Polly Cystic Ovarie Syndrome
Dr. Nagendra' Neeraj
Chief Doctor and Director Yoga-Gram, Patanjali Yogpeeth, Haridwar
The female menstrual cycle is associated with the changing attitude and tide of moonlight. Even psychology, violent behavior, birth i.e. affects human zoology. |
The girls and women do not work, often go PCOD. suffers from. Today's turmoil has an imbalance in life, stress, anxiety, diet and thought. Whatever I got, I got it, I ate where I got it. Foods containing high amounts of carbohydrates in the food, various fast foods made from salt, corn sugar, sugar and fat, stay up late at night and wake up late in the morning, the biological clock due to disturbances in the body's int time device (INT) and The Cundian Rhythm has become irregularly uncontrolled. Eating, living and contemplative disturbances, shift jobs, etc. To balance the hormones, eating toffee or sweet things, stopping normal menstruation with medicines, eating intoxication etc. and many other reasons, imbalance of various hormones of the body is the main reason for this disease.
There are 60-70 lakh ovaries in the fetal time from the ninth week of the fetal period of the fetus to the fetus. At birth, there are about one million i.e. one million eggs in the ovary of a human female infant. By adolescence, their number remains only 3 lakh. Women have 72,000 by the age of 30 and 18,000 by the age of 40.
By the time of the end of menstruation, that is, from the time of menopause, one to two thousand eggs are left, but they are not fertile. A mature egg ovulate is ovulate every month till the season. Scientists from Saint Andrew and Edinburgh University in Scotland have proved that by the age of 30, only percent of the eggs remain. According to the number and quality of the eggs, the fertility of women is maintained. There are four phases of the menstrual cycle. There is a first menstruation phase, in this case, if the pregnancy is not there, bleeding occurs in the form of menstruation. This happens once a month. It is done within 28 to 30 days within the last 3 to 5 days. Menstruation the phase is related to the lunar cycle. The Moon takes approximately 27.32 i.e. 28 days to revolve around the Earth. It is called (Sidereal Lunar Month). The complete cycle from new moon to new moon takes 29.5 days, it is called Synodic Month. Sidereal month is the time taken by the Moon to revolve around the Earth and Synodic month is the time taken by the Earth to revolve around the Sun. The third lunar cycle lasts 14 days when the Moon crosses the Equator. Just as the sidereal cycle is of 27.32 or 28 days, the synodic cycle is of 29.53 days and the equatorial lunar cycle is of 14 days.
In Yoga Vashishtha Samhita, men are considered to be of the nature of Sun and women to be of the nature of Moon. In the Lunar Cycle, due to the nature of the Moon, the feminine mode remains more active in women, as a result, they have gentleness, softness, kindness, generosity, politeness, sensitivity and affection towards others, love and nurturing, compassion, all happiness, happiness and survey. The feeling of sadness and sorrow deepens. Due to their solar nature, men are filled with feelings of energy, warmth, strength, bravery, sharpness, enterprise and courage. The four phases of women's menstruation are related to the four phases of the moon. Menstruation phase in four primary phases or cycles The New Moon phase of the lunar cycle is called the waxing crescent (full moon to new moon) yellow golden moon. Follicular Phase The first quarter phase of the moon is the waxing gibbous pink moon. Ovulation Phase Full Moon Phase Waning Gibbous, Red Moon and Luteal Phase Last third Quarter Waning Waning Crescent Phase Purple Moon is the phase. All these come again and again in 29.5 days i.e. one month.
