Disappointed patients get hope at Yogagram people got ray of hope

Disappointed patients get hope at Yogagram people got ray of hope

Dr. Anurag   
Doctor - Patanjali Yogagram

   Yog-gram is the world's largest institute of Yoga, Meditation, Naturopathy, Acupressure therapy, Psychotherapy, Yagya therapy. Yogagraan, run by Patanjali Yog Peeth, based on Indian culture, is a unique healing pilgrimage place of Ayurveda medicine Triveni, in which patients constantly bathe in the confluence of this Triveni for health and disease recovery. Many autoimmune diseases like Parkinson's, motor neuron disease, dementia etc. Patients suffering from heart disease, S.L.E. type one diabetes and many other autoimmune diseases like progressive neurological disease, tumor ulcer, stomach, lung, heart, thyroid, female diseases and many other known unknown diseases. They are coming and are returning after getting health, happiness and peace. Every morning Pujyapad Swamiji Maharaj's inspirational, health-providing yoga is natural and Ayurveda and modern medicine method, the critical address of the research work being done by the Tapanjali Reserve Institute, acts as a nectar-like blessing for the dead sanjeevani for the health seekers. Sangh of its kind in the world, for the caste to stay healthy and standard of living, mind and Maharogya rituals are going on. Yogpeeth is doing unique work of national health protection, health promotion and disease prevention in the world. So far crores of people have got the grain of healthy life from Patanjali Yogpeeth. Such work is incomparable in the field of health in the world. The work done by Patanjali Yogpeeth to make natural, yoga, Ayurveda medicine a place through research in education, nature, yoga and Ayurveda is unique.
Ovarian cancer cured due to yoga
Doctors told me 4-5 months ago that I had ovarian cancer. After this we went to Gwalior and started my chemotherapy without telling me. When my hair fell out, I found out that I had undergone chemotherapy. After hair fall I said that I will not go there again. After this someone told me about Patanjali and said that you should go there and get yourself treated. I started doing yoga after coming back from the hospital. After coming to Patanjali and getting naturopathy treatment, I got my test done and my report came back normal. Swami ji, I bow down to you a lot. 
- Kiran
Muscle injury healed with yoga
I am the district in-charge and my age is 47 years. Swamiji, I participated in the yoga camp from 1st to 7th April. On 6th April, I had also demonstrated a 'dand-baitha' on Hanuman Jayanti. I have been the district in-charge since 2011. Swami ji, I had an accident on 6th April in which I suffered muscle injury. When I lifted weights, my muscles broke. Even after that, I have full faith, full faith and reverence in the feet of Guru. When I told the doctor, he said that it would have to be operated but I did not get the operation done and came here. For treatment, when I got Singhi fitted, my pain was completely cured. Swami ji, with your blessings I have recovered now, my greetings to you. 
- Ghanshyam Soni, Datia, Madhya Pradesh.
Heart disease cured with Yoga-Pranayama
My bypass surgery was done in 2005 and stents were also installed in 2019. Swamiji, my veins were blocked again. Four arteries of my heart are blocked. After that I saw you on India TV and made yoga and pranayam a part of my daily routine. Controlled your diet. Swami ji, just on June 10, I got my EMT done and it came negative. There doesn't seem to be any heart problem right now. Swami ji, I am in Patanjali since 1st July. At that time, whenever I walked, I felt that I would fall. I used to have heaviness in my head but at the moment I am almost 80 percent relieved. Now I am able to walk a few fast steps, now my constipation is also almost cured. Swami ji, now I am feeling healthy. For this I thank you profusely. 
- Inderjit Singh Chauhan, Indore, Madhya Pradesh.
8 year old BP cured
I had BP problem for the last 8 years. Even before this I was troubled for about 12 years. Ever since I came here to Yogagram for treatment, all my BP medicines have been stopped. Swami ji, I was suffering from depression along with BP problem. I have also halved my depression medications. I felt very comfortable here. The treatment method here is very beneficial and free from side effects. Apart from the treatment method, I have also reduced my weight by 5 kg by consuming the satvik food here. Swamiji, I am taking Medhavati, MemoryGrit for treatment. From which I have benefited a lot and I am now feeling healthier than before. Swami ji, many thanks to you. 
- Rekha Singh, Meerut Uttar Pradesh
Yoga - Ayurveda accurate treatment for liver cirrhosis
Swamiji, about 2 years ago I had jaundice. After that I developed liver psoriasis. I consulted many doctors but did not get any benefit. After that I got treatment at Rashtriya Sahara, Lucknow, I stayed there for about a week, but here too there was no benefit. After that I went to Vedanta Hospital. Swamiji my condition was such at one time that there was blood in my mouth and stool. All my relatives who came to see me also felt that they would not survive. Swami Ji Maharaj, I used to watch you doing yoga on Aastha channel. I also started doing yoga with you, which started benefiting me and today I am fine to a great extent. Now I have started feeling healthy. Many thanks to you. 
- Brijesh Patel, Prayagraj,
Uttar Pradesh



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