for your brain besides it is also useful in curing cold and cough.
This method prevents hair fall
Take one spoon fenugreek leaves, one spoon Amla powder, 100 gram coconut oil in which the above two are to be cooked and apply this oil in your hair everyday it will prevent hair fall.
Ginger is effective in fighting infection
Ginger is a very powerful antiviral and it also cures problems like swelling and pain besides it also prevents body from infection and its regular use keeps cholesterol level under control.
Arhar lentis is best source of vitamin, protein and carbohydrates
Arhar lentis contains vitamin A, vitamin D, protein, carbohydrates and phosphorus and it cures problems of Pit, cough and blood related impurities.
Sprouts are very useful in low blood pressure problem
Sprouts should be consumed regularly as they are very effective in controlling low blood pressure problem because they contains good quantity of protein and it makes blood pressure normal therefore one must take sprouts.
Health benefits of Kuttu
Kuttu contains abundance of iron Phosphorus magnesium vitamin and it also contains high quantity of fibre. Due to this property it keeps body weight under control and abundance of magnesium gives strength to bones and it is also very useful for the patients of diabetes because it contains low calorie and does not contain saturated fat.
Raisins contain abundance of potassium and magnesium
Kishmish contains high quantity of magnesium and potassium which are very effective in controlling cholesterol level and blood pressure level while it also contains a good quantity of iron therefore it also prevents problems like anaemia and blood deficiency.
Vegetable juice best for health
Juice of fresh vegetables prevents ageing and it also increases life and according to naturopathy use of vegetable juice can cure even most chronic diseases. It has been observed after research that consuming wheatgrass juice is also very effective in curing most dangerous diseases like cancer.
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15 Jan 2025 12:10:16
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