It is on the basis of the lunar cycle that life forms have originated on Earth due to the churning of the salty alkaline waters of the ocean on the Earth due to the churning of tides (Tides ebb-f-low). The churning of sea water has led to the emergence of unicellular to multi cellular creatures from the first primitive soup, that is why our body fluid is also alkaline like sea water. The environment at the womb of all living beings and the uterine fluid are also alkaline, that is, the origin of life, initial growth and development also takes place in the same alkaline salty environment. Women have their menstrual cycle more than men. Just as the origin of all beings is Mother Earth "Mother Earth I am the son of the earth" Atharva Veda and 'Obeisance to the mother of the earth, Obeisance to the mother of the earth Yujurveda. The proclamation of these Vedas proves the eternal relationship between the earth and the moon. The moon has an influence on the menstrual cycle. Having an effect on the hypothalamus pituitary axis (NPA) being on gonadotropin releasing hormone (GNRH) can increase FSH. and estrogen and LH. and progesterone hormones are affected. Most sea creatures are associated with the lunar cycle, according to which they are pregnant. All animals from humans and even palolo to lefer polychaete insects are associated with the lunar cycle. Just as the cycle of the moon in all four ways is the lunar cycle, so the menstrual cycle of female beings and adult women living on earth is from the lunar cycle there is a relation.
The female menstrual cycle is linked to the changing phases of the moonlight and the tidal cycle. Even psychosis, violent behavior, birth i.e. human biology is affected. It is best and health-friendly to have menstruation during and around the full moon. This is a symbol of women's mental balance, clarity of thoughts and harmony of overall life, equanimity and synchronization. Moving forward, innovation and many plans and projects it is an auspicious call from nature and God to promote it.
Follicular phase after the first menstruation cycle (Follicular Stage) lasts from 14 to 21 days during this period a developing mature egg is made. Third phase ovulation ovulatory phase is called, in which mature egg conception when it is released, it is a state of pregnancy. Increase in body temperature at the time of ovulation, breast soreness, there is pricking and pain in the breasts and pain in the lower abdomen. From mature ovary to fallopian tube during ovulation starts his journey. Fourth after the end of ovulation luteal phase begins. the follicle that releases the mature egg released or released, a structure called corpus luteum or turns into a cyst. From the corpus luteum cyst here the pregnancy hormone progesterone is produced. for the fetus forms the thick cushioning layer of the uterus. inability to conceive corpus luteum including the lining of the uterus on the fourth menstrual cycle it flows in the form of religion. uterine lining thoroughly luteal phase not developing defect (LPD) situation arises. PCOS Disease luteal phase prolongation in teenagers last for 25 days one and 20 to 30 years among women from 21 lasting 38 days menstruation is the menstrual cycle. 11 to 20 developed eggs during the follicular phase only one of them becomes mature. Of brain secreted from the pituitary gland via the hypothalamus liquid in F.S.H. hormones ovarian follicle fluid a specific follicle filled with mature eggs little one prepares for production. ovaries actually numerous many alveoli are stores of follicles in which the most mature and strongest eggs are the longest the seeds are ready in 14 to 21 days. ovulation occurs vigorous mature oocyte in phase one resting cyst during gestation where the egg matured. that special follicles produce high amounts of estrogen hormone leaves. Due to excess of estrogen hormone, the egg becomes more healthy and fully mature. Due to progesterone, the wall of the uterus becomes a thick cushioned vascularized bed, where the fertilized embryo and the baby live in comfort, happiness, peace, happiness and joy. Could. Due to the regenerative growth of diploid cells and formation of new tissues and new endometrial lining, this condition is sometimes also called proliferative phase. When estrogen levels increase, FSH increases. The level starts decreasing. In such a situation, the dominant follicle sends a message to the estrogen hormone pituitary gland and produces F.L.H. Stimulates the release of hormones. l. H. Hormone is essential for luteal phase. L.H. Or the luteal phase is the longest period. L.H. The hormone prepares and releases the adult strong mature egg for ovulation. After ovulation, cells in the corpus luteum of the ovary release progesterone and small amounts of estrogen to form a thick lining of the uterus; progesterone production continues once the fertilized egg implants. If conception does not occur, the corpus luteum gets destroyed. Once a healthy, strong and mature egg is released from the ovary, it remains alive for only 24 hours to meet healthy, fast, active and strong sperm. Menstrual bleeding in the form of menstruation when pregnancy is not possible
N.C.B.I. Published in PCOS According to a research conducted on some women suffering from PCOS. Affected women FSH: 3.10±1.21 LH. FSH compared to 2.35±1.30. (4.38±2.05) and L.H. A very high level of (12.22±3.31) was observed. They say. PCOS Prolactin hormone levels increased significantly in women with (1.30±0.41). Healthy FSH in women And L.H. The ratio would be 2:1 in polycystic disease this ratio becomes 1:2. This ratio reaches 1:3 (8). Enlarged LH F.S.H. As a result of the ratio of P.C. Ovulation does not occur in patients with polycystic ovary disease. High L. H. can release more than one egg. l. H. and F.S.H. The rhythmic rhythm stimulates follicular development and ovulation. Over the age of 40, FSH levels may increase during the follicular phase; But L.H. The level does not increase as before. As a result, the eggs inside the follicle rapidly mature and are released; But these eggs are not that useful for pregnancy.
