Golden Jubilee Festival of Acharya Balkrishna Ji Maharaj celebrated as Herb Day

Golden Jubilee Festival of Acharya Balkrishna Ji Maharaj celebrated as Herb Day

Indian flora and medicinal herbs were neglected during the times of Mughals and British: Governor, Uttarakhand
Yoga-Ayurveda has become a mass movement: Pujya Swamiji Maharaj
Patanjali is no longer just an institution but has become an era religion: Swami Avdheshanand Ji Maharaj
Acharya ji is destroying the prestige of Ayurveda: Chief Minister Uttarakhand
Service to mankind by the means of 75 books, a pledge to make the world disease free:  Respected Acharya Ji Maharaj
Cabinet Minister Dhansingh Rawat donated blood along with revered Swami ji, revered Acharya ji

Haridwar, August 03 : The 50th birthday of revered Acharya Balkrishna Ji Maharaj, the General Secretary of Yogpeeth and the Vice Chancellor of Patanjali University, was celebrated as 'Swarna Jayanti Mahotsav' and 'Herb Day'. On the occasion of the 75th year of independence, 75 texts composed by Pujya Acharya Balkrishna Ji Maharaj were dedicated to the public. Along with this, 51 new medicines were also released for the treatment of various diseases.
On this occasion, His Excellency the Governor of Uttarakhand, Lt. people. While sending best wishes to Acharya ji on his 50th birthday, Gurmeet Singh said that these herbs cannot speak, but today Acharya ji has named them. Today these herbs are also blessing in the form of 51 vol. Pujya Acharya ji has composed the great texts by tying the herbs in one thread. Due to which the roots of Indian culture and medicine will be further strengthened. The Governor said that Indian flora and medicinal herbs were neglected during the time of Mughals and British, Acharya ji has done the work of giving them respect again. This effort made by him will be remembered by the coming generations for centuries.
In the program, Pujya Swami Ramdev Ji Maharaj said that in the field of Indian knowledge, in the Ayurveda tradition, revered Acharya ji has not only written history but has also created history. He has carried forward the ancient tradition of ancestral sages. With more than 5 lakh verses, he has done a wonderful job by composing the World Medicine Code according to the sage tradition, soumitreya nighantu, soumitreya nidanam. He said that when we see the various dimensions of a big personality, even words become wordless. Australia's mother Soma Nair has made a wonderful effort by creating a book 'Sadhana Se Srijan' based on the life, character and personality of Acharya ji, based on the achievements of Acharya ji so far in the first half of life, which is being released today. This book will be an inspiration for generations to come.
Pujya Swami ji said that on the occasion of the nectar festival of independence, on the occasion of the 75th year of independence, the gift of 75 texts is being received from Patanjali. He said that today three big works are being done simultaneously. First - a new contribution in the Indian knowledge tradition, which in the coming times, whenever the history of Ayurveda will be remembered for thousands and millions of years, the contribution of revered Acharya ji will be written in golden letters. Second- Many diseases were not mentioned in Ayurveda, with the passage of time, diseases were increasing in the field of medicine by creating 51 new medicines for their treatment. Big work is being done today through Patanjali. Through Patanjali we have incorporated new knowledge, new research, new sadhana and new services in the knowledge that our ancestors gave us. Today Yoga-Ayurveda has become a mass movement. Formation of the Third Indian Board of Education. Where on the one hand the whole world was searching for new directions of education. New directions of education will meet the Indian Board of Education and Patanjali University. On August 15, on the call of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, under the 'Har Ghar Tiranga' campaign, Swamiji instructed to remove his photo from all his social media sites and put the tricolor and all the countrymen to participate enthusiastically in this campaign.
Junapeethadhishwar Acharya Mahamandaleshwar Swami Avdheshanand Ji Maharaj, while congratulating Acharya Ji on his birth day, said that it is a wonderful coincidence that Patanjali is creating new records in the series of many events across the country during the nectar festival of independence. He said that Patanjali is no longer just an institution but has become a religion. The highest paradigm of culture, if any, is Patanjali. Regarding the Indian Education Board, he said that the Indian Education Board will be the conductor of Indian culture, rites and traditions and the credit for this goes to Pujya Swamiji and Revered Acharya Ji.
Uttarakhand Chief Minister Shri Pushkar Singh Dhami congratulated Pujya Acharya ji presenting the idol of Panchmukhi Hanuman ji as a gift, he said that Ayurveda Shiromani, a great researcher, a follower of the great sage tradition and the author of the present 75 texts, is increasing the prestige of Ayurveda. He said that Ayurveda is not just a medical system but a holistic human philosophy. It is our cultural heritage in which the welfare of the whole world lies. Ayurveda has been adopted all over the world in the Corona epidemic. He said that today due to the efforts of Patanjali, the acceptance of Ayurveda is increasing all over the world.
On this occasion, Acharya Balkrishna Ji Maharaj said that in the Amrit Mahotsav of Independence, on the 75th anniversary of independence, to serve the people through 75 research books, to make the people of the country and the world healthy, revered Swamiji's disease-free India - disease-free world. With the mission, there is a great effort to establish the Indian culture tradition through research. Acharya ji said that a total of 109 volumes of the World Herbal Encyclopedia are to be prepared, in which the plants and plants used all over the world as medicine in the herbal based medicine system of the whole world have to be included. Today 51 volumes have been released. The remaining 58 volumes is our target for the coming year. He inspired all the countrymen to participate in the 'Har Ghar Tiranga Abhiyan' on 15th August. Also announced to distribute 2 lakh tricolors free of cost on behalf of the organization, which includes various organizations as well as the government of Uttarakhand 50 thousand tricolor flags will be provided for the offices. Regarding the new 51 medicines, he said that today after completion of the license, process and patent for these 51 medicines to reach the public, they are being released.


