Discussion on various topics with the team of National Skill Development Corporation

Discussion on various topics with the team of National Skill Development Corporation

   25th July : At Patanjali Yogpeeth today  NSDC Shri Vedmani Tiwari, CEO, Ministry of Skill Development, Government of India, Vice President – N. S. DC, Smt. Shrestha Gupta and many distinguished officials arrived where NSDC under the leadership of Patanjali University Vice Chancellor Revered Acharya Balkrishna Ji Maharaj. There was an in-depth discussion with the team of Center of Excellence on various topics. On this occasion, revered Acharya ji said that through Patanjali University, work is being done on many schemes for skill development among the youth. Various topics were discussed, ranging from making Patanjali a center of excellence in the skill development sector under the leadership of Acharya ji, skill development programs through open and distance learning programs under the aegis of the university and Vishwakarma Samriddhi Program.
In the meeting, it was decided to work with NSDC, from training of Earth Doctor and Krishi Sakhis to their certification. The NSDC team first gave a presentation of the entire departmental activities. Patanjali's team also gave a presentation on the work being done so far in the field of skill development. In the program, respected Sadhvi Dr. Devpriya Ji, Dean of Patanjali University, I.T. P.R.I along with department head Mr. Kavinder Singh ji. A team of scientists were present. 


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