In menstruating women, there is LH throughout the month. It varies from during adolescence. Menstruation after a few weeks LH. An increase in LH means that ovulation is occurring well throughout the month. High levels prove that the ovaries are not functioning properly. LH during non-ovulatory phase. Abnormally high levels indicate menopause. It may also mean that you have polycystic ovaries or pituitary disorders, anorexia, malnutrition or stress.
The first two weeks of pregnancy are called the Germinal Stage, the third to the eighth week is the Embryonic Period and the period from the ninth week to birth is called the Fetal Time. The number of eggs in a human female baby at the time of birth is 60 lakh. it occurs.
Generally, on the 12th to 16th day after the end of menstruation in women, the time for mature, powerful and healthy ovulation occurs from the ovaries. During this period, mature eggs combine with the man's sperm and create a child in both the uteruses. Due to lack of union between the two, the egg is released with menstruation. In some women, due to lack of certain hormones and disturbances in the production of eggs and ovulation, small, innumerable bubble-like sacs filled with fluid, which are called cysts, form in the ovaries. Numerous cysts develop. This condition is called polycystic ovary disease.
Symptoms: In normal condition, both ovaries also produce small amounts of androgen hormone; But PCOS in women suffering from the numerous polycyst ovaries start producing large amounts of androgens and testosterone. As a result, polycystic ovary disease occurs. As a result, due to the effect of androgen and estrogen, acne, growth of unnecessary hair on various body parts, face, armpits, genitals etc., accumulation of excess fat on the back, waist, neck and stomach, obesity, not menstruating on time, sometimes less and sometimes more blood. Discharge and stress and anxiety begin. A family that has had PCOS for generations. There has been a complaint. PCOD in that family. There is a possibility of it happening.
Many other types of disease symptoms are seen in Poly Cystic Ovary Disease (PCOD), hence it is called PCOS. They say. PCOS Due to this, the following disease symptoms may occur. Accumulation of fat on the liver leads to increase in non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, high blood pressure, cholesterol, triglycerides and high blood sugar, which increases the risk of heart and blood vessel related diseases. In large quantities or in small quantities, menstruation and bleeding may occur. Menstruation may also stop. Sometimes there is unbearable pain in the stomach during menstruation. Endometriosis, i.e. the tissue lining inside the uterus, developing in the wrong place in the ovaries, fallopian tubes and even intestines, causes symptoms such as pelvic pain, pain during urination, excessive bleeding, etc. This condition sometimes turns into endometrial cancer of the uterus. Mental instability, stress, anxiety depression and overeating and other heart diseases, stroke, sleep apnea (snoring) one may develop.
PCOS It becomes difficult to conceive. The skin becomes oily as a result of which pimples and acne appear on the neck, back, face etc. Women's hair starts falling due to thinning of hair and excess of male hormones. Male pattern baldness may occur. There is pain in the waist and buttocks area. Due to increase in androgen level, symptoms of inflammation like swelling, pain, burning sensation, heat etc. increase in the body of women. Headache, dark skin spots on neck, thighs, private parts and under the breasts and excessive amount of unnecessary hair appear.
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15 Jan 2025 12:10:16
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