Disappointed patients get hope at Yogagram people got ray of hope

Disappointed patients get hope at Yogagram people got ray of hope

Dr. Anurag   
Doctor - Patanjali Yogagram

Yog-gram is the world's largest institute of Yoga, Meditation, Naturopathy, Acupressure therapy, Psychotherapy, Yagya therapy. Yogagraan, run by Patanjali Yog Peeth, based on Indian culture, is a unique healing pilgrimage place of Ayurveda medicine Triveni, in which patients constantly bathe in the confluence of this Triveni for health and disease recovery. Many autoimmune diseases like Parkinson's, motor neuron disease, dementia etc. Patients suffering from heart disease, S.L.E. type one diabetes and many other autoimmune diseases like progressive neurological disease, tumor ulcer, stomach, lung, heart, thyroid, female diseases and many other known unknown diseases. They are coming and are returning after getting health, happiness and peace. Every morning Pujyapad Swamiji Maharaj's inspirational, health-providing yoga is natural and Ayurveda and modern medicine method, the critical address of the research work being done by the Tapanjali Reserve Institute, acts as a nectar-like blessing for the dead sanjeevani for the health seekers. Sangh of its kind in the world, for the caste to stay healthy and standard of living, mind and Maharogya rituals are going on. Yogpeeth is doing unique work of national health protection, health promotion and disease prevention in the world. So far crores of people have got the grain of healthy life from Patanjali Yogpeeth. Such work is incomparable in the field of health in the world. The work done by Patanjali Yogpeeth to make natural, yoga, Ayurveda medicine a place through research in education, nature, yoga and Ayurveda is unique.
Cured leg problem by taking refuge in yoga
Swami, when I woke up at night, my leg was dangling. Swami Ji, in the year 2015, I had pain in my back, due to which lameness came in my leg. I did bed rest for 10-15 days and after that I also went to the hospital. First went to Jodhpur and then to Ahmedabad. In Ahmedabad, Swamiji, the doctor asked for the operation. He said that there is no cure for it. I said I can't get the operation done as I don't have money. He said that the operation will be done in 3 lakhs. Swami ji kept saying that those people came to 1.5 lakh. What a big fraud is going on in this hospital Swamiji. I saw some people who got operated were on bed rest. After this, when I came home, my father told me to do yoga. Swami ji, symptoms of diabetes had also come due to taking allopathic medicines, but by doing yoga, I am feeling healthy. The lameness of my leg has also improved a lot. Millions of salutations to Swamiji. 
- Ravi Soni, Jaisalmer
Ayurveda treatment reduced creatinine from 18 to 2
Yes I am working in army. Swami ji my creatinine was 18 Swami, I could not walk even a step. I got admitted in the hospital and took medicines. Swamiji, they kept me admitted for 10 days. In these 10 days my creatinine came down to 7.6. After that after 10 days I got discharged and came home. Even after that my medicines continued. Mine reached 4.5 while taking medicine. Swamiji, I was fed up of taking medicines continuously. I used to think that I would probably have to take medicines for the rest of my life. After that I left that medicine and after that I came here in September.
I started doing yoga in my daily life. Swamiji, when I came here last December, my creatinine was 2.9 and my urea was also 415, now it has also become 38. 
- Naveen, Jammu
Normalized creatinine level by yoga and ayurveda
Swami ji, my creatinine level was 8.5. Swami ji, first I had pain in my stomach. When I went to see the doctor, he got an injection. That made the pain worse. Later, when the doctor checked, 8.5 creatinine increased. Doctors started dialysis. Swami ji doctors did 4 dialysis for treatment. After that, after the condition worsened, he referred me to Lucknow. The doctors there were retired doctors from the army. They brought my creatine to 3 after treatment.
After that I thought that I will not take allopathy medicine anymore. I will go to the shelter of Ayurveda. Swamiji, I am associated with you since 2007 and in 2009 I came here. I have been doing yoga regularly, which has brought my creatinine down from 8.5 to 1. Swami ji I bow down to you. 
- Yoga devotee, London
The problem of gall bladder cancer was cured by taking refuge in Yoga and Ayurveda
Yes, I had cancer in my stomach. One day at night there was a lot of fever. Swamiji, my son-in-law is also a doctor in Delhi. My son was also very upset. I was admitted to the hospital. After that I came to know that I have cancer in Gall Bladder. As soon as Swamiji heard the name of cancer, he took me to Tata Memorial in Bombay. Seeing there, the doctors told that the cancer has spread to his liver. He said that due to his young age, we would have removed the gall bladder, but he will have to undergo chemo now. I got 1 chemo done and later my son-in-law brought me to Delhi. By applying 2-3 chemo in Gangaram, the doctors removed the gall bladder after it dried up. Seeing the next report, the doctor said, it seems a miracle that you got well soon. Swamiji, I used to do yoga for 1-2 hours already. She used to do Anulom-Vilom too. Due to which I got a lot of benefit. Swamiji, the result of doing all these yoga is that I am feeling healthy today. 
Heera Devi, Jamshedpur
Yoga conquered years old cancer
wami ji, I was diagnosed with cancer in 2012. In the beginning, Swamiji, I started feeling dizzy and my weight dropped suddenly. I lost around 12 kgs within 1 month. After the blood test, when I came to know that I have cancer, I started taking medicine from the doctor. about 15 day Got some relief after taking allopathy medicine continuously. So I asked the doctor whether it would be cured or not. So the doctor said that he will be fine. After that I started doing Pranayama and Yoga. Swamiji, I used to do yoga for one hour in the morning and half an hour in the evening, now I am normal since 2016. Swamiji, now I do not take any medicine. I focus on doing yoga regularly, which has given me a lot of benefits. Millions of salutations to you. 
-Sanjay, Nagpur (Maharashtra)


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