Hon'ble Agriculture Minister, Uttarakhand Shri Subodh Uniyal said that Acharya ji Ayurveda is helping in building the country and nation through its works. With such a big personality, such simplicity, simplicity is rarely seen. Acharya ji talks for hours on various subjects in which he talks about economic development of Uttarakhand and bringing smile on the faces of the people of Uttarakhand. Hon'ble Minister of Higher Education, Medical Health and Medical Education, Uttarakhand said that there was a gathering of scientists, scholars and academicians in the last three days international conference. Whatever new efforts we make in the field of Ayurveda at the government level. In it, work is started with the cooperation of Patanjali and Acharya ji.
While congratulating Acharya on his birthday, Hon'ble Finance Minister and Urban Development Minister, Uttarakhand said that after joining the cabinet for the first time, I first reached Patanjali Yogpeeth to seek blessings from Acharya ji. Their spirit, thinking, behavior, simplicity, working power and style are amazing. To make humanity healthy, he did research on thousands of herbs. He said that the confluence of Yoga Ayurveda in the form of Swami ji and Acharya ji has taken the form of mass movement all over the world, salutations to both the great men.
On this occasion, saplings were planted from the lotus feet of Hon'ble Governor and Hon'ble Chief Minister. Patanjali Anusandhan Sansthan's e-scientist Vedpriya Arya and mother Soma Nair gave Acharya explained in detail about the books.
Honorable Prime Minister also sent Acharya ji birthday wishes through a message.
In the program, a voluntary blood donation camp was organized under the leadership of Dr. Anurag Varshney in which around 700 units of blood were collected along with Pujya Swami ji, revered Acharya ji and cabinet minister Dhan Singh Rawat. Apart from this, in the free eye check-up camp, about 630 people were checked for free eyeglasses distribution was also done.
Mahamandleshwar Arjun Puri ji Maharaj, Mahant Damodar Das ji of Bada Akhara, Kamaldas ji Maharaj of Udasi Akhara, Roorkee MLA Pradeep Batra, former MLA Suresh Rathore, former MLA Sanjay Gupta along with Param President of the institution, Pujya Swami Ramdev ji Maharaj in the ceremony. Along with the officers, employees, sanyasi brothers and sadhvi sisters of all the units affiliated to Patanjali Yogpeeth wished Acharya Ji on his birthday. 


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