The proof of the world-class intelligence of Acharyakulam is Divyanshu Yashah : Swami Ramdev Ji Maharaj

The proof of the world-class intelligence of Acharyakulam is Divyanshu Yashah : Swami Ramdev Ji Maharaj

  • Now wherever Divyanshu goes, the fame of Acharyakulam will increase: Acharyashree
 Haridwar, 17 May | This year also the result of high school and intermediate examination of Acharyakulam was 100 percent. In the prayer meeting, Vice President Dr. Ritambhara Shastri ji informed the institute with special mention that his son Divyanshu Yash, who has passed the intermediate examination in commerce stream from Acharyakulam, has got 100 percent scholarship in TETR College of Business. By ensuring his entry along with him, he has given glory to Acharyakulam. The name of the course is Bachelor of Management and Technology and it is a mix of both business and technology subjects. It is noteworthy that Teter College of Business is the only college of its kind in the whole world in which students go to 7 different countries America, Italy, Singapore, Ghana, Brazil, Dubai and India to get their degree and learn business. The motto of this college is - "Learn by doing", so instead of just making the students sit in the classroom and teaching, the students start their own business every year and learn from it.
Along with this, TETR has signed agreements with the best universities of every country to educate its children. In this course, apart from studies and business, students will also be taken to adventures like Everest Base Camp. In his blessings, His Holiness Swami Ji Maharaj said that Divyanshu fame is a proof of the world class intelligence of Acharyakulam. Most Revered Acharyashree Maharaj said that Divyanshu is a brilliant student. Now wherever Divyanshu goes, the fame of Acharyakulam will increase. 
Vice President of Acharyakulam Management Committee, Dr. Ritambhara Shastri 'Sister' along with Principal Mrs. Aradhana Kaul ji gave their blessings on the said occasion, wishing all the teachers and staff including students, parents. On this auspicious occasion, all the teachers, staff and students including Swami Arjundev Ji, Swami Asangdev Ji, Vice Principal Shri Tapas Kumar Bera Ji were present